Snowy Egret |
The first surprise was a supposed rarity in the big pool--a Snowy Egret among the waterfowl. This is rare only because of the date and probably only by a couple of days. Still, a new bird for the year and one not at the top of my mind. The year bird I saw was another I wasn't considering--an Osprey that flew over me while I was at the ocean's edge, trying to scope ducks in the rolling waves. At first, I was annoyed that I couldn't get a picture of this year bird and then I remembered, it's an Osprey, there are billions of pictures of Ospreys, the world doesn't need another photo of one.
Dunlin |
I was hoping for Lesser Black-backed Gull today too, and thought I had a good candidate in an immature bird, but after I sent pix to better birders than me, it turned out to only be a Great Black-backed Gull. I like them better when they're adults with easily identifiable yellow legs and charcoal mantles.
Because the waves were crashing up over the jetty, I couldn't look into the inlet to find the Harlequin Ducks that usually stay close to the rocks. I'll live with the disappointment. For the almost 3 hours I walked the beach I tallied 31 species.
Brant 120
Canada Goose 4
American Wigeon 2 Pool
Mallard 7
American Black Duck 11
Greater Scaup 2
Surf Scoter 4
Black Scoter 40
Long-tailed Duck 35
Red-breasted Merganser 15
Mourning Dove 3
American Oystercatcher 6
Dunlin 1
Purple Sandpiper 100 100+
American Herring Gull 50
Great Black-backed Gull 6
Common Loon 2
Great Cormorant 10
Double-crested Cormorant 2
Snowy Egret 1 Small white egret yellow feet black beak
Osprey 1
Blue Jay 1 Heard
American Crow 2
Carolina Wren 1
House Sparrow 2
House Finch 5
Song Sparrow 3
Red-winged Blackbird 5
Common Grackle 28
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2
Northern Cardinal 2
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