Birds around the house: American Goldfinch, molting. |
Female Northern Cardinal |
Migration will be starting soon, but a lot of the places I would normally go, say Reed's Road on Island Beach SP, or Double Trouble, I'm afraid to visit because other birders will have the same idea. So, I'll be playing a game of "What does not belong," hoping that my travels in the more obscure parts of Whitesbog, Reeves Bogs and Colliers Mills, along with a few Pine Barrens roads I know about will yield species that I wouldn't just find in my backyard. And that means warblers and vireos. Shorebirds are going to be almost impossible to find with the beaches, appropriately, closed.
This month, 6 of the 8 new species were found in Ocean County, 3 in the Manahawkin WMA, 2 at surprisingly birdy Shelter Cove, and one, controversial one, on Island Beach. Shari and I made a trip to Brig before all hell broke loose and added Osprey there. Yesterday, at Reeves Bogs (which I do not recommend if you aren't familiar with the place already), I heard a Virginia Rail which made me smile with accomplishment, since I knew exactly where to listen.
There is a very old George Booth cartoon that was published in The New Yorker probably 40 years ago. A man is sitting in the bathtub in the middle of the kitchen, wearing a derby and smoking a cigar. Around him are a dozen yowling cats and dogs scratching themselves. His wife is ironing next to the bathtub, the iron is plugged into the light fixture. The walls are cracked and the lath behind the plaster is showing. It is a scene of utter disorder. The caption is:
Things around here are going to get a lot worse before they get any better.
For the record, here's what I saw in March
Counties birded: Atlantic, Burlington, Ocean
Species First Sighting
Snow Goose
Marshall's Pond
Brant Island
Beach SP
Canada Goose
Colliers Mills WMA
Mute Swan
Island Beach SP
Tundra Swan
Wood Duck
Colliers Mills WMA
Blue-winged Teal
Manahawkin WMA
Northern Shoveler Brig
American Wigeon Forsythe-Barnegat
Colliers Mills WMA
American Black Duck Colliers Mills WMA
Northern Pintail Manahawkin WMA
Green-winged Teal Forsythe-Barnegat
Ring-necked Duck Colliers Mills WMA
Greater Scaup
Lake of the Lilies
Lesser Scaup
Lake of the Lilies
Common Eider
Island Beach SP
Harlequin Duck Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Black Scoter
Island Beach SP
Long-tailed Duck Manasquan Inlet
Colliers Mills WMA
Hooded Merganser Colliers Mills WMA
Common Merganser Colliers Mills WMA
Red-breasted Merganser Ocean Gate
Ruddy Duck
Lake of the Lilies
Wild Turkey
New Egypt
Pied-billed Grebe Little Silver Lake
Horned Grebe
Barnegat Municipal Dock
Rock Pigeon
New Egypt
Mourning Dove
35 Sunset Rd
Virginia Rail Reeves
American Coot
Lake of the Lilies
American Oystercatcher Point Pleasant Beach
Seaside Marina
Ruddy Turnstone Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Purple Sandpiper Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Wilson's Snipe
Shelter Cove Park
Greater Yellowlegs Great Bay Blvd
Thick-billed Murre Island
Beach SP
Laughing Gull
Manasquan Inlet
Ring-billed Gull Shelter Cove Park
Herring Gull
Ocean Gate
Great Black-backed Gull Ocean Gate
Red-throated Loon Manasquan Inlet
Common Loon
Island Beach SP
Northern Gannet Island Beach SP
Great Cormorant Island Beach SP
Double-crested Cormorant Lake of the Lilies
Great Blue Heron Island Beach SP
Great Egret
Great Bay Blvd
Snowy Egret
Manahawkin WMA
Little Blue Heron
Manahawkin WMA
Glossy Ibis
Shelter Cove Park
Black Vulture
New Egypt
Turkey Vulture Colliers Mills WMA
Osprey Brig
Northern Harrier Manahawkin WMA
Cooper's Hawk
Meadow View Ln
Bald Eagle
Island Beach SP
Red-shouldered Hawk Whitesbog
Red-tailed Hawk Colliers Mills WMA
Belted Kingfisher Collinstown Road
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Metedeconk Preserve
Red-headed Woodpecker Colliers Mills WMA
Red-bellied Woodpecker Colliers Mills WMA
Downy Woodpecker 35 Sunset Rd
Hairy Woodpecker Ephraim P. Emson Preserve
Northern Flicker Whitesbog
American Kestrel New Egypt
Peregrine Falcon Island Beach SP
Eastern Phoebe Whitesbog
Blue Jay
Colliers Mills WMA
American Crow
Island Beach SP
Fish Crow
New Egypt
Carolina Chickadee 35 Sunset Rd
Tufted Titmouse Colliers Mills WMA
Tree Swallow
Manahawkin WMA
Golden-crowned Kinglet Whitesbog
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Whitesbog
White-breasted Nuthatch Colliers Mills WMA
Brown Creeper
Colliers Mills WMA
Carolina Wren
35 Sunset Rd
European Starling Colliers Mills WMA
Gray Catbird
Island Beach SP
Northern Mockingbird Ephraim P. Emson Preserve
Eastern Bluebird Colliers Mills WMA
Hermit Thrush
Metedeconk Preserve
American Robin Colliers Mills WMA
House Sparrow
Ocean Gate
House Finch
New Egypt
American Goldfinch Colliers Mills WMA
Chipping Sparrow Whiting WMA
Field Sparrow
Manasquan River WMA
Dark-eyed Junco 35 Sunset Rd
White-crowned Sparrow New Egypt
White-throated Sparrow Ephraim P. Emson Preserve
Savannah Sparrow Ephraim P. Emson Preserve
Song Sparrow
Ephraim P. Emson Preserve
Swamp Sparrow
Cattus Island County Park
Eastern Towhee Collinstown Road
Eastern Meadowlark Ephraim P. Emson Preserve
Red-winged Blackbird Colliers Mills WMA
Brown-headed Cowbird Colliers Mills WMA
Common Grackle Island Beach SP
Boat-tailed Grackle Manasquan Inlet
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler Island Beach SP
Northern Cardinal Colliers Mills WMA
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Eye of Mourning Dove |
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