Tuesday, September 13, 2011


After a couple of aggravating days dealing with this new house (the problems and frustrations remind me very much of my days doing print production except here, instead getting paid, I'm paying) and feeling my blood  pressure and blood sugar rise, I decided to try to bring them down with a vigorous walk in our  backyard WMA, the main reason we bought the place to begin with.

And for the first 7/8 of the walk it was just a vigorous walk. Practically no birds in the late afternoon--some doves and crows, big deal. But near a little  slow-moving stream not far from the house I saw a bird skipping around a tangle of scrub oak. On its second jump I got my binoculars on it and knew immediately it was a cuckoo and the next second I was pretty sure  it  was a BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO, the bill being black and all, and on its third jump up high into a pine tree I was able to watch its lower half with the small spots on the tail, confirming my ID. The WMA yields another life bird and rescues the day.

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