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Western Tanager, female Photos: Shari Zirlin |
After getting the Bird A Day entry, we pinballed around the county. First to the Beanery (Cooper's & Red-tailed Hawk, 3 Great Blue Herons flying overhead), then, in a field opposite the parking lot to Hidden Valley we found a nice flock of Eastern Meadowlarks. Shari thought the fields looked promising and she was correct. Next the canal overlook at Higbees, where we saw our first Laughing Gulls and Black-bellied Plovers of the year along with a huge flock of Dunlins on the jetty.
After lunch we drove back to West Cape May. We wanted to see if could find the Eurasian Collared-Dove that hangs out around Lincoln Avenue. I thought we'd walk around the block, hoping to track it down but Shari found two of them sitting on a phone wire in about 30 seconds. This is an invasive species, so it's interesting now, but soon it won't be. A stop at the St. Mary's Dune Crossing yielded two Common Eiders and a Long-tailed Duck.
At the state park itself we first walked around Lighthouse Pond which from the road looked empty but was actually full of ducks toward the back, including our first Blue-winged Teals. A huge kettle of Turkey and Black Vultures was overhead as well as a Red-tailed Hawk and an Osprey.
Red-tailed Hawk |
Osprey |
Next we head north for a new spot for us--Miami Avenue Beach in Villas. Last week a Little Gull had been reported there which would have been a lifer. However, one report said the bird had an injured leg--this didn't bode well for finding it--little injured birds make good prey. Still, we gave it a try, found more Dunlins and Black-bellied Plovers plus a couple of Forster's Terns in with many gulls. The tide was out, so the birds were far away and even a scope wasn't a lot of help, so who knows, maybe the bird was there--though I heard from a couple of guys later at Jake's Landing that they'd spent 3 hours searching for the bird with nothing to show for their time. I don't have that kind of patience. Quantity over quality, I always say.
Finally we drove 15 miles up Rt 47 to Jake's Landing which ends in a marsh. Our target bird doesn't come out until dusk; we were pretty early but while we waited we had a Northern Harrier hunting, Shari found a Seaside Sparrow, which I only heard, Clapper Rails were loud and nearby though invisible in the thick reeds ("thin as a rail"). Finally, after sunset, and just before it was too dark to see, Shari spotted a Short-eared Owl flying overhead. They take over the night shift from the harriers. To end the festivities, a small flock of Black-crowned Night-Herons flew in to the marsh.
For the long day we had 67 species, by far our largest tally of the year. For those of you not yet bleary-eyed from reading all this, here's the complete list:
Brant Higbees Beach
Canal Overlook
Canada Goose Sunset
& Lighthouse, W. Cape May
Mute Swan Lighthouse
Gadwall Lighthouse
American Wigeon Lighthouse
American Black Duck Hawkwatch
Mallard Lighthouse
Blue-winged Teal Lighthouse
Northern Shoveler Lighthouse Pond
Northern Pintail Hawkwatch
Green-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck Hawkwatch
Greater Scaup Lighthouse
Common Eider St. Mary’s
dune crossing
Long-tailed Duck St. Mary’s
dune crossing
Red-breasted Merganser
Higbees Beach Canal Overlook
Ruddy Duck Hawkwatch
Pied-billed Grebe Lighthouse
Double-crested Cormorant
Higbees Beach Canal Overlook
Great Blue Heron The
Great Egret Hawkwatch
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Jakes Landing
Black Vulture Lincoln
Ave, Cape May Pt
Turkey Vulture Sunset
& Lighthouse, W. Cape May
Osprey Lighthouse Pond
Northern Harrier Jakes
Cooper's Hawk The
Bald Eagle Jakes
Red-tailed Hawk The
Clapper Rail Jakes
American Coot Lighthouse
Black-bellied Plover Higbees
Beach Canal Overlook
Greater Yellowlegs
Jakes Landing
Villas--Miami Ave. beach
Dunlin Higbees Beach
Canal Overlook
Bonaparte's Gull
Villas--Miami Ave. beach
Laughing Gull Higbees
Beach Canal Overlook
Ring-billed Gull Higbees
Beach Canal Overlook
Herring Gull
Villas--Miami Ave. beach
Great Black-backed Gull
Villas--Miami Ave. beach
Forster's Tern
Villas--Miami Ave. beach
Rock Pigeon
Villas--Miami Ave. beach
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Lincoln Ave, Cape May Pt
Mourning Dove Sunset
& Lighthouse, W. Cape May
Short-eared Owl Jakes
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Lighthouse Pond
American Crow The
Fish Crow The Beanery
Tree Swallow St. Mary’s
dune crossing
Carolina Chickadee
Sunset & Lighthouse, W. Cape May
Carolina Wren Sunset
& Lighthouse, W. Cape May
American Robin The
Northern Mockingbird
Field opp Hidden Valley parking lot
European Starling
Field opp Hidden Valley parking lot
Yellow-rumped Warbler Lighthouse
Seaside Sparrow Jakes
Song Sparrow St. Mary’s
dune crossing
White-throated Sparrow
Sunset & Lighthouse, W. Cape May
Dark-eyed Junco Sunset
& Lighthouse, W. Cape May
Western Tanager Sunset
& Lighthouse, W. Cape May
Northern Cardinal
Sunset & Lighthouse, W. Cape May
Red-winged Blackbird Jakes Landing
Eastern Meadowlark
Field opp Hidden Valley parking lot
Common Grackle
Villas--Miami Ave. beach
House Finch Sunset
& Lighthouse, W. Cape May
American Goldfinch
Sunset & Lighthouse, W. Cape May
House Sparrow Lincoln Ave, Cape May Pt
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