Monday, August 31, 2020

August Recap: Burlco Edition

Green Heron, Whitesbog

Not only did I bird Whitesbog 28 out of the 31 days of August, almost the rest of my time was spent in Burlington County, with a trip to Palmyra yesterday and a walk around Reeves Bog on August 2nd to avoid the Ruff hysteria at Whitesbog (I got there early and I got out early that day).  I spent one day on Great Bay Blvd with a side trip up to Waretown to finally tick the Mississippi Kite. Aside from the kite, which I wanted to keep my consecutive streak alive, I did no chasing. Lately, I've been of a mind that I want the cool birds to be where I want to be and if there is a rare bird somewhere I don't feel like being, then I'll just let it go by. For instance: when I found the American Golden-Plovers and the Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Whitesbog, my first thought was "Good. Now I don't have to go up to those sod farms in Monmouth and Mercer."  

I like Ocean County 3 seasons out of 4, but in the summer it seems like an awfully long drive to LBI just to look for terns, and Island Beach is not somewhere I want to be on weekends. Burlington county is not crowded and surprisingly few people know about places like Reeves Bogs or South Park Road. And even most of those birders who come to Whitesbog for the rarities only know the bogs. I dread finding a rarity in Ditch Meadow because of its inaccessibility. 

A few birds went unremarked this month because they weren't "new" for the year, but they were still exciting finds either because of the location or the date. During my walk around Reeves Bogs I found a beautiful Hooded Warbler male that just popped out at me on a  trail that I recently discovered and had only birded for the second time. Reeves looks like it has plenty of good habitat for Hooded but this was the first one I've seen there. Probably just passing through. I also saw a very early Northern Harrier there that day hunting over the bogs. When we saw one this weekend at Whitesbog someone commented that it was early and the one at Reeves was there almost a month ago. 

Baltimore Oriole, Backyard

Finally, in a way, the most exciting bird of the month was found in our own backyard. I was standing in the bedroom one afternoon last week, talking to Shari, looking at our neighbor's suet feeder when I cut the conversation short and told her to come quick. Our first backyard Baltimore Oriole was clinging to the suet cage. Baltimore Orioles are not really a Pine Barrens bird--they prefer deciduous trees in which to building their hanging nests and this is the first one that has managed to find our yard during migration. The oriole was our 98th yard bird, not bad for our little patch of ground. It helps to have 1200 acres of WMA behind the house. 

For the month, birding only Burlington  and Ocean Counties, I had 130 species, a fairly small number, but I did add 9 year birds to the list and, most importantly, I had the more fun birding this month that I've had all year. Because, as I often have to say to some fervid birder who wants to know if I'm "going" for this or that bird, "It ain't a job." 

