Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Manasquan 11/15--Limpkin

On one shoulder, Rational Larry kept whispering in my ear, "It's just a bird. It's not a life bird. You've seen plenty of them." On the other shoulder, Birder Larry (a.k.a Irrational Larry), was shouting, "It's a GREAT bird. FIRST in the fricking state! It's only 23 miles away!" They were both talking about the Limpkin, of course, which was first found on Sunday, then seen by multitudes the last couple of days while I stuck close to home as Shari recovers from knee surgery. 

There seems to be two schools of thought on this bird. Some people report that it doesn't look well and just stands around without eating. Others, including me this afternoon, saw it constantly picking at the ground, presumably eating.  What it is eating is another question, since its main food source in Florida is apple snails of which there is a dearth in New Jersey. Worms? Slugs? Whatever it's eating, there must be a lot of them in that neighborhood in Manasquan because for the fourth day the Limpkin was still around. So, when Shari's friend came to visit around noon, Birder Larry said hello/goodbye and drove 45 minutes up Routes 70 & 35 to see if he could add this bird to his Year/Monmouth County/New Jersey lists. 

The bird, I was glad to hear, had moved from the backyards of the neighborhood (I hate walking around a residential neighborhood looking for a bird, even if the homeowners are friendly) and to a field very close to Route 35. In fact, 100 more feet and the bird would've been in the middle of the highway. I made a right off the highway and immediately saw two birders with scope and camera, looking and shooting, so I knew I'd at least see the bird. I didn't think the bird would be right in front of me when I crossed the street. It seemed to have no fear or interest in onlookers, as it constantly picked at the soil. I knew one of the birders, otherwise I probably wouldn't have stayed there as long as I did--7 minutes. It is a great bird, it is a great addition to the lists, but, that was driving, not birding.  

As to the Western Cattle Egret seen nearby at the National Guard Training Center, no thanks, seen plenty of Cattle Egrets in my time (though not since they got split into Western & Eastern species). As to the Sage Thrasher at Brig--it would be a good addition to the Jersey list, but it's not even a year bird (Oregon) and, under the circumstances, just too far. 

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