Sandhill Cranes in Ditch Meadow |
Rome Pond |
Greater White-fronted Goose, Lake Carasaljo |
Today I ended my birding activities for the month at the Manasquan Reservoir. I still needed Pied-billed Grebe for the year and that's usually a reliable spot to get one or two. I got two. It has been a long time since I tallied under a 100 species for a month but sometimes weather and life work against you. 95 species this month but the list is sprinkled with year birds, including a backyard Pine Siskin and the rare goose, gull, and cranes.
Greater White-fronted Goose Lake Carasaljo
Brant Manasquan Inlet
Canada Goose Whitesbog
Mute Swan Lake of the Lilies
Tundra Swan Whitesbog
Wood Duck Lake Carasaljo
Gadwall Lake of the Lilies
Mallard Country Lake Estates
American Black Duck Whitesbog
Northern Pintail Double Trouble SP
Green-winged Teal Lake Carasaljo
Canvasback Lake of the Lilies
Redhead Lake of the Lilies
Ring-necked Duck Country Lake Estates
Greater Scaup Manasquan Inlet
Lesser Scaup Double Trouble SP
Surf Scoter Holgate
Black Scoter Manasquan Inlet
Long-tailed Duck Manasquan Inlet
Bufflehead Double Trouble SP
Common Goldeneye Hideaway Cove
Hooded Merganser Double Trouble SP
Common Merganser Lake Carasaljo
Red-breasted Merganser Manasquan Inlet
Ruddy Duck Lake of the Lilies
Wild Turkey 35 Sunset Rd
Rock Pigeon Manasquan Reservoir IBA
Mourning Dove 35 Sunset Rd
American Coot Lake of the Lilies
Sandhill Crane Whitesbog
American Oystercatcher Holgate
Killdeer Whitesbog
Wilson's Snipe Cranberry Bogs
Greater Yellowlegs Bayview Ave Marshes
Sanderling Manasquan Inlet
Purple Sandpiper Manasquan Inlet
Black-headed Gull Bayview Ave Marshes
Ring-billed Gull Country Lake Estates
American Herring Gull Whitesbog
Great Black-backed Gull Lake of the Lilies
Pied-billed Grebe Manasquan Reservoir IBA
Horned Grebe Berkeley Island County Park
Red-throated Loon Manasquan Inlet
Common Loon Manasquan Inlet
Double-crested Cormorant Lake of the Lilies
Great Egret Lake of the Lilies
Great Blue Heron Whitesbog
Black Vulture Winding River Park
Turkey Vulture 35 Sunset Rd
Sharp-shinned Hawk Whitesbog
Cooper's Hawk Whitesbog
Northern Harrier Double Trouble SP
Bald Eagle Lake Carasaljo
Red-tailed Hawk Pemberton
Eastern Screech-Owl Whitesbog
Great Horned Owl Whitesbog
Belted Kingfisher Waretown
Red-headed Woodpecker Colliers Mills WMA
Red-bellied Woodpecker Whitesbog
Downy Woodpecker 35 Sunset Rd
Hairy Woodpecker Whitesbog
Northern Flicker Cranberry Bogs
American Kestrel Pasadena Road
Blue Jay Whitesbog
American Crow 35 Sunset Rd
Common Raven Whitesbog
Carolina Chickadee 35 Sunset Rd
Tufted Titmouse Whitesbog
Horned Lark Jackson Liberty HS
Tree Swallow Great Bay Blvd
Golden-crowned Kinglet Cranberry Bogs
White-breasted Nuthatch Whitesbog
Red-breasted Nuthatch Whitesbog Road
Brown Creeper Winding River Park
Carolina Wren 35 Sunset Rd
European Starling 35 Sunset Rd
Northern Mockingbird Whitesbog
Eastern Bluebird 35 Sunset Rd
Hermit Thrush Whitesbog
American Robin Whitesbog
House Sparrow Lake of the Lilies
House Finch 35 Sunset Rd
Pine Siskin 35 Sunset Rd
American Goldfinch Whitesbog
Fox Sparrow Whitesbog
Dark-eyed Junco Whitesbog
White-throated Sparrow Lake Carasaljo
Song Sparrow Whitesbog
Swamp Sparrow Double Trouble SP
Red-winged Blackbird Lake of the Lilies
Common Grackle Lake Carasaljo
Boat-tailed Grackle Great Bay Bvld
Pine Warbler 35 Sunset Rd
Yellow-rumped Warbler Union Transportation Trail
Northern Cardinal Whitesbog