Saturday, April 30, 2022

April Wrap-up--Padding the List in Mexico

Plain Chachalaca, Puerto Morelos

Obviously, 10 days spent in Mexico, even if it wasn't a birding trip per se, made the month's bird list a big one--205 to be precise. The two big problems for the New Jersey portion of the list were:

  1.  The goddam weather was so cold that it may as well have been February &
  2. A lot of birds were where I didn't feel like being. Summer Tanager being the most aggravating one on Island Beach while I was freezing down in Tuckerton. (Where I didn't feel like being, either.)

Northern Rough-winged Swallow,
Otherwise, I'd probably have a longer list by 10 or so species. 

Yesterday, I was talking to a neighbor across the street, and he asked me if I didn't get bored going to the same place all the time. "Well," I told him, "I don't go to the same place--I go to Whitesbog, Colliers Mills, Manahawkin, Island Beach..." What I didn't say was, "Don't you get bored sitting in your driveway everyday?" 

Today, I kicked around Manahawkin, where I found Lesser Yellowlegs mixed in with the Greater (and some of them even called out a "doo doo" for me, to confirm the i.d.), heard a Great Crested Flycatcher, and saw, for my Ocean County List, a couple of Northern Rough-winged Swallows, one of which was kind enough to perch on a reed to give me a good look instead of the usual zipping display. 

For those of you keeping score at home:

Species      First Sighting
Brant  Sandy Hook
Canada Goose  Whitesbog
Mute Swan  IBSP Marina
Wood Duck  Whitesbog
Mallard  Whitesbog
American Black Duck  Whitesbog
Green-winged Teal  Island Beach SP
Ring-necked Duck  Whitesbog
Surf Scoter  Sandy Hook
White-winged Scoter  Island Beach State Park
Black Scoter  Sandy Hook
Long-tailed Duck  Sandy Hook
Bufflehead  Whitesbog
Hooded Merganser  Whitesbog
Red-breasted Merganser  Sandy Hook
Plain Chachalaca  Puerto Morelos
Wild Turkey  Crestwood Village
Pied-billed Grebe  Whitesbog
Horned Grebe  Sandy Hook
Rock Pigeon  Playa del Carmen
Eurasian Collared-Dove  Puerto Morelos
Common Ground Dove  Puerto Morelos
Ruddy Ground Dove  Puerto Morelos
White-tipped Dove  Yaax Che
White-winged Dove  Puerto Morelos
Mourning Dove  35 Sunset Rd
Common Pauraque  Mangles de Puerto Morelos
Eastern Whip-poor-will  35 Sunset Rd
Vaux's Swift  Cenote Zapote
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  35 Sunset Rd
Cinnamon Hummingbird  Puerto Morelos
Clapper Rail  Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Sandhill Crane  Jumping Brook Preserve
American Oystercatcher  Sandy Hook
Black-bellied Plover  Sandy Hook
Piping Plover  Sandy Hook
Killdeer  Whitesbog
Ruddy Turnstone  Playa Puerto Morelos
Stilt Sandpiper  Forsythe--Barnegat
Sanderling  Playa Puerto Morelos
Dunlin  Manahawkin WMA
Least Sandpiper  Manahawkin WMA
Short-billed Dowitcher  Forsythe--Barnegat
Wilson's Snipe  Whitesbog
Greater Yellowlegs  Jumping Brook Preserve
Willet  Manahawkin WMA
Lesser Yellowlegs  Manahawkin WMA
Bonaparte's Gull  Whitesbog
Laughing Gull  Sandy Hook
Ring-billed Gull  Island Beach SP
Herring Gull  Sandy Hook
Lesser Black-backed Gull  Island Beach SP
Glaucous Gull  Sandy Hook
Great Black-backed Gull  Sandy Hook
Caspian Tern  Puerto Morelos
Forster's Tern  IBSP Marina
Royal Tern  Playa Puerto Morelos
Red-throated Loon  Sandy Hook
Common Loon  Sandy Hook
Magnificent Frigatebird  Puerto Morelos
Northern Gannet  Sandy Hook
Anhinga  Playa Puerto Morelos
Great Cormorant  Sandy Hook
Double-crested Cormorant  Sandy Hook
Brown Pelican  Puerto Morelos
Great Blue Heron  Sandy Hook
Great Egret  Sandy Hook
Snowy Egret  Island Beach SP
Little Blue Heron  Island Beach SP
Tricolored Heron  Island Beach SP
Green Heron  Puerto Morelos
Black-crowned Night-Heron  Island Beach SP
Glossy Ibis  Island Beach SP
Roseate Spoonbill  Playa Puerto Morelos
Black Vulture  Sandy Hook
Turkey Vulture  35 Sunset Rd
Osprey  Sandy Hook
Northern Harrier  Sandy Hook
Sharp-shinned Hawk  Sandy Hook
Cooper's Hawk  Sandy Hook
Bald Eagle  Sandy Hook
Red-shouldered Hawk  Sandy Hook
Broad-winged Hawk  Double Trouble SP
Red-tailed Hawk  Sandy Hook
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl  Puerto Morelos
Black-headed Trogon  Cenote Zapote
Turquoise-browed Motmot  Cenote Zapote
Belted Kingfisher  Whitesbog
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  Sandy Hook
Yucatan Woodpecker  Puerto Morelos
Golden-fronted Woodpecker  Yaax Che
Red-bellied Woodpecker  Whitesbog
Downy Woodpecker  Whitesbog
Hairy Woodpecker  Whitesbog
Lineated Woodpecker  Yaax Che
Northern Flicker  Whitesbog
American Kestrel  Sandy Hook
Merlin  Sandy Hook
Peregrine Falcon  Island Beach SP
White-fronted Parrot  Casa Primavera
Mayan Antthrush  Cenote Zapote
Olivaceous Woodcreeper  Cenote Zapote
Tawny-winged Woodcreeper  Cenote Zapote
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper  Cenote Zapote
Least Flycatcher  Cenote Zapote
Eastern Phoebe  Whitesbog
Great Crested Flycatcher  Manahawkin WMA
Brown-crested Flycatcher  Puerto Morelos
Great Kiskadee  Puerto Morelos
Boat-billed Flycatcher  Cenote Zapote
Social Flycatcher  Cenote Zapote
Tropical Kingbird  Puerto Morelos
Couch's Kingbird  Cenote Zapote
Eastern Kingbird  Colliers Mills WMA
White-eyed Vireo  Double Trouble SP
Blue-headed Vireo  South Park Rd
Warbling Vireo  Colliers Mills WMA
Red-eyed Vireo  Yaax Che
Brown Jay  Cenote Zapote
Green Jay  Cenote Zapote
Blue Jay  35 Sunset Rd
American Crow  35 Sunset Rd
Fish Crow  35 Sunset Rd
Common Raven  Sandy Hook
Carolina Chickadee  35 Sunset Rd
Tufted Titmouse  Whitesbog
Northern Rough-winged Swallow  Cenote Zapote
Purple Martin  Double Trouble SP
Gray-breasted Martin  Puerto Morelos
Tree Swallow  Whitesbog
Barn Swallow  Cenote Zapote
Cave Swallow  Cenote Zapote
Ruby-crowned Kinglet  Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Golden-crowned Kinglet  Sandy Hook
Red-breasted Nuthatch  Double Trouble SP
White-breasted Nuthatch  Whitesbog
Brown Creeper  35 Sunset Rd
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  Sandy Hook
House Wren  Cranberry Bogs--Dover Rd
Carolina Wren  35 Sunset Rd
European Starling  Whiting
Gray Catbird  IBSP Kayak access
Brown Thrasher  Island Beach SP
Tropical Mockingbird  Casa Primavera
Northern Mockingbird  Sandy Hook
Eastern Bluebird  Whitesbog
Hermit Thrush  Whitesbog (Ocean Co.)
Clay-colored Thrush  Cenote Zapote
American Robin  35 Sunset Rd
Cedar Waxwing  Sandy Hook
House Sparrow  35 Sunset Rd
Yellow-throated Euphonia  Cenote Zapote
House Finch  35 Sunset Rd
Lesser Goldfinch  Mangles de Puerto Morelos
American Goldfinch  35 Sunset Rd
Chipping Sparrow  Whitesbog
Field Sparrow  Whitesbog
Fox Sparrow  Double Trouble SP
Dark-eyed Junco  35 Sunset Rd
White-throated Sparrow  35 Sunset Rd
Savannah Sparrow  Whitesbog
Song Sparrow  35 Sunset Rd
Swamp Sparrow  Sandy Hook
Eastern Towhee  Whitesbog
Yellow-billed Cacique  Yaax Che
Yellow-backed Oriole  Puerto Morelos
Yellow-tailed Oriole  Puerto Morelos
ORANGE ORIOLE  Cenote Zapote
Altamira Oriole  Puerto Morelos
Red-winged Blackbird  Whitesbog
Bronzed Cowbird  Cenote Zapote
Brown-headed Cowbird  35 Sunset Rd
Melodious Blackbird  Cenote Zapote
Common Grackle  Whitesbog
Boat-tailed Grackle  Island Beach SP--Spizzle Creek Blind Trail
Great-tailed Grackle  Cancun Airport
Ovenbird  Jumping Brook Preserve
Northern Waterthrush  Mangles de Puerto Morelos
Black-and-white Warbler  Double Trouble SP
Common Yellowthroat  Island Beach SP
Hooded Warbler  Colliers Mills WMA
American Redstart  Cenote Zapote
Magnolia Warbler  Cenote Zapote
Yellow Warbler  Puerto Morelos
Palm Warbler  Whitesbog
Pine Warbler  Whitesbog
Yellow-rumped Warbler  Whitesbog
Prairie Warbler  Double Trouble SP
Black-throated Green Warbler  Cenote Zapote
Northern Cardinal  35 Sunset Rd
BLUE BUNTING  Cenote Zapote
MORELET'S SEEDEATER  Mangles de Puerto Morelos

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