Thursday, December 31, 2020

December Wrap-up: A Couple of Happy Moments

As is always the case, by the end of the year it becomes a chore to add anything new to the year list, both because the lowing hanging and the middle hanging fruit has been picked and because I get damned tired of chasing around after birds in the winter cold. I added 5 year birds this month, all supposed rarities, but only two--Common Redpoll and Bullock's Oriole--truly rare in the state. The other three--Sandhill Crane, Rough-legged Hawk, and Snowy Owl are usually around; you just have to go to where they are. 

So, while I was glad to find them this month, the two real happy moments I had this month didn't involve rarities. Both occurred, naturally, at Whitesbog.

American Pipit
On a Saturday after our first and so far only snowstorm, I went to Whitesbog to walk in the fields, looking for sparrows and maybe some rare finches. Next to the parking lot in the Village there is a small, abandoned bog that was frozen over. I usually walk the edge of this bog and this day I noticed some birds picking seeds off the ice, running through the grass sticking up out of the ice and pumping their tails when they halted. My first thought was Palm Warblers (the pumping tails) but I quickly discarded the notion. Then, when I could position myself away from the sun glare, I saw that they were American Pipits.  I have American Pipit on the list from the BC Fairgrounds in October, but they were birds that just zipped by. That's usually how I see pipits. Someone cries out "Pipit!" I hear some little chip note and see a bird moving quickly away from me. So to actually find 10 of them on this little patch of ice was a thrill, particularly since I'd spent part of the morning the day before fruitlessly looking for them at Shelter Cove Park. 

The second happy moment came a few days ago, when, unable to sleep, I arrived in Whitesbog Village predawn. It was a windless morning, cold, and as I walked toward the bogs I heard first one Great Horned Owl hooting and then after a while, another calling in response. As I walked, the hoots got louder; they were somewhere in the woods to my left but there was no chance, or even purpose, of seeing them. It was enough just to start the day with owls calling. 

For the month: 123 species
Counties birded: Atlantic, Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean

