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Killdeer |
Over the years this field has not only had breeding Killdeer in it (I have pictures of a Killdeer chick to prove it), but also Red-tailed Hawks, kingbirds, mockingbirds--the field is always worth a look. But, like almost every other private empty space in Lakewood it up for sale and development and the fact that the Killdeer will lose their breeding ground will not be an argument against another strip mall or condominiums. So I'm going to enjoy this field for as long as it lasts.
Like most Jersey birders, I spend way too much time and money in Wawas. Unlike most Jersey birders, I also spend way too much time documenting my stops. I also keep, thanks to the magic of eBird's database, a list of birds I've seen at the 94 (and counting) Wawa's I have visited. So far the list is up to 34 species, which seems remarkable to me considering we're talking about an acre of asphalt here. Of course, a lot of these are flyovers, but Mike did once take a picture of a Red-tailed Hawk siting atop the Wawa in Galloway. By far the most interesting bird I've seen at a Wawa was down in Cape Coral, Florida, where Muscovy Ducks (countable in Florida) were just hanging out along the fence line of the parking lot. But aside from the House Sparrows, pigeons, and starlings you'd expect to see in any parking lot, the list has on it some birds you would't expect to find when stopping for a bathroom break and then a bladder refill of coffee. This seems like an apt time to show my Wawa Patch List:
Species Location |
Canada Goose Wawa South Toms River |
Muscovy Duck Wawa Cape Coral, FL |
Mallard Wawa County Line Rd |
Rock Pigeon Wawa South Toms River |
Mourning Dove Field next to Lakewood Wawa |
Killdeer Field next to Lakewood Wawa |
Laughing Gull Field next to Lakewood Wawa |
Herring Gull Wawa County Line Rd |
Double-crested Cormorant Wawa County Line Rd |
Great Blue Heron Wawa Rt 70 & CR 530 |
Great Egret Wawa South Toms River |
Black Vulture Wawa Rt 130 |
Turkey Vulture Field next to Lakewood Wawa |
Bald Eagle Wawa Woodstown |
Red-tailed Hawk Field next to Lakewood Wawa |
Eastern Wood-Pewee Wawa Rt 70 & CR 530 |
Eastern Kingbird Field next to Lakewood Wawa |
Blue Jay Wawa 179 Route 37 E |
American Crow Field next to Lakewood Wawa |
Fish Crow Wawa-Jackson-1120 E Veterans Hwy |
Common Raven Wawa County Line Rd |
Carolina Chickadee Wawa Galloway |
White-breasted Nuthatch Wawa Rt 70 & CR 530 |
Carolina Wren Wawa 179 Route 37 E |
American Robin Wawa County Line Rd |
Gray Catbird Wawa County Line Rd |
Northern Mockingbird Wawa County Line Rd |
European Starling Wawa Rt 70 & CR 530 |
House Finch Wawa County Line Rd |
Field Sparrow Wawa South Toms River |
Song Sparrow Wawa County Line Rd |
Common Grackle Wawa Parsippