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Cape May Warbler, Cedar Bonnet Island |
I ranged a little farther than usual with a trip to Delaware that bumped up the list by four and our chase in Cape May County (which seems like another state to me) that also put SWAINSON'S WARBLER finally on our list. With the Swainson's I think there is only one warbler in the lower 48 we're missing; it's name escapes me, but you have to walk a few miles in rugged terrain in Texas to get it. Unlikely.
Migration seems just about over and summer usually slows down, which is all right with me. The more I chase around after this bird or that, the sillier it seems. Any game whether baseball or birding, seen from outside the frame, appears absurd. And I have Whitesbog as a default location. Lately, I have been taking long walks through some of the more obscure parts of the old bogs; I'm fortunate to have a guide who not only knows his way around, but has built the bridges that get you over some of the breaches.
For the month: 194 species. I haven't had a month that productive without traveling in recent memory.
Species First Sighting
Snow Goose Brig
Wetlands Institute
Canada Goose Brig
Mute Swan Brig
Wood Duck Colliers Mills WMA
Blue-winged Teal Wetlands Institute
Northern Shoveler Brig
Ocean City Welcome Center
American Black Duck Wetlands Institute
Green-winged Teal Bombay Hook
Common Eider Island Beach SP
Black Scoter Island Beach SP
Bufflehead Island Beach SP
Northern Bobwhite Bombay Hook
Wild Turkey 35 Sunset Rd
Pied-billed Grebe Brig
Rock Pigeon Milford Neck Wildlife Area
Mourning Dove 35 Sunset Rd
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Chuck-will's-widow Collinstown Road
Eastern Whip-poor-will 35 Sunset Rd
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Manasquan River WMA
King Rail Brig
Clapper Rail Ocean City Welcome Center
Virginia Rail Bombay Hook
Black-necked Stilt Bombay Hook
American Avocet Brig
American Oystercatcher Wetlands Institute
Black-bellied Plover Wetlands Institute
Pacific Golden-Plover Great Bay Blvd
Semipalmated Plover Brig
Killdeer Colliers Mills WMA
Whimbrel Brig
Ruddy Turnstone Waretown
Red Knot Great Bay Blvd
Ruff Forsythe-Barnegat
Stilt Sandpiper Forsythe-Barnegat
Curlew Sandpiper Brig
Sanderling Island Beach SP
Purple Sandpiper Island Beach SP
Least Sandpiper Cedar Bonnet Island
White-rumped Sandpiper Brig
Pectoral Sandpiper Forsythe-Barnegat
Semipalmated Sandpiper Forsythe-Barnegat
Western Sandpiper Forsythe-Barnegat
Short-billed Dowitcher Brig
Wilson's Phalarope Brig
Phalarope Brig
Spotted Sandpiper Cedar Bonnet Island
Solitary Sandpiper Double Trouble State Park
Greater Yellowlegs Forsythe-Barnegat
Lesser Yellowlegs Forsythe-Barnegat
Bonaparte's Gull Waretown
Laughing Gull Wawa South Toms River
GULL North Cape May
Ring-billed Gull Brig
Herring Gull Forsythe-Barnegat
Lesser Black-backed Gull Island Beach SP
Great Black-backed Gull Ocean City Welcome Center
Least Tern Brig
Gull-billed Tern Brig
Caspian Tern Brig
Common Tern Island Beach SP
Forster's Tern Ocean City Welcome Center
Black Skimmer Brig
Common Loon Great Bay Blvd
Double-crested Cormorant Brig
American White Pelican Brig
Brown Pelican Island Beach SP
Least Bittern Whitesbog
American Bittern Island Beach SP
Great Blue Heron Brig
Great Egret Forsythe-Barnegat
Snowy Egret Forsythe-Barnegat
Little Blue Heron Wetlands Institute
Tricolored Heron Manahawkin WMA
Green Heron Wetlands Institute
Black-crowned Night-Heron Ocean City Welcome Center
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Ocean City Welcome Center
White Ibis Ocean City Welcome Center
Glossy Ibis Ocean City Welcome Center
Black Vulture Wawa Rt 70 & CR 530
Turkey Vulture Wawa South Toms River
Northern Harrier Island Beach SP
Sharp-shinned Hawk Double Trouble State Park
Cooper's Hawk Manasquan River WMA