Species               First Sighting
Canada Goose   Whitesbog 
Wood Duck   Whitesbog 
Blue-winged Teal   Whitesbog 
Mallard   Whitesbog 
American Black Duck   Whitesbog 
Green-winged Teal   Whitesbog 
Wild Turkey   35 Sunset Rd
Rock Pigeon   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Mourning Dove   Whitesbog 
Yellow-billed Cuckoo   Whitesbog 
Common Nighthawk   35 Sunset Rd
Eastern Whip-poor-will   35 Sunset Rd
Chimney Swift   Whitesbog 
Ruby-throated Hummingbird   35 Sunset Rd
Clapper Rail  Great Bay Blvd
Black-bellied Plover   Whitesbog 
American Golden-Plover   Whitesbog 
Semipalmated Plover   Whitesbog 
Killdeer   Whitesbog 
Ruff   Whitesbog 
Least Sandpiper   Whitesbog 
White-rumped Sandpiper   Whitesbog 
Buff-breasted Sandpiper   Whitesbog 
Pectoral Sandpiper   Whitesbog 
Semipalmated Sandpiper   Whitesbog 
Western Sandpiper   Whitesbog 
Short-billed Dowitcher  Great Bay Blvd
Wilson's Snipe   Whitesbog 
Spotted Sandpiper   Whitesbog 
Solitary Sandpiper   Whitesbog 
Greater Yellowlegs   Whitesbog 
Lesser Yellowlegs   Whitesbog 
Laughing Gull   Lakehurst--Route 70
Ring-billed Gull   Whitesbog 
Herring Gull  Great Bay Blvd
Great Black-backed Gull  Great Bay Blvd
Least Tern  Great Bay Blvd
Caspian Tern   Whitesbog 
Forster's Tern  Great Bay Blvd
Double-crested Cormorant  Great Bay Blvd
Least Bittern   Whitesbog 
Great Blue Heron   Whitesbog 
Great Egret   Reeves Bogs
Snowy Egret  Great Bay Blvd
Tricolored Heron  Great Bay Blvd
Green Heron   Whitesbog 
Black-crowned Night-Heron  Great Bay Blvd
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron  Great Bay Blvd
Glossy Ibis  Great Bay Blvd
Black Vulture   Whitesbog 
Turkey Vulture   Whitesbog 
Osprey  Great Bay Blvd
Mississippi Kite   Waretown
Northern Harrier   Reeves Bogs
Cooper's Hawk   Whitesbog 
Bald Eagle  Great Bay Blvd
Red-shouldered Hawk   Whitesbog 
Broad-winged Hawk   Whitesbog 
Red-tailed Hawk   Whitesbog 
Eastern Screech-Owl   Whitesbog 
Great Horned Owl   Whitesbog 
Red-bellied Woodpecker   Whitesbog 
Downy Woodpecker   35 Sunset Rd
Hairy Woodpecker   Whitesbog 
Northern Flicker   Reeves Bogs
American Kestrel   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Merlin   Whitesbog 
Peregrine Falcon   Whitesbog 
Eastern Wood-Pewee   Whitesbog 
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher   Whitesbog 
Willow Flycatcher   Whitesbog 
Least Flycatcher   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Eastern Phoebe   Whitesbog 
Great Crested Flycatcher   Whitesbog 
Eastern Kingbird   Whitesbog 
White-eyed Vireo   Whitesbog 
Warbling Vireo   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Red-eyed Vireo   Whitesbog 
Blue Jay   35 Sunset Rd
American Crow   Whitesbog 
Fish Crow   35 Sunset Rd
Common Raven   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Carolina Chickadee   Whitesbog 
Tufted Titmouse   35 Sunset Rd
Purple Martin   Whitesbog 
Tree Swallow   Whitesbog 
Bank Swallow   Whitesbog 
Barn Swallow   Whitesbog 
Cliff Swallow   Whitesbog 
White-breasted Nuthatch   Whitesbog 
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher   Whitesbog 
House Wren   Whitesbog 
Carolina Wren   35 Sunset Rd
European Starling   Whitesbog 
Gray Catbird   Whitesbog 
Brown Thrasher   Whitesbog 
Northern Mockingbird   Whitesbog 
Eastern Bluebird   Whitesbog 
Veery   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
American Robin   Whitesbog 
Cedar Waxwing   Whitesbog 
House Sparrow   Whiting
House Finch   35 Sunset Rd
American Goldfinch   Reeves Bogs
Chipping Sparrow   35 Sunset Rd
Field Sparrow   Whitesbog 
Seaside Sparrow  Great Bay Blvd
Saltmarsh Sparrow  Great Bay Blvd
Song Sparrow   Whitesbog 
Swamp Sparrow   Whitesbog 
Eastern Towhee   35 Sunset Rd
Bobolink   Whitesbog 
Baltimore Oriole   35 Sunset Rd
Red-winged Blackbird   Whitesbog 
Brown-headed Cowbird   Whitesbog 
Common Grackle   35 Sunset Rd
Boat-tailed Grackle  Great Bay Blvd
Ovenbird   Whitesbog 
Black-and-white Warbler   Whitesbog 
Common Yellowthroat   Whitesbog 
Hooded Warbler   Reeves Bogs
American Redstart   Whitesbog 
Magnolia Warbler   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Bay-breasted Warbler   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Black-throated Blue Warbler   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Pine Warbler   Reeves Bogs
Prairie Warbler   Reeves Bogs
Scarlet Tanager   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Northern Cardinal   35 Sunset Rd
Blue Grosbeak   Whitesbog 

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