Sunday, September 14, 2014

Home 9/14--Eastern Screech-Owl

One night a few months ago we thought we heard an owl as we were coming back late from Brig. It turns out that our neighbor across the street does a passable owl imitation and was teasing us while he was walking his dog.

Tonight, Shari came into the house and asked me if I'd been making funny noises while she worked in the garage. She thought I was trying to fool her with an owl call. Not me, I told her, probably Dwight again, messing with you. A little later she called me out to the garage to hear Dwight's owl--except that Dwight wasn't outside. It was a real Eastern Screech-Owl she'd heard whinnying all night. I heard it clearly two or three times. Dwight thought it was hilarious that he fooled us the first time. He'll think it's even funnier that he fooled us without even trying.

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