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Yellow-throated Warbler, Prime Hook |
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American Avocets, Bombay Hook |
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Purple Martin, Bombay Hook |
Thousands of Dunlin were flying in and out of the Raymond Pool. Scoping the huge flock a couple of Black-bellied Plovers stood out, large and plump compared to the smaller sandpipes. I can't remember if it was over Raymond or Shearness that we saw our first Forster's Tern of the year, but I do remember that at the far end of Shearness was where we saw our FOY Snowy Egret. Herons and egrets were in surprisingly short supply there--it wasn't until Finis Pool that we came upon 4 Great Egrets.
This morning we drove down to Prime Hook and again, in the parking lot, we got our first year bird, a calling Clapper Rail. Some other birders claimed a King Rail along the boardwalk trail, but we didn't hear it and I have to say I'm a tad dubious about that, but hey, it isn't my state to worry about. The coolest bird probably of the two days we came upon because, as we driving out, Shari saw a road we'd never taken and just impulsively turned down it. It lead to a canoe launch and while we didn't see any waterfowl there, on the road in Shari spotted a Yellow-rumped Warbler, and, as we were walking back to our car, I heard a warbler song I couldn't identify, not surprisingly. I just started playing songs of early-arriving warblers, like waterthrushes but they were not like anything we were hearing. Then I thought, well, I don't know Yellow-rumps song because I always see them in winter, so I played that and it was wrong too. But next to Yellow-rump was Yellow-throated Warbler, which I played on a whim and it didn't seem to match, but then I heard the bird singing right behind us and sure enough, I had inadvertently called in Yellow-throated Warbler!
Forster's Tern, DuPont Nature Center |
For the two days we totaled 69 species, not bad for a time of year that falls between two stools.
Species First Sighting
Snow Goose
Bombay Hook
Canada Goose
Bombay Hook
Mute Swan
Bombay Hook
Wood Duck
Bombay Hook
Blue-winged Teal Bombay Hook
Northern Shoveler Bombay Hook
Bombay Hook
Leipsic River Bridge
American Black Duck Bombay Hook
Northern Pintail Bombay Hook
Green-winged Teal Bombay Hook
Bombay Hook
Ruddy Duck
Bombay Hook
Pied-billed Grebe Bombay Hook
Mourning Dove
Bombay Hook
Clapper Rail
Prime Hook
American Coot
Bombay Hook
American Avocet Bombay Hook
American Oystercatcher DuPont Nature Center
Black-bellied Plover Bombay Hook
Bombay Hook
Greater Yellowlegs Bombay Hook
Lesser Yellowlegs Bombay Hook
Ring-billed Gull Bombay Hook
Herring Gull
Bombay Hook
Great Black-backed Gull Prime Hook
Forster's Tern Bombay Hook
Double-crested Cormorant DuPont Nature Center
Great Blue Heron Bombay Hook
Great Egret
Bombay Hook
Snowy Egret
Bombay Hook
Little Blue Heron DuPont Nature Center
Black Vulture
Bombay Hook
Turkey Vulture Bombay Hook
Bombay Hook
Northern Harrier Bombay Hook
Bald Eagle
Bombay Hook
Red-tailed Hawk Bombay Hook
Belted Kingfisher Bombay Hook
Red-bellied Woodpecker Bombay Hook
American Kestrel Bombay Hook
Bombay Hook
Eastern Phoebe Bombay Hook
Blue Jay
Prime Hook
American Crow
Sleep Inn Dover
Fish Crow
Bombay Hook
Carolina Chickadee Prime Hook
Purple Martin
Bombay Hook
Tree Swallow
Bombay Hook
Golden-crowned Kinglet Bombay Hook
Carolina Wren
Bombay Hook
European Starling Bombay Hook
Northern Mockingbird Sleep Inn Dover
Eastern Bluebird Bombay Hook
American Robin Bombay Hook
House Sparrow
Bombay Hook
House Finch
Bombay Hook
Chipping Sparrow Prime Hook
Field Sparrow
Prime Hook
Song Sparrow
Prime Hook
Swamp Sparrow
Prime Hook
Eastern Towhee Bombay Hook
Red-winged Blackbird Bombay Hook
Brown-headed Cowbird Prime Hook
Common Grackle Wawa Dover
Pine Warbler
Prime Hook
Yellow-rumped Warbler Prime Hook
Yellow-throated Warbler Prime Hook
Northern Cardinal Bombay Hook
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