Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January Wrap-up--126 Species

Red-shouldered Hawk, New Egypt
 It's the usual drill: Run around to all the hot spots and pick up the common rarities and the winter birds (mostly ducks), because you "need" all these birds for the year. Why you need them is best left unquestioned. 

So, Barnegat Light, for the King Eider, Assunpink for the Trumpeter Swans. Luckily, Marshall's Pond had a Eurasian Wigeon, so I didn't have to go all the way up to the Shark River. The Barnegat CBC on the 2nd got me a couple of cool birds (in addition to my owl fix) like Virginia Rail and Sedge Wren. There was a Dovekie incursion earlier in the month and I was able to spot one (while others were making my teeth grind with multiple sightings). 

Greater White-fronted Goose, Jackson
The big chase was the Greater White-fronted Goose that decided to plunk itself down on a high school foot
ball field in Jackson. I went back a week later (to "get" Green-winged Teal in the retention pond) and it was still there along with the always entertaining, eBird filter-busting flock of Horned Larks

I have left a few birds that I got last January for the upcoming month, which might have been inadvertently smart, since February is such a dreary month, especially if the ponds freeze, that it will be good to have some targets to keep me interested. 

The winter months can be a slog as the excitement of the new year wears off. With birders the conversation always comes around to the dearth of birds lately, both ducks and land birds. The ducks are understandable, since they don't migrate unless they have to, and with the warmer weather up north becoming the norm, they don't have to. The land birds, I think, are analogous to the frog in a pot of water brought slowly to a boil. Their numbers have been declining for years (remember the 3 billion birds missing articles from a couple of years ago?) and it is only now that we realize the frog has been cooked. 

Counties birded: Atlantic, Burlington, Monmouth, Ocean

Species   First Sighting
Snow Goose   Holgate
Greater White-fronted Goose   Jackson Liberty HS
Brant   Sandy Hook
Canada Goose   Seven Presidents Park
Mute Swan   Bridge to Nowhere
Trumpeter Swan   Assunpink WMA
Tundra Swan   Whitesbog
Northern Shoveler   Marshall's Pond
Gadwall   Ocean Acres Pond
Eurasian Wigeon   Marshall's Pond
American Wigeon   Marshall's Pond
Mallard   Sandy Hook
American Black Duck   Sandy Hook
Northern Pintail   Brig
Green-winged Teal   Brig
Canvasback   Brig
Ring-necked Duck   Manahawkin Lake
Greater Scaup   East Bay Av
Lesser Scaup   Lake of the Lilies
King Eider   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Common Eider   Sandy Hook
Harlequin Duck   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Surf Scoter   Sandy Hook
White-winged Scoter   Sandy Hook
Black Scoter   Island Beach SP
Long-tailed Duck   Sandy Hook
Bufflehead   Sandy Hook
Common Goldeneye   Sandy Hook
Hooded Merganser   Bridge to Nowhere
Common Merganser   Assunpink WMA
Red-breasted Merganser   Sandy Hook
Ruddy Duck   East Bay Av
Ring-necked Pheasant   Assunpink WMA
Pied-billed Grebe   Lake Shenandoah County Park
Horned Grebe   Sandy Hook
Rock Pigeon   Wawa South Toms River
Mourning Dove  Cedar Bridge Rd
Virginia Rail   Beach Av
American Coot   Lake of the Lilies
American Oystercatcher   Holgate
Black-bellied Plover   Sandy Hook
Killdeer   Lake Barnegat
Marbled Godwit   Holgate
Ruddy Turnstone   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Sanderling   Sandy Hook
Dunlin   Holgate
Purple Sandpiper   Manasquan Inlet
Least Sandpiper   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Long-billed Dowitcher   Lake Barnegat
American Woodcock   Budd’s Bogs
Greater Yellowlegs   Bridge to Nowhere
Dovekie   Island Beach SP
Razorbill   Sandy Hook
Bonaparte's Gull   Sandy Hook
Ring-billed Gull   Wawa South Toms River
Herring Gull   Sandy Hook
Great Black-backed Gull   Sandy Hook
Red-throated Loon   Sandy Hook
Common Loon   Sandy Hook
Northern Gannet   Sandy Hook
Great Cormorant   Island Beach SP
Double-crested Cormorant   East Bay Av
Great Blue Heron   Beach Av
Great Egret   Bridge to Nowhere
Black Vulture   Crestwood Village
Turkey Vulture   Sandy Hook
Northern Harrier   Bridge to Nowhere
Sharp-shinned Hawk   Cattus Island County Park
Cooper's Hawk   Ridge Av
Bald Eagle   Beach Av
Red-shouldered Hawk   Bridge to Nowhere
Red-tailed Hawk   Bridge to Nowhere
Eastern Screech-Owl   Beach Av
Great Horned Owl   Beach Av
Barred Owl   Beach Av
Long-eared Owl   Undisclosed Location
Belted Kingfisher   Bridge to Nowhere
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker   Levi's Rd
Red-bellied Woodpecker   Bridge to Nowhere
Downy Woodpecker   Bridge to Nowhere
Hairy Woodpecker   Bridge to Nowhere
Northern Flicker   Manahawkin WMA
American Kestrel   Budd’s Bogs
Merlin   Budd’s Bogs
Peregrine Falcon   Manasquan Inlet
Blue Jay   Wawa South Toms River
American Crow   35 Sunset Rd
Common Raven   Whitesbog
Carolina Chickadee   Bridge to Nowhere
Tufted Titmouse   Bridge to Nowhere
Horned Lark   Sandy Hook
Ruby-crowned Kinglet   Whitesbog
Golden-crowned Kinglet   Sandy Hook
Red-breasted Nuthatch   Bridge to Nowhere
White-breasted Nuthatch   35 Sunset Rd
Brown Creeper   Budd’s Bogs
Winter Wren   Bridge to Nowhere
Sedge Wren   Beach Av
Carolina Wren   35 Sunset Rd
European Starling   Wawa South Toms River
Gray Catbird   Manahawkin WMA
Northern Mockingbird   Wawa South Toms River
Eastern Bluebird   Whitesbog
Hermit Thrush   Bridge to Nowhere
American Robin   Sandy Hook
House Sparrow   Wawa South Toms River
House Finch   Bridge to Nowhere
American Goldfinch   Levi's Rd
Lapland Longspur   Sandy Hook
Field Sparrow   Assunpink WMA
American Tree Sparrow   Bridge to Nowhere
Fox Sparrow   Manahawkin WMA
Dark-eyed Junco   Levi's Rd
White-throated Sparrow   Levi's Rd
Savannah Sparrow   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Song Sparrow   35 Sunset Rd
Swamp Sparrow   Bridge to Nowhere
Eastern Towhee   Budd’s Bogs
Eastern Meadowlark   Budd’s Bogs
Red-winged Blackbird   Bridge to Nowhere
Brown-headed Cowbird   Ridge Av
Rusty Blackbird   Budd’s Bogs
Common Grackle   Bridge to Nowhere
Boat-tailed Grackle   Bridge to Nowhere
Yellow-rumped Warbler   Sandy Hook
Northern Cardinal   35 Sunset Rd

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