Bald Eagle Colliers Mills WMA
Broad-winged Hawk Manasquan River WMA
Red-tailed Hawk Double Trouble State Park
Great Horned Owl Collinstown Road
Belted Kingfisher Manahawkin WMA
Red-headed Woodpecker Colliers Mills WMA
Red-bellied Woodpecker Manasquan River WMA
Downy Woodpecker Manasquan River WMA
Hairy Woodpecker Colliers Mills WMA
Northern Flicker Colliers Mills WMA
American Kestrel Colliers Mills WMA
Island Beach SP
Peregrine Falcon Cedar Bonnet Island
Eastern Wood-Pewee Colliers Mills WMA
Acadian Flycatcher Huber Preserve
Willow Flycatcher Manahawkin WMA
Eastern Phoebe Colliers Mills WMA
Great Crested Flycatcher Manasquan River WMA
Eastern Kingbird Manahawkin WMA
White-eyed Vireo Manasquan River WMA
Yellow-throated Vireo Bombay Hook
Blue-headed Vireo Manasquan River WMA
Warbling Vireo Colliers Mills WMA
Red-eyed Vireo Manasquan River WMA
Blue Jay 35 Sunset Rd
American Crow 35 Sunset Rd
Fish Crow Ocean City Welcome Center
Carolina Chickadee Manasquan River WMA
Tufted Titmouse Manasquan River WMA
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Colliers Mills WMA
Purple Martin Wetlands Institute
Tree Swallow Manasquan River WMA
Bank Swallow Stafford Preserve
Barn Swallow Forsythe-Barnegat
Cliff Swallow Wesley Lake
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Island Beach SP
Red-breasted Nuthatch Manasquan River WMA
White-breasted Nuthatch Manasquan River WMA
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Colliers Mills WMA
House Wren Emson Preserve
Marsh Wren Manahawkin WMA
Carolina Wren Manasquan River WMA
European Starling 35 Sunset Rd
Gray Catbird Manasquan River WMA
Brown Thrasher Colliers Mills WMA
Northern Mockingbird Wetlands Institute
Eastern Bluebird Manasquan River WMA
Double Trouble State Park
Swainson's Thrush Bombay Hook
Wood Thrush Manasquan River WMA
American Robin 35 Sunset Rd
Cedar Waxwing Brig
House Sparrow Waretown
House Finch Wetlands Institute
Pine Siskin 35 Sunset Rd
American Goldfinch Manasquan River WMA
Grasshopper Sparrow Bombay Hook
Chipping Sparrow 35 Sunset Rd
Field Sparrow Manasquan River WMA
Dark-eyed Junco Island Beach SP
White-crowned Sparrow Cedar Bonnet Island
White-throated Sparrow Manasquan River WMA
Seaside Sparrow Cedar Bonnet Island
Saltmarsh Sparrow Great Bay Blvd
Savannah Sparrow Great Bay Blvd
Song Sparrow Ocean City Welcome Center
Swamp Sparrow Manasquan River WMA
Eastern Towhee Manasquan River WMA
Yellow-breasted Chat
Eastern Meadowlark Manasquan River WMA
Orchard Oriole Manasquan River WMA
Baltimore Oriole Colliers Mills WMA
Red-winged Blackbird Manasquan River WMA
Brown-headed Cowbird Manasquan River WMA
Common Grackle Crestwood Village
Boat-tailed Grackle Ocean City Welcome Center
Ovenbird Manasquan River WMA
Northern Waterthrush Cedar Bonnet Island
Warbler Manasquan River WMA
Black-and-white Warbler Manasquan River WMA
Prothonotary Warbler Huber Preserve
WARBLER Higbee Beach WMA
Tennessee Warbler Cedar Bonnet Island
Common Yellowthroat Manasquan River WMA
Hooded Warbler Double Trouble State Park
American Redstart Manasquan River WMA
Cape May Warbler Cedar Bonnet Island
Northern Parula Colliers Mills WMA
Magnolia Warbler Colliers Mills WMA
Warbler Island Beach SP
Yellow Warbler Brig
Blackpoll Warbler Whitesbog
Black-throated Blue
Warbler Colliers Mills
Palm Warbler Manasquan River WMA
Pine Warbler Manasquan River WMA
Yellow-rumped Warbler Colliers Mills WMA
Prairie Warbler Manasquan River WMA
Black-throated Green
Warbler Manasquan River
Wilson's Warbler Island Beach SP
Scarlet Tanager Cedar Bonnet Island
Northern Cardinal Manasquan River WMA
Grosbeak Double Trouble
State Park
Indigo Bunting Emson PreserveBlue Grosbeak Manasquan River WMA
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Indigo Bunting, Manasquan River WMA |
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