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Cedar Waxwing, Whitesbog |
The same problem, to a large extent, goes for Common Nighthawks. There are places they're more likely to appear, but again, it is more luck than design. We lucked out in our backyard, the same day Bob pointed out the swift. We sitting on the patio in the early evening, having an adult beverage, when Bob thought he heard a woodcock. "Unlikely," I replied. And then, hearing it "peeent" again, I realized it was nighthawk (or nighthawks) flying above us. Add two aerial species to the list.
I ramble around Colliers Mills quite a bit and go to areas that are at best lightly birded but I had never ventured very much further south than a pond on Hawkin Road. Just didn't look promising. But on a tip from Scott I walked about mile further down the road and off on another trail where I came across a Summer Tanager singing in exactly the spot he had pinned on the map. Despite standing there for more than a half hour and listening to the bird sing and sing, I could not get eyes on it. Not much of an entry there. I also discovered a rather large pond there (which I realized later is the southern end of the pond that is off the berm that dams Turnmill Pond) and it looks like it might be a good area for ducks in the winter. I also had Veery and Hooded Warbler back there, so it is worth the walk.
Last weekend we visited friends out on Long Island. They live in a leafy suburb just over the Queens border where the streets are lined with full grown oak, maples, and London planes. In the morning I walked around the neighborhood with him as he walked the dog and heard most of the songs you'd expect--cardinal, Song Sparrow, Fish Crow (if you want to call that a song), robin, Blue Jay, Mourning Dove, chickadee...wait a minute. I'm in New York. That's a Black-capped Chickadee and that's the first one I've heard all year, not having ventured much above the Raritan. I did consider writing an entry titled "Inadvertent Year Bird" but it would have consisted of the paragraph you just read.
So only seven year birds for the month. Other cool birds were the continuing Common Eiders in Barnegat Inlet, where until recently some King Eiders were mixed in (Steve advised me to look at my pictures of the eiders and sure enough there were 3 hens in the flock) and Whitesbog has been a regular stop for me where the ever-shabbier Bufflehead continues and I learn more botany from my friend as we hike around the remote areas crossing his precarious bridges.
Black-and-white Warbler, Double Trouble SP |
For the month 130 species.
Species First Sighting Snow Goose Brig
Canada Goose Whitesbog
Mute Swan Brig
Wood Duck Reeves Bogs
Mallard Double Trouble State Park
American Black Duck Whitesbog
King Eider
Island Beach SP
Common Eider
Island Beach SP
Black Scoter Island Beach SP
Wild Turkey 35 Sunset Rd
Mourning Dove Whitesbog
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Double Trouble State Park
Common Nighthawk 35 Sunset Rd
Eastern Whip-poor-will 35 Sunset Rd
Chimney Swift Brig
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 35 Sunset Rd
King Rail
Clapper Rail Brig
Virginia Rail Reeves Bogs
American Oystercatcher Great Bay Blvd WMA
Semipalmated Plover Brig
Piping Plover Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Killdeer Manchester Dump
Ruddy Turnstone Brig
White-rumped Sandpiper Brig
Semipalmated Sandpiper Brig
Greater Yellowlegs Brig
Willet Brig
Laughing Gull Brig
Herring Gull Brig
Great Black-backed Gull Brig
Least Tern Double Trouble State Park
Gull-billed Tern Brig
Caspian Tern Brig
Common Tern Brig
Forster's Tern Brig
Black Skimmer Brig
Brown Booby Surf City
Double-crested Cormorant Brig
Brown Pelican Island Beach SP
Least Bittern
Lakehurst Railroad Tracks
Great Blue Heron Whitesbog
Great Egret Double Trouble State Park
Snowy Egret Brig
Little Blue Heron Island Beach SP
Tricolored Heron Waretown
Green Heron Whitesbog
Black-crowned Night-Heron Brig
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Beach Haven Inlet
Glossy Ibis Brig
Black Vulture Jumping Brook Preserve
Turkey Vulture Crestwood Village
Osprey Brig
Cooper's Hawk Whitesbog
Bald Eagle GSP MM 48
Red-shouldered Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk Double Trouble State Park
Red-tailed Hawk Pinelands Preservation Alliance
Belted Kingfisher Whitesbog
Red-headed Woodpecker
Colliers Mills WMA
Red-bellied Woodpecker Whitesbog
Downy Woodpecker Whitesbog
Hairy Woodpecker Double Trouble State Park
Northern Flicker Whitesbog
Peregrine Falcon Cedar Bonnet Island
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Double Trouble State Park
Eastern Wood-Pewee Whitesbog
Acadian Flycatcher Huber Prairie Warbler Preserve
Willow Flycatcher Brig
Eastern Phoebe Double Trouble State Park
Great Crested Flycatcher Whitesbog
Eastern Kingbird Whitesbog
White-eyed Vireo Double Trouble State Park
Warbling Vireo Colliers Mills WMA
Red-eyed Vireo Whitesbog
Blue Jay Crestwood Village
American Crow Whitesbog
Fish Crow 35 Sunset Rd
Common Raven Whitesbog
Carolina Chickadee Whitesbog
Black-capped Chickadee Malverne
Tufted Titmouse Whitesbog
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Whitesbog
Purple Martin Whitesbog
Tree Swallow Whitesbog
Bank Swallow Reeves Bogs
Barn Swallow Whitesbog
White-breasted Nuthatch Whitesbog
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Double Trouble State Park
House Wren Whitesbog
Marsh Wren Brig
Carolina Wren Whitesbog
European Starling 35 Sunset Rd
Gray Catbird Whitesbog
Brown Thrasher Island Beach SP
Northern Mockingbird Crestwood Village
Eastern Bluebird Whitesbog
Veery Double Trouble State Park
Wood Thrush Double Trouble State Park
American Robin Double Trouble State Park
Cedar Waxwing Whitesbog
House Sparrow Brig
House Finch Double Trouble State Park
American Goldfinch Double Trouble State Park
Chipping Sparrow 35 Sunset Rd
Field Sparrow Double Trouble State Park
Seaside Sparrow Brig
Song Sparrow 35 Sunset Rd
Swamp Sparrow Whitesbog
Eastern Towhee Whitesbog
Orchard Oriole Colliers Mills WMA
Baltimore Oriole Whitesbog
Red-winged Blackbird Whitesbog
Brown-headed Cowbird Double Trouble State Park
Common Grackle Whitesbog
Boat-tailed Grackle Great Bay Blvd WMA
Ovenbird Whitesbog
Black-and-white Warbler Whitesbog
Prothonotary Warbler Reeves Bogs
Common Yellowthroat Whitesbog
Hooded Warbler Double Trouble State Park
Yellow Warbler Whitesbog
Pine Warbler Whitesbog
Prairie Warbler Whitesbog
Summer Tanager Colliers Mills WMA
Scarlet Tanager Huber Prairie Warbler Preserve
Northern Cardinal Double Trouble State Park
Indigo Bunting Brig
Dickcissel Pinelands Preservation
Alliance Headquarters
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