Eastern Whip-poor-will. Shari & I were of one mind tonight when we each stepped outside the house to listen. She thought she'd heard one but all we could hear was distant gunfire from Dix. Amazing how far that sound travels. Then, just as were about to go back inside we heard, from the little grove of trees next to the retention basin, "whip, whip, whip...whip-poor-will, whip-poor-will," with another bird a few houses away answering with simple "whips." A few minutes later they started with the partial calls again then stopped. We've found that they don't really get going until mid-May.
And now I can look forward to the neighbors complaining about those "damn birds" keeping them up all night. As we live in an over-55 community, I reply, "You guys are all deaf! I can hear you talking to each other a block away. How come you can hear the whip-poor-will, inside your house, with the air-conditioning on?"
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