Monday, December 14, 2020

Pemberton MUA 12/14--Sandhill Crane

Not much to say about today's year bird: Veni, vidi, ego got infectum. By the time I was halfway to the fields around the Pemberton Municipal Utilities Authority, the forecast rain had begun. I pulled into the gravel driveway off Fort Dix Road, took out my bins, scanned, and there, as they were last year, were 3 Sandhill Cranes in the fields beyond the corn stubble. I stood in the rain (thus infectum) with my scope just long enough to get a couple of truly crappy doc digiscope photos and then left. I tried to get a better look at them from the Pemberton Early Childhood Education Center off a road on the opposite side of the field but I couldn't figure out the proper angle and driving around a school with optics is pretty much frowned upon. So I went back, looked again, admired them through the raindrops for a few more minutes and came home as the rain became steadier. 

Sandhill Cranes use to be regulars in New Egypt, but the last time I went by the field, a week ago, it was so overgrown that even had they been in there, you'd never see them despite their great height. I guess this spot (not too very far away actually as the crane flies) may become the go to spot for finding cranes in NJ if one isn't inclined to search the stubble fields around Zarepath in Somerset County, where despite numerous trips, I have never had any luck. 

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