Sunday, June 30, 2024

June Recap--Rarities & Other Desiderata

The bird of the month, for me, was not one of the rarities I chased, nor was it one of the birds I deliberately sought out in Burlco, like the Grasshopper Sparrow or Pileated Woodpecker.  I was at Whitesbog in the middle of the month, walking on the Ocean County side. I hadn't seen anything of note that morning, though the list was respectable. I was heading back to the car and decided to take a "shortcut" through a wooded path that connects two of the sand roads. From one of the trees a large bird flew out--I knew immediately it was a raptor but had no idea what it was. I walked on and it flushed again and flew out of sight. Cooper's Hawk? Red-shouldered Hawk? No idea. I stood still and peered around. Again, it flew, but this time I caught sight of it as it landed on the branch of a pitch pine. It wasn't a hawk, but it was a raptor--a Great Horned Owl, staring at me with a look that said, "There's nothing more I'd like to do than to rip your face it off, but it's too much bother."  Of course, I hear owls whenever I do pre-dawn birding, but I very rarely get to see one in plain sight like that one. That certainly fulfilled the "one cool bird a day" goal. 

A bird I got tired of waiting around for was Common Nighthawk, so one late afternoon I drove over to Whitesbog and stood on the borderline between Ocean & Burlington and ticked it off for both counties. In August, they'll be flying over our house, but August seems a long way away. A bird I wasn't expected I heard on Scout Island at Cattus Island CP--a Virginia Rail, which I could hear clearly but couldn't find--it was probably under the boardwalk--I've flushed them from under boardwalks there in the past. And one day early in the month I made a concerted effort to find a Saltmarsh Sparrow, after not finding any in various marshes--I was finally successful at the Bridge to Nowhere. Subsequently, I got much better looks at Cattus Island where they can be found on the marshy peninsula that juts out into Barnegat Bay. 

In all the month produced 130 species, only10 of them year birds. It's June, it's slow. July will probably be slower--an article on eBird says that the least lists are posted in July of any month. It doesn't say that the most deer flies, greenhead flies, mosquitos, ticks, and chiggers can be found in July--I suspect an inverse correlation there. 

My month list:

Species                                         First Sighting
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck   Lake of the Lilies
Canada Goose   Bridge to Nowhere
Mute Swan   Bridge to Nowhere
Wood Duck   Whitesbog
Mallard   Bridge to Nowhere
American Black Duck   Whitesbog
Red-breasted Merganser   Island Beach SP
Ruddy Duck   Lake of the Lilies
Wild Turkey   Whiting
Rock Pigeon   Lake of the Lilies
Mourning Dove   Beach Ave
Yellow-billed Cuckoo   South Park Rd
Common Nighthawk   Whitesbog
Eastern Whip-poor-will   35 Sunset Rd
Chimney Swift   Laurel Run Park
Ruby-throated Hummingbird   35 Sunset Rd
Clapper Rail   Bridge to Nowhere
Virginia Rail   Cattus Island County Park
American Oystercatcher   Waretown
Black-bellied Plover   Island Beach SP
Killdeer   Whitesbog
Piping Plover   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Short-billed Dowitcher   Brig
Wilson's Phalarope   Brig
Lesser Yellowlegs   Brig
Willet   Beach Ave
Greater Yellowlegs   Brig
Sanderling   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Dunlin   Brig
Semipalmated Sandpiper   Island Beach SP
Laughing Gull   Bridge to Nowhere
Herring Gull   Bridge to Nowhere
Great Black-backed Gull   Waretown
Lesser Black-backed Gull   Island Beach SP
Black Skimmer   Island Beach SP
Least Tern   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Caspian Tern   Brig
Forster's Tern   Bridge to Nowhere
Common Tern   Island Beach SP
Royal Tern   Island Beach SP
Common Loon   Island Beach SP
Brown Booby   Manasquan Reservoir IBA
Double-crested Cormorant   Waretown
Black-crowned Night Heron   Island Beach SP
Little Blue Heron   Island Beach SP
Tricolored Heron   Bridge to Nowhere
Snowy Egret   Bridge to Nowhere
Green Heron   Whitesbog
Great Egret   Bridge to Nowhere
Great Blue Heron   Bridge to Nowhere
White Ibis   Waretown
Glossy Ibis   Bridge to Nowhere
Black Vulture   New Egypt
Turkey Vulture   35 Sunset Rd
Osprey   Eno’s Pond
Cooper's Hawk   South Park Rd
Bald Eagle   Boundary Creek Natural Resource Area
Red-shouldered Hawk   Bunker Hill Bogs
Red-tailed Hawk   Waretown
Great Horned Owl   Whitesbog
Belted Kingfisher   Cranberry Bogs
Red-headed Woodpecker   South Park Rd
Red-bellied Woodpecker   Beach Ave
Downy Woodpecker   Meadowview Lane
Hairy Woodpecker   Huber Preserve
Pileated Woodpecker   Meadowview Lane
Northern Flicker   Boundary Creek Natural Resource Area
Eastern Wood-Pewee   Beach Ave
Willow Flycatcher   Beach Ave
Eastern Phoebe   Bamber Lake
Great Crested Flycatcher   Beach Ave
Eastern Kingbird   Eno's Pond
White-eyed Vireo   Whitesbog
Warbling Vireo   Laurel Run Park
Red-eyed Vireo   Beach Ave
Blue Jay   Beach Ave
American Crow   35 Sunset Rd
Fish Crow   Bridge to Nowhere
Carolina Chickadee   35 Sunset Rd
Tufted Titmouse   Beach Ave
Tree Swallow   Bridge to Nowhere
Purple Martin   Bamber Lake
Northern Rough-winged Swallow   Laurel Run Park
Barn Swallow   Waretown
White-breasted Nuthatch   35 Sunset Rd
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher   Beach Ave
House Wren   Bamber Lake
Marsh Wren   Bridge to Nowhere
Carolina Wren   Beach Ave
European Starling   35 Sunset Rd
Gray Catbird   Beach Ave
Brown Thrasher   Bamber Lake
Northern Mockingbird   Waretown
Eastern Bluebird   35 Sunset Rd
Veery   Beach Ave
Wood Thrush   Beach Ave
American Robin   Beach Ave
Cedar Waxwing   Whitesbog
House Sparrow   Waretown
House Finch   Beach Ave
American Goldfinch   Beach Ave
Grasshopper Sparrow   Laurel Run Park
Chipping Sparrow   35 Sunset Rd
Field Sparrow   Laurel Run Park
Seaside Sparrow   Bridge to Nowhere
Saltmarsh Sparrow   Bridge to Nowhere
Song Sparrow   Bridge to Nowhere
Swamp Sparrow   Reeves Bogs
Eastern Towhee   35 Sunset Rd
Orchard Oriole   Boundary Creek Natural Resource Area
Red-winged Blackbird   Beach Ave
Brown-headed Cowbird   Eno's Pond Park
Common Grackle   Waretown
Boat-tailed Grackle   Island Beach SP
Ovenbird   Beach Ave
Louisiana Waterthrush   Evert Trail
Blue-winged Warbler   Huber Preserve
Black-and-white Warbler   Bamber Lake
Prothonotary Warbler   Beach Ave
Common Yellowthroat   Beach Ave
Hooded Warbler   Bamber Lake
American Redstart   Beach Ave
Yellow Warbler   Beach Ave
Pine Warbler   35 Sunset Rd
Prairie Warbler   Whitesbog
Summer Tanager   Meadowview Lane
Scarlet Tanager   Colliers Mills WMA
Northern Cardinal   Beach Ave
Blue Grosbeak   South Park Rd
Indigo Bunting   Laurel Run Park

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