Species            First Sighting                     
Snow Goose   Brig              
Brant   Bayview Ave Park                          
Canada Goose   Assunpink WMA                                   
Mute Swan   Assunpink WMA                             
Trumpeter Swan   Assunpink WMA                                
Tundra Swan   Whitesbog            
Wood Duck   Wells Mills Park                               
Northern Shoveler   Etra Lake                              
Gadwall   Brig                      
American Wigeon   Marshall's Pond                               
Mallard   Conines Millpond                                   
American Black Duck   Cattus Island County Park                              
Northern Pintail   Brig                    
Green-winged Teal   Brig              
Ring-necked Duck   Assunpink WMA                            
Greater Scaup   Brig                       
Lesser Scaup   Assunpink WMA                         
King Eider   Barnegat Lighthouse SP                             
Common Eider   Barnegat Lighthouse SP                                 
Harlequin Duck   Barnegat Lighthouse SP                               
Surf Scoter   Island Beach SP                  
White-winged Scoter   Island Beach SP            
Black Scoter   Island Beach SP               
Long-tailed Duck   Barnegat Lighthouse SP                             
Bufflehead   Assunpink WMA                              
Common Goldeneye   Waretown - Bay Pkwy                            
Hooded Merganser   Etra Lake                             
Common Merganser   Assunpink WMA                         
Red-breasted Merganser   Island Beach SP                             
Ruddy Duck   Assunpink WMA                           
Wild Turkey    Pinewald Keswick Rd
Pied-billed Grebe   Assunpink WMA                               
Horned Grebe   Brig                       
Eared Grebe   Brig              
Rock Pigeon   Bayview Ave Marina                                
Mourning Dove   Assunpink WMA                                  
American Coot   Assunpink WMA                                   
Sandhill Crane   Pemberton Twp MUA Fields                          
Black-bellied Plover   Brig             
Killdeer   Waretown                        
Sanderling   Island Beach SP                  
Dunlin   Brig            
Purple Sandpiper   Barnegat Lighthouse SP                            
Long-billed Dowitcher   Brig                     
Greater Yellowlegs   Brig               
Laughing Gull   Island Beach SP                        
Ring-billed Gull   Double Trouble State Park                            
Herring Gull   Bayview Ave Park                          
Lesser Black-backed Gull   Island Beach SP                            
Great Black-backed Gull   Bayview Ave Park                            
Red-throated Loon   Barnegat Light Bayview Ave Marina                              
Common Loon   Barnegat Lighthouse SP                                 
Northern Gannet   Island Beach SP       
Great Cormorant   Barnegat Lighthouse SP                              
Double-crested Cormorant   Conines Millpond                         
American White Pelican   Brig                 
Great Blue Heron   Assunpink WMA                              
Great Egret   Brig                 
Black-crowned Night-Heron   Bayview Ave Park                                  
Black Vulture   BC Fairgrounds               
Turkey Vulture   Assunpink WMA                                   
Northern Harrier   BC Fairgrounds                      
Cooper's Hawk   Cloverdale Farm                                   
Bald Eagle   Whitesbog                             
Red-shouldered Hawk   Whitesbog                    
Red-tailed Hawk   Assunpink WMA                                
Rough-legged Hawk   BC Fairgrounds
Great Horned Owl   Whitesbog                 
Snowy Owl   Island Beach SP                 
Belted Kingfisher   Assunpink WMA                               
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker   Manasquan Reservoir IBA                                   
Red-bellied Woodpecker   Assunpink WMA                              
Downy Woodpecker   Assunpink WMA                          
Hairy Woodpecker   Assunpink WMA                             
Northern Flicker   Etra Lake                                  
American Kestrel   BC Fairgrounds                     
Peregrine Falcon   Brig                  
Eastern Phoebe   Assunpink WMA                                 
Blue Jay   Assunpink WMA                                  
American Crow   Assunpink WMA                                  
Fish Crow   Union Transportation Trail               
Common Raven   Schoolhouse Rd.                               
Carolina Chickadee   Assunpink WMA                          
Tufted Titmouse   Assunpink WMA                                 
Golden-crowned Kinglet   Whitesbog                 
Ruby-crowned Kinglet   Whitesbog                                 
Red-breasted Nuthatch   Crestwood Village                             
White-breasted Nuthatch   Assunpink WMA                             
Brown Creeper   Whitesbog                                  
Winter Wren   Island Beach SP               
Carolina Wren   Assunpink WMA                        
European Starling   Assunpink WMA                             
Gray Catbird   Brig              
Northern Mockingbird   Barnegat Lighthouse SP                                 
Eastern Bluebird   Assunpink WMA                                
Hermit Thrush   Whitesbog                       
American Robin   Whitesbog                    
House Sparrow   Wawa Rt 70 & CR 530                        
American Pipit   Whitesbog                       
House Finch   Assunpink WMA                          
Common Redpoll   Chestnut Point Field                                  
Red Crossbill   Brig             
Pine Siskin   35 Sunset Rd                                   
American Goldfinch   Assunpink WMA                          
Chipping Sparrow   Bamber Lake                        
Field Sparrow   Assunpink WMA                         
American Tree Sparrow   Assunpink WMA                                
Fox Sparrow   Union Transportation Trail                      
Dark-eyed Junco   Assunpink WMA                               
White-crowned Sparrow   Assunpink WMA                               
White-throated Sparrow   Assunpink WMA                               
Savannah Sparrow   Whitesbog              
Song Sparrow   Assunpink WMA                        
Swamp Sparrow   Whitesbog                   
Bullock's Oriole   Chestnut Point Field                         
Red-winged Blackbird   Cattus Island County Park                             
Brown-headed Cowbird   New Egypt                  
Boat-tailed Grackle   Manahawkin WMA                        
Orange-crowned Warbler   Island Beach SP                             
Common Yellowthroat   Great Bay Bvld. WMA                          
Pine Warbler   35 Sunset Rd                                
Yellow-rumped Warbler   Union Transportation Trail
Northern Cardinal   Assunpink WMA 

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