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Ruff, on right, Forsythe-Barnegat |
Driving down the Parkway, I got a text from Steve:
Are you aware of the Ruff at Barnegat?
If I was a subscriber to rare bird text alerts I would have been, but since I'm not, I have to rely on eBird, luck, and good friends like Steve to get me to the next rarity. But what a coincidence that I was on my way there anyway.
It took a little over a half hour to arrive in Barnegat, and of course, a half dozen birders were trying to refind the bird, not an easy task when there are 200 yellowlegs, both greater and lesser, shuffling along the mud flats, skittering into the air, then landing, inevitably, where the light is worst.
Someone had the bird from a vantage point on Edison Street, so we all transferred our optics there, but, after giving brief, unsatisfying looks through twigs and reeds blocking the scope, the bird moved out of sight. A few of us went back to the platform, where another birder was set up. He had the Ruff, about as far out on the flats as it could be, but with a scope you could differentiate it easily from all the yellowlegs. Pictures, of course, were problematical.
April was not the cruelest month. Migration madness started in earnest and I added 34 year birds, Interestingly, to me, four of the new birds were from my own backyard--whippoorwill, hummingbird, House Wren, &Yellow-throated Vireo (#99 for the yard). Most of new warblers came from Whitesbog (not a warbler hotspot) and most of the new shorebirds came from Brig (not surprisingly). Looking through my month list I'm startled to see that while I made it down to Salem once again, I didn't set foot in Monmouth County all month. I may have developed a slight Sandy Hook aversion.
Counties Birded: Atlantic, Burlington, Ocean, Salem
140 species:
Species First Sighting |
Snow Goose Brig |
Brant Waretown |
Canada Goose Manchester Dump |
Mute Swan Manahawkin WMA |
Wood Duck Whitesbog |
Blue-winged Teal Island Beach SP |
Northern Shoveler Brig |
Gadwall Brig |
Mallard Whitesbog |
American Black Duck Whitesbog |
Northern Pintail Forsythe-Barnegat |
Green-winged Teal Manahawkin WMA |
Ring-necked Duck Double Trouble State Park |
Black Scoter Island Beach SP |
Bufflehead Barnegat Municipal Dock |
Red-breasted Merganser Waretown |
Wild Turkey 35 Sunset Rd |
Horned Grebe Island Beach SP |
Mourning Dove 35 Sunset Rd |
Eastern Whip-poor-will 35 Sunset Rd |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Wells Mills Park |
Clapper Rail Great Bay Blvd |
American Coot Mannington Marsh |
American Oystercatcher Island Beach SP |
Black-bellied Plover Island Beach SP |
Piping Plover Island Beach SP |
Killdeer Compromise Rd. |
Whimbrel Brig |
Red Knot Brig |
Stilt Sandpiper Forsythe-Barnegat |
Sanderling Island Beach SP |
Dunlin Great Bay Blvd |
Least Sandpiper Whitesbog |
Pectoral Sandpiper Mannington Marsh |
Semipalmated Sandpiper Brig |
Short-billed Dowitcher Brig |
Wilson's Snipe Salem River WMA |
Solitary Sandpiper Cloverdale Farm |
Greater Yellowlegs Manahawkin WMA |
Willet Brig |
Lesser Yellowlegs Great Bay Blvd |
Bonaparte's Gull Mathis Veteran's Memorial Park |
Laughing Gull Barnegat Municipal Dock |
Ring-billed Gull Manahawkin Lake |
Herring Gull 35 Sunset Rd |
Lesser Black-backed Gull Island Beach SP |
Great Black-backed Gull Barnegat Municipal Dock |
Gull-billed Tern Brig |
Caspian Tern Brig |
Forster's Tern Island Beach SP |
Red-throated Loon Mannington Marsh |
Common Loon Waretown |
Northern Gannet Island Beach SP |
Great Cormorant Island Beach SP |
Double-crested Cormorant Island Beach SP |
American White Pelican Brig |
Least Bittern Brig |
Great Blue Heron Double Trouble State Park |
Great Egret E. Bay Ave, Barnegat |
Snowy Egret Waretown |
Little Blue Heron Island Beach SP |
Tricolored Heron Island Beach SP |
Cattle Egret Meadowedge Park |
Black-crowned Night-Heron Great Bay Blvd |
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Great Bay Blvd |
Glossy Ibis Island Beach SP |
Black Vulture Salem River WMA |
Turkey Vulture Pond on Schoolhouse Road |
Osprey Nessie Bog |
Northern Harrier Double Trouble State Park |
Sharp-shinned Hawk Great Bay Blvd |
Cooper's Hawk Double Trouble State Park |
Bald Eagle Double Trouble State Park |
Red-shouldered Hawk Brig |
Red-tailed Hawk Eno’s Pond |
Belted Kingfisher Whitesbog |
Red-headed Woodpecker Colliers Mills WMA |
Red-bellied Woodpecker 35 Sunset Rd |
Downy Woodpecker Double Trouble State Park |
Hairy Woodpecker Cloverdale Farm |
Northern Flicker Whitesbog |
American Kestrel Compromise Rd. |
Merlin Whiting WMA |
Peregrine Falcon Island Beach SP |
Eastern Phoebe 35 Sunset Rd |
Great Crested Flycatcher Whitesbog |
Eastern Kingbird Whitesbog |
White-eyed Vireo Brig |
Yellow-throated Vireo 35 Sunset Rd |
Warbling Vireo Colliers Mills WMA |
Blue Jay 35 Sunset Rd |
American Crow Pond on Schoolhouse Road, Whiting |
Fish Crow 35 Sunset Rd |
Common Raven Double Trouble State Park |
Carolina Chickadee 35 Sunset Rd |
Tufted Titmouse 35 Sunset Rd |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Salem River WMA |
Purple Martin Whitesbog |
Tree Swallow Whitesbog |
Barn Swallow Great Bay Blvd |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Island Beach SP |
Red-breasted Nuthatch 35 Sunset Rd |
White-breasted Nuthatch 35 Sunset Rd |
Brown Creeper Island Beach SP |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Double Trouble State Park |
House Wren 35 Sunset Rd |
Marsh Wren Brig |
Carolina Wren 35 Sunset Rd |
European Starling 35 Sunset Rd |
Gray Catbird Whitesbog |
Brown Thrasher Island Beach SP |
Northern Mockingbird Double Trouble State Park |
Eastern Bluebird Whitesbog |
Hermit Thrush Island Beach SP |
American Robin 35 Sunset Rd |
House Sparrow Tip Seaman County Park |
House Finch 35 Sunset Rd |
Purple Finch 35 Sunset Rd |
Red Crossbill Double Trouble State Park |
Pine Siskin 35 Sunset Rd |
American Goldfinch 35 Sunset Rd |
Chipping Sparrow 35 Sunset Rd |
Field Sparrow Cloverdale Farm |
Dark-eyed Junco 35 Sunset Rd |
White-throated Sparrow 35 Sunset Rd |
Seaside Sparrow Brig |
Savannah Sparrow Whitesbog |
Song Sparrow 35 Sunset Rd |
Swamp Sparrow Whitesbog |
Eastern Towhee Whitesbog |
Eastern Meadowlark Compromise Rd. |
Red-winged Blackbird Whitesbog |
Brown-headed Cowbird Whitesbog |
Common Grackle Waretown |
Boat-tailed Grackle Eno’s Pond |
Ovenbird Whitesbog |
Black-and-white Warbler Whitesbog |
Common Yellowthroat Whitesbog |
Hooded Warbler Whitesbog |
Yellow Warbler Brig |
Palm Warbler Whitesbog |
Pine Warbler 35 Sunset Rd |
Yellow-rumped Warbler Whitesbog |
Prairie Warbler Whitesbog |
Northern Cardinal 35 Sunset Rd |
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