Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Bright Side of the Black Out

As anyone who knows me will tell you, my philosophy is "always look on the bright side." So, the advantage of our 21 hour black out caused by Tropical Storm Unpronounceable was that, without air conditioning, we had to sleep with the windows open and with the windows open, at 5:15 yesterday morning, the whip-poor-will woke us up. 

Since we hadn't heard any whips since July 15, we assumed they were gone for the season, but we were only listening at night, just after dark. Since whip-poor-wills are (one of my favorite words) crepuscular, they also call just before dawn and probably have been all along but we had no chance to hear them. Fortunately for us, we're the last house on the block to have power. All to the west of us is still dark. This morning, as I stepped outside, again at 5:15, to see if anyone had gotten power overnight, there again was the whip-poor-will singing loudly. But no one else has power yet. 

Our Internet has only just come back on. I saw a couple of Comcast guys over in the blacked out section and asked them what the deal was. The reason it was out had nothing to do with Comcast, it was just that the box that feeds us in that section. No power, no internet. So they are using generators to start those boxes. But they don't have enough generators, so how long my internet stays on is a big question. 

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