It was another damp morning and it was led by the two rookies again. My estimation for the two leaders changed with one going up to much higher levels, while the other fell into the basement. What we thought was a team turned out to be a random matching--the Biggest Week folks apparently don't give a lot of thought to team chemistry when they assign the trips. None of this really mattered aside from my personal prickliness--the sites were good and the value in trips were, as far as I was concerned, just getting us to different places we wouldn't know the what & where of.
Since my sense of Ohio geography is just a little sketchy, I can't say exactly where the first place we birded was, but I did recognize the spot when we passed it a few days later. It was called Christy Farm Nature Preserve and was serving as a Boy Scout camp when we arrived. Not a particularly birdy spot, but we did hear and see our first Willow Flycatcher--"fitz-bew!"
I make the point of the explosive song because essentially, the only way to separate Willow Flycatcher from our next year bird is by voice. We went to our next stop, McClure's Marsh, a relatively large man-made wetlands, and the birding there was better. In a fallow field that looked much like the ones outside Bombay Hook in Delaware we found a Horned Lark, as we also would in DE, and Purple Martins were abundant.
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Photos: Shari Zirlin |
I spotted another flycatcher which struck me, for no good reason I can say, as not a Willow and it sang, something to the effect of "ree-bee-a." In any case, not the easily identified "fitz-bew." I had a good look at the Alder Flycatcher in my binoculars and it does look identical to Willow--no wonder they were both considered one species in the recent past.
At our next stop, Arnold Marsh, we were again greeted by the family pet, this time a Helmeted Guinea Fowl named, I believe, Petey. This dopey bird followed us along the entire trail with his owners, occasionally attacking someone's shoe and trying to untie their laces with his mouth. It was funny for the first 5 minutes, bizarre for the next 5 minutes, and just plain annoying after that. We saw and heard a few interesting birds like Black-crowned Night-Heron and Trumpeter Swans, but we didn't find anything new and we certainly couldn't count the Guinea Fowl.
Our last stop was the place Shari & I had gone on a trip two years ago, Harder's Grasslands which is exactly how it sounds--acres and acres of grasslands with the expected grassland birds. The target bird here was Bobolink and after walking out along a mowed path for about a quarter of a mile we found at least 3 of them displaying and singing, looking, as Peterson describes them, as if they were were wearing their dress suits reversed.
It is also perfect habitat for grassland sparrows and after some looking and listening our guides redeemed themselves in my eyes when they were able to put a Henslow's Sparrow in the scope. I got a brief look, let the next guy behind me see it, and after he saw it he accidentally kicked the scope, preventing Shari from getting a view. I rarely see Shari upset by something like that (I'm usually the one in a rage) but this time she was very unhappy.
We had 64 species for the county so I count the excursion a success:
Species Location
Canada Goose McClure's
Trumpeter Swan Arnold
Wood Duck McClure's Marsh
Mallard McClure's
Double-crested Cormorant
McClure's Marsh
Great Blue Heron McClure's Marsh
Great Egret Christy
Farm Nature Preserve
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Arnold Marsh
Turkey Vulture Harder
Northern Harrier
McClure's Marsh
Bald Eagle McClure's
Red-tailed Hawk Harder grasslands
Killdeer Christy Farm
Nature Preserve
Dunlin McClure's Marsh
Caspian Tern McClure's
Mourning Dove
McClure's Marsh
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Red-bellied Woodpecker Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Downy Woodpecker
McClure's Marsh
Hairy Woodpecker
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Northern Flicker
Harder grasslands
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Alder Flycatcher McClure's Marsh
Willow Flycatcher Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Eastern Phoebe Christy
Farm Nature Preserve
Great Crested Flycatcher
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Eastern Kingbird
Arnold Marsh
Red-eyed Vireo Christy Farm Nature
Blue Jay Christy Farm Nature
American Crow Christy
Farm Nature Preserve
Horned Lark McClure's
Purple Martin McClure's Marsh
Tree Swallow Christy
Farm Nature Preserve
Barn Swallow McClure's
White-breasted Nuthatch
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
House Wren Christy
Farm Nature Preserve
Marsh Wren McClure's
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Wood Thrush Christy
Farm Nature Preserve
American Robin Christy
Farm Nature Preserve
Gray Catbird Christy Farm Nature
Brown Thrasher McClure's Marsh
Ovenbird Christy Farm
Nature Preserve
Common Yellowthroat Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Yellow Warbler Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Blackpoll Warbler
McClure's Marsh
Chipping Sparrow
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Field Sparrow
McClure's Marsh
Savannah Sparrow
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Henslow's Sparrow Harder
Song Sparrow Christy
Farm Nature Preserve
White-crowned Sparrow
McClure's Marsh
Scarlet Tanager Christy Farm Nature
Northern Cardinal
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Indigo Bunting Christy Farm Nature
Bobolink Harder grasslands
Red-winged Blackbird
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Eastern Meadowlark
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Common Grackle Christy
Farm Nature Preserve
Brown-headed Cowbird Christy Farm Nature Preserve
Baltimore Oriole
Christy Farm Nature Preserve
House Finch Arnold
American Goldfinch
McClure's Marsh
House Sparrow
McClure's Marsh
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