Saturday, February 29, 2020

February--11 Year Birds

Ruddy Turnstones, Barnegat Light SP
February is an historically slow month for birds. After the New Years rush of January, when almost every day brings new year birds onto the list, February tends to be deja vu all over again. So with that consideration, 11 year birds, with almost half of them considered "rare" is not bad, plus I had quite a few repeat rarities for the month, like Cackling Goose, Eurasian Wigeon, and Ash-throated Flycatcher, along with 3 separate sightings of Eastern Phoebe, which sure won't be rare in a month or so. When I saw the Ash-throated Flycatcher again in New Egypt, I wasn't even looking for it. I was passing by the area it and the phoebe had been frequenting, looking for American Kestrel for my county list, when I glanced out the car window and saw the phoebe. 10 seconds later, I looked a little to the right of the phoebe and saw the Ash-throated perched on a stick. Nice, but I was happier to finally find a kestrel on Long Swamp Road a few minutes later, having driven up and down West Colliers Mills Road seemingly for 2 months without finding one.

Tundra Swan, Whitesbog
I haven't added up the trips, but it felt like I split the majority of the month between Colliers Mills/New Egypt and Whitesbog, with a couple of trips down to Brig (Golden Eagle, Yellow-breasted Chat) and only one trip to Assunpink. I didn't get to either Sandy Hook or Island Beach SP, leaving the freezing my face off trips for Barnegat Light where I finally saw a King Eider (drake) after failing to find the hen multiple times in January.

House Sparrow
The turkeys returned this month to our backyard, along with quite a few other notable species: Pine Warbler, Fox Sparrow, and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, along with one species yesterday that I'd rather not see--House Sparrow. It was only one male and I hope it stays that way. Checking my records, its the first House Sparrow beneath our feeders since September of 2017. They are actually scarce around here, especially since the addlepated neighbor, who use to have a bird house they colonized, was taken away for her own safety. Secret admission--I find them to be very handsome little birds. If they just weren't so aggressive! I also admire starlings and Brown-headed Cowbirds.

For the month I tallied 126 species, down from January's result of 135. Of course, there were 2 fewer days in this month.

Counties birded: Atlantic, Burlington, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean
Species            First Sighting
Snow Goose   Brig
Brant   Manasquan Inlet
Cackling Goose   Deer Head Lake
Canada Goose   Lake of the Lilies
Mute Swan   Wreck Pond
Trumpeter Swan   Assunpink WMA
Tundra Swan   Whitesbog
Wood Duck   Whitesbog
Northern Shoveler   Wreck Pond
Gadwall   Wreck Pond
Eurasian Wigeon   MacLearie Park
American Wigeon   MacLearie Park
Mallard   Lake of the Lilies
American Black Duck   Manasquan Inlet
Northern Pintail   Forsythe-Barnegat
Green-winged Teal   Forsythe-Barnegat
Canvasback   Colliers Mills WMA
Redhead   Riverfront Landing
Ring-necked Duck   Holly Lake
Greater Scaup   Lake of the Lilies
Lesser Scaup   Lake of the Lilies
King Eider   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Common Eider   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Harlequin Duck   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Surf Scoter   Spring Lake
White-winged Scoter   Manasquan Inlet
Black Scoter   Manasquan Inlet
Long-tailed Duck   Manasquan Inlet
Bufflehead   Manasquan Inlet
Common Goldeneye   LBI Bayside
Hooded Merganser   Lake of the Lilies
Common Merganser   Prospertown Lake
Red-breasted Merganser   Manasquan Inlet
Ruddy Duck   Lake of the Lilies
Wild Turkey   35 Sunset Rd
Pied-billed Grebe   Manasquan Reservoir IBA
Horned Grebe   Raritan Bay Waterfront Park
Eared Grebe   Lakes Bay
Rock Pigeon   Wawa South Toms River
Mourning Dove   Lake of the Lilies
American Coot   Lake of the Lilies
Black-bellied Plover   Forsythe-Barnegat
Killdeer   Ephraim P. Emson Preserve
Ruddy Turnstone   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Sanderling   Raritan Bay Waterfront Park
Dunlin   Forsythe-Barnegat
Purple Sandpiper   Manasquan Inlet
American Woodcock   Collinstown Rd
Greater Yellowlegs   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Razorbill   Manasquan Inlet
Laughing Gull   Manasquan Inlet
Ring-billed Gull   Lake of the Lilies
Herring Gull   Lake of the Lilies
Lesser Black-backed Gull   Raritan Bay Waterfront Park
Great Black-backed Gull   Lake of the Lilies
Red-throated Loon   Manasquan Inlet
Common Loon   Manasquan Inlet
Northern Gannet   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Great Cormorant   Raritan Bay Waterfront Park
Double-crested Cormorant   Lake of the Lilies
Great Blue Heron   Lake of the Lilies
Black Vulture   Brig
Turkey Vulture   Deer Head Lake
Golden Eagle   Motts Creek
Northern Harrier   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Sharp-shinned Hawk   Manahawkin WMA
Cooper's Hawk   New Egypt
Bald Eagle   MacLearie Park
Red-shouldered Hawk   Meadowedge Park
Red-tailed Hawk   MacLearie Park
Belted Kingfisher   Manahawkin WMA
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker   Cattus Island County Park
Red-headed Woodpecker   Colliers Mills WMA
Red-bellied Woodpecker   35 Sunset Rd
Downy Woodpecker   Wells Mills Park
Hairy Woodpecker   Manahawkin WMA
Northern Flicker   Manahawkin WMA
American Kestrel   New Egypt
Merlin   Lake of the Lilies
Peregrine Falcon   Ken Buchanan Riverfront Park
Eastern Phoebe   Meadowedge Park
Ash-throated Flycatcher   New Egypt
Blue Jay   Crestwood Village
American Crow   35 Sunset Rd
Fish Crow   Manasquan Inlet
Common Raven   New Egypt
Carolina Chickadee   35 Sunset Rd
Tufted Titmouse   35 Sunset Rd
Tree Swallow   Brig
Golden-crowned Kinglet   Colliers Mills WMA
Ruby-crowned Kinglet   Whitesbog
White-breasted Nuthatch   Wells Mills Park
Brown Creeper   Colliers Mills WMA
Winter Wren   Whitesbog
Carolina Wren   Wreck Pond
European Starling   Wells Mills Park
Gray Catbird   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Brown Thrasher   New Egypt
Northern Mockingbird   18 Aberdeen Avenue
Eastern Bluebird   Cattus Island County Park
Hermit Thrush   Wells Mills Park
American Robin   Wells Mills Park
House Sparrow   Lake of the Lilies
House Finch   Wells Mills Park
American Goldfinch   35 Sunset Rd
Chipping Sparrow   Colliers Mills WMA
Field Sparrow   Brig
American Tree Sparrow   Assunpink WMA
Fox Sparrow   35 Sunset Rd
Dark-eyed Junco   35 Sunset Rd
White-throated Sparrow   Tip Seaman CP
Savannah Sparrow   Cream Ridge
Song Sparrow   Lake Como
Swamp Sparrow   Manahawkin WMA
Eastern Towhee   Brig
Yellow-breasted Chat   Brig
Eastern Meadowlark   Colliers Mills WMA
Red-winged Blackbird   Tip Seaman CP
Brown-headed Cowbird   Collinstown Rd
Rusty Blackbird   Colliers Mills WMA
Common Grackle   Wreck Pond
Boat-tailed Grackle   Manasquan Inlet
Palm Warbler   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Pine Warbler   35 Sunset Rd
Yellow-rumped Warbler   Wells Mills Park
Northern Cardinal   Lake Como

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