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Cooper's Hawk, backyard |
I suppose that any month I get a life bird, and one I assumed I'd never see because I don't do pelagics can't be considered a bust, but I think part of my dissatisfaction is that I didn't really find any cool birds on my own. Happy to get the rarities, but not happy to chase them. And especially not happy to chase them when the chase is unsuccessful and there seemed to be a lot of those this month...I won't go into a litany of failure but on more than a few days, frustration reigned.
I hit most (all?) of my favorite hotspots this month. Sandy Hook started the year with a goodly number of birds, Island Beach yielded the Common Redpoll and later in the month the coveted DOVEKIE, 3 trips to Brig finally produced the American White Pelican (which went into the "How can you miss it?" category), and of course there was always Whitesbog, where I find the most pleasure birding.
For the month I found 132 species. That's probably just about half the number of birds I'll see all year, at least in New Jersey and I don't have any plans to leave the state yet non-vaccinated in a pandemic.
Species First SightingSnow Goose Brig
Brant Sandy Hook
Cackling Goose Meadowedge Park
Canada Goose Sandy Hook
Mute Swan Riverfront Landing
Trumpeter Swan Assunpink WMA
Tundra Swan Bamber Lake
Wood Duck Brig
Northern Shoveler Brig
Gadwall Mud City
Eurasian Wigeon Silver Lake
American Wigeon Brig
Mallard Pond on Schoolhouse Road
American Black Duck Sandy Hook
Northern Pintail Brig
Green-winged Teal Brig
Canvasback Brig
Ring-necked Duck Pond on Schoolhouse Road
Greater Scaup East Bay Av
Lesser Scaup Riverfront Landing
King Eider Sandy Hook
Common Eider Sandy Hook
Harlequin Duck Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Surf Scoter Sandy Hook
White-winged Scoter Sandy Hook
Black Scoter Sandy Hook
Long-tailed Duck Sandy Hook
Bufflehead Sandy Hook
Common Goldeneye Sandy Hook
Hooded Merganser Crestwood Village
Common Merganser East Bay Av
Red-breasted Merganser Sandy Hook
Ruddy Duck Riverfront Landing
Wild Turkey Pinewald Keswick Rd
Pied-billed Grebe Lake Como
Horned Grebe Sandy Hook
Rock Pigeon Wawa South Toms River
Mourning Dove Island Beach SP
American Coot Lake Como
Ruddy Turnstone Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Sanderling Sandy Hook
Dunlin Brig
Purple Sandpiper Shark River Inlet
Long-billed Dowitcher Brig
Greater Yellowlegs Brig
DOVEKIE Island Beach SP
Razorbill Island Beach SP
Bonaparte's Gull Sandy Hook
Black-headed Gull Manasquan Inlet
Ring-billed Gull Sandy Hook
Herring Gull Sandy Hook
Lesser Black-backed Gull Shark River Inlet
Great Black-backed Gull Sandy Hook
Red-throated Loon Sandy Hook
Common Loon Sandy Hook
Great Cormorant Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Double-crested Cormorant Manahawkin WMA
American White Pelican Brig
American Bittern Island Beach SP
Great Blue Heron Crestwood Village
Great Egret Brig
Little Blue Heron Island Beach SP
Tricolored Heron Bayview Ave Marina
Black-crowned Night-Heron Bayview Ave Park
Black Vulture New Egypt
Turkey Vulture Sandy Hook
Northern Harrier Sandy Hook
Sharp-shinned Hawk Bayview Ave Park
Cooper's Hawk Sandy Hook
Bald Eagle 35 Sunset Rd
Red-shouldered Hawk Sandy Hook
Red-tailed Hawk Holly Lake
Rough-legged Hawk BC Fairgrounds
Great Horned Owl 35 Sunset Rd
Belted Kingfisher Crestwood Village
Red-bellied Woodpecker Sandy Hook
Downy Woodpecker Sandy Hook
Hairy Woodpecker Etra Lake Park
Pileated Woodpecker Etra Lake Park
Northern Flicker Etra Lake Park
American Kestrel BC Fairgrounds
Merlin Tip Seaman County Park
Peregrine Falcon Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Northern Shrike Franklin Parker Preserve
Blue Jay 35 Sunset Rd
American Crow 35 Sunset Rd
Fish Crow Etra Lake Park
Common Raven Sandy Hook
Carolina Chickadee 35 Sunset Rd
Tufted Titmouse 35 Sunset Rd
Horned Lark Sandy Hook
Golden-crowned Kinglet Levi’s Rd
Red-breasted Nuthatch Ocean Acres Park
White-breasted Nuthatch Pond on Schoolhouse Road
Brown Creeper 35 Sunset Rd
Winter Wren Brig
Carolina Wren Sandy Hook
European Starling 35 Sunset Rd
Gray Catbird Sandy Hook
Northern Mockingbird Sandy Hook
Eastern Bluebird Levi’s Rd
Hermit Thrush Whitesbog
American Robin Sandy Hook
Cedar Waxwing Brig
House Sparrow Riverfront Landing
House Finch Shelter Cove Park
Purple Finch Brig
Common Redpoll Island Beach SP
Pine Siskin 35 Sunset Rd
American Goldfinch Assunpink WMA
Snow Bunting Sandy Hook
Chipping Sparrow Colliers Mills WMA
Field Sparrow Sandy Hook
American Tree Sparrow Sandy Hook
Fox Sparrow Manahawkin WMA
Dark-eyed Junco 35 Sunset Rd
White-throated Sparrow Sandy Hook
Savannah Sparrow Bridge to Nowhere
Song Sparrow Sandy Hook
Swamp Sparrow Colliers Mills WMA
Eastern Towhee Colliers Mills WMA
Eastern Meadowlark BC Fairgrounds
Red-winged Blackbird Mud City
Brown-headed Cowbird New Egypt
Rusty Blackbird New Egypt
Common Grackle Levi’s Rd
Boat-tailed Grackle Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Orange-crowned Warbler Sandy Hook
Pine Warbler Franklin Parker Preserve
Yellow-rumped Warbler Sandy Hook
Northern Cardinal 35 Sunset Rd
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