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Sawtooth National Forest Photo: Shari Zirlin |
Shari & I spent a couple of days in Salt Lake City before the tour began, doing touristy things, but we did get one bird that wasn't found by the group--California Quail. The weather was consistently hot--reaching 103 degrees on July 22 in Salt Lake City, their hottest day of the year, so far. Precipitation consisted of approximately 15 raindrops in American Falls, Idaho. It is so hot and dry there that while in Twin Falls, my weather app said it was raining while I stood outside, perfectly dry. The next morning, I saw the local weatherman explain that most of the rain evaporated before it ever reached the ground, or my head.
Everybody's trip list is inevitably a little different. Shari & I ended up with 157 species for the two states. The group list will probably be a few more than that number.
The following links will take you to the entries for the trip.
Salt Lake City
Gilgal Garden
Wasatch Mountains
Salt Lake City to Twin Falls
Rock Creek Road | Diamondfield Jack Campground | Shoshone Falls
Twin Falls | American Falls
Mud Lake | Market Lake
Kinney Creek Trail | Mink Creek Road | Curlew National Grasslands
Antelope Island | I-15 | Bear River MBR
The state lists
UTAH: 101 Species
Species First
Canada Goose
Wiley Post Road
Red Butte Arboretum
Green-winged Teal Antelope Island SP
Bear River MBR
Common Goldeneye Liberty Park
Ruddy Duck
Bear River MBR
California Quail Gilgal
Ring-necked Pheasant Bear River MBR
Pied-billed Grebe Kennecott Reclamation Ponds
Eared Grebe
Antelope Island SP
Western Grebe Lee
Kay Ponds
Clark's Grebe Lee
Kay Ponds
Rock Pigeon
N Jimmy Doolittle Rd, Salt Lake City
Eurasian Collared-Dove Gilgal
Mourning Dove
Gilgal Garden
Black-chinned Hummingbird Red
Butte Arboretum
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Virginia Rail Bear
River MBR
Sora Bear River MBR
American Coot
Liberty Park
Black-necked Stilt Lee
Kay Ponds
American Avocet Lee Kay Ponds
Snowy Plover Bear
River MBR
Wiley Post Road
Long-billed Curlew
Antelope Island SP
Wilson's Phalarope Lee Kay Ponds
Red-necked Phalarope
Antelope Island SP
Spotted Sandpiper Big Cottonwood Canyon
Solitary Sandpiper Bear River MBR
Antelope Island SP
Franklin's Gull Lee
Kay Ponds
Ring-billed Gull Liberty Park
California Gull N
Jimmy Doolittle Rd, Salt Lake City
Forster's Tern Lee Kay Ponds
Neotropic Cormorant Lee
Kay Ponds
Double-crested Cormorant Lee Kay Ponds
American White Pelican Lee
Kay Ponds
Great Blue Heron Lee Kay Ponds
Snowy Egret
Lee Kay Ponds
Cattle Egret I-15
N, Brigham City
White-faced Ibis N Jimmy Doolittle Rd, Salt Lake City
Turkey Vulture Antelope Island SP
Swainson's Hawk Kennecott
Reclamation Ponds
Red-tailed Hawk Big Cottonwood Canyon
OWL Wasatch Mountain SP
Great Horned Owl Antelope Island SP
Burrowing Owl
UT-30, Howell
Red-naped Sapsucker Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Downy Woodpecker Liberty Park
Hairy Woodpecker Big Cottonwood Canyon
Northern Flicker Big Cottonwood Canyon
Western Wood-Pewee Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Dusky Flycatcher Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Say's Phoebe
Antelope Island SP
Western Kingbird N
Jimmy Doolittle Rd, Salt Lake City
Warbling Vireo Red Butte Arboretum
Steller's Jay Big
Cottonwood Canyon
American Crow
Gilgal Garden
Common Raven
Big Cottonwood Canyon
Horned Lark
UT-30, Howell
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Red Butte Arboretum
Violet-green Swallow Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Bank Swallow
Antelope Island SP
Barn Swallow
N Jimmy Doolittle Rd, Salt Lake City
Cliff Swallow
Big Cottonwood Canyon
Black-capped Chickadee Gilgal Garden
Mountain Chickadee Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Red-breasted Nuthatch Big Cottonwood Canyon
Rock Wren
Antelope Island SP
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher City Creek Canyon Rd,
American Dipper Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Big Cottonwood Canyon
Townsend's Solitaire Big Cottonwood Canyon
Swainson's Thrush Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Hermit Thrush
Wasatch Mountain SP
American Robin Red Butte Arboretum
European Starling Lee Kay Ponds
House Finch
Liberty Park
Cassin's Finch Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Pine Siskin
Big Cottonwood Canyon
Lesser Goldfinch Red
Butte Arboretum
American Goldfinch Red Butte Arboretum
Chipping Sparrow Big Cottonwood Canyon
Lark Sparrow
Antelope Island SP
Dark-eyed Junco Big Cottonwood Canyon
White-crowned Sparrow Big Cottonwood Canyon
Vesper Sparrow Antelope Island SP
Song Sparrow
N Jimmy Doolittle Rd, Salt Lake City
Lincoln's Sparrow Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Yellow-headed Blackbird Lee
Kay Ponds
Western Meadowlark Antelope Island SP
Red-winged Blackbird Lee Kay Ponds
Brown-headed Cowbird Antelope Island SP
Brewer's Blackbird
Liberty Park
Great-tailed Grackle N
Jimmy Doolittle Rd, Salt Lake City
MacGillivray's Warbler Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Yellow-rumped Warbler Big Cottonwood Canyon
Western Tanager Big
Cottonwood Canyon
Black-headed Grosbeak Red
Butte Arboretum
Lazuli Bunting Red
Butte Arboretum
House Sparrow
N Jimmy Doolittle Rd, Salt Lake City
IDAHO: 132 Species
Species First Sighting
Canada Goose
Mud Lake WMA
Trumpeter Swan Camas NWR
Camas NWR
American Wigeon Camas NWR
Shoshone Falls Park
Northern Pintail Seagull Bay Recreation Area
Mud Lake WMA
Mud Lake WMA
Ruddy Duck
Mud Lake WMA
Lake WMA
Pied-billed Grebe Market Lake WMA
Eared Grebe Mud
Lake WMA
Western Grebe
American Falls Reservoir
Clark's Grebe
American Falls Reservoir
Rock Pigeon
Rock Creek Road
Eurasian Collared-Dove Malta City Park
Mourning Dove
Shoshone Falls Park
Common Nighthawk N 2700 E, Twin Falls
White-throated Swift Shoshone Falls Park
Black-chinned Hummingbird N 2700 E, Twin Falls
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Scout Mountain Campground
American Coot
Mud Lake WMA
Sandhill Crane Camas NWR
American Avocet Market Lake WMA
Killdeer Old Highway 81, Malta
Marbled Godwit American
Falls Reservoir
Semipalmated Sandpiper Market Lake WMA
Western Sandpiper Seagull Bay Recreation Area
Long-billed Dowitcher
Market Lake WMA
Wilson's Snipe Market Lake WMA
Wilson's Phalarope Camas NWR
Spotted Sandpiper Old Highway 81, Malta
Solitary Sandpiper Camas NWR
Greater Yellowlegs Old Highway 81, Malta
Camas NWR
Lesser Yellowlegs Old Highway 81, Malta
Franklin's Gull American Falls Reservoir
Ring-billed Gull Pole Line Rd, Twin Falls
California Gull American Falls Reservoir
Caspian Tern
Market Lake WMA
Common Loon
Mud Lake WMA
Double-crested Cormorant American Falls Reservoir
American White Pelican American Falls Reservoir
Great Blue Heron Shoshone Falls Park
Snowy Egret
Mud Lake WMA
Black-crowned Night-Heron Mud Lake WMA
White-faced Ibis American Falls Reservoir
Turkey Vulture 2666 Old Highway 30 S, Malta
Shoshone Falls Park
Golden Eagle
ID-81, Malta
Northern Harrier Mud Lake WMA
Bald Eagle
Camas NWR
Swainson's Hawk ID-81, Malta
Red-tailed Hawk Porcupine Springs
Ferruginous Hawk
ID-81, Malta
Barn Owl Ramsey Rd, American
Burrowing Owl
N 3000 E, Twin Falls
Red-naped Sapsucker Kinney Creek Trail
Downy Woodpecker Lower Penstemon Campground
Hairy Woodpecker Scout Mountain Campground
Northern Flicker Thompson Flat Campground
American Kestrel N 3000 E, Twin Falls
Western Wood-Pewee Mud Lake WMA
Willow Flycatcher Mud Lake WMA
Hammond's Flycatcher Diamondfield
Jack Campground
Flycatcher Kinney Creek Trail
Dusky Flycatcher Lower Penstemon Campground
Cordilleran Flycatcher
Kinney Creek Trail
Western Kingbird Mud Lake WMA
Eastern Kingbird Seagull Bay Recreation Area
Loggerhead Shrike
ID-81, Malta
Vireo Kinney Creek Trail
Warbling Vireo Lower Penstemon Campground
Black-billed Magpie 2666
Old Highway 30 S, Malta
American Crow
Third Fork
Common Raven
E 2600 N, Twin Falls
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Shoshone Falls Park
Tree Swallow
Thompson Flat Campground
Violet-green Swallow Thompson Flat Campground
Bank Swallow
Mud Lake WMA
Barn Swallow
45 S Main St, Malta
Cliff Swallow
Shoshone Falls Park
Black-capped Chickadee Rock Creek Road
Mountain Chickadee Thompson Flat Campground
Juniper Titmouse
Kinney Creek Trail
Bushtit Kinney Creek Trail
Red-breasted Nuthatch Thompson Flat Campground
Rock Wren Rock
Creek Road
Canyon Wren Rock
Creek Road
House Wren
Thompson Flat Campground
Marsh Wren
Camas NWR
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Kinney Creek Trail
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Thompson Flat Campground
Mountain Bluebird Mink
Creek Rd
Swainson's Thrush Cherry Springs
American Robin Thompson Flat Campground
Gray Catbird
Rock Creek Road
Sage Thrasher
ID-81, Malta
Cedar Waxwing
Hampton Inn, Twin Falls
Cassin's Finch Thompson Flat Campground
CROSSBILL Thompson Flat Campground
Pine Siskin
Thompson Flat Campground
Lesser Goldfinch Malta City Park
American Goldfinch 330 Canyon Crest Dr, Twin Falls
Grasshopper Sparrow Buist Rd, Holbrook
Chipping Sparrow Lower Penstemon Campground
Brewer's Sparrow
Curlew National Grassland
Lark Sparrow
Kinney Creek Trail
Fox Sparrow
Thompson Flat Campground
Dark-eyed Junco Thompson Flat Campground
White-crowned Sparrow Thompson Flat Campground
Vesper Sparrow Mud
Lake WMA
Savannah Sparrow Market Lake WMA
Song Sparrow
Third Fork
Spotted Towhee
Kinney Creek Trail
Yellow-breasted Chat Rock Creek Road
Yellow-headed Blackbird Camas NWR
Western Meadowlark 2565
N 2800 E, Twin Falls
Bullock's Oriole
Highway 93, Twin Falls
Red-winged Blackbird American Falls Reservoir
Brewer's Blackbird Old Highway 81, Malta
Great-tailed Grackle Seagull Bay Recreation Area
Orange-crowned Warbler Scout Mountain Campground
MacGillivray's Warbler Lower Penstemon Campground
Common Yellowthroat Market Lake WMA
Yellow Warbler Mud Lake WMA
Yellow-rumped Warbler Thompson Flat Campground
Black-throated Gray
Warbler Kinney Creek Trail
Western Tanager Diamondfield Jack Campground
Black-headed Grosbeak Mud Lake WMA
Lazuli Bunting Rock Creek Road
House Sparrow
45 S Main St, Malta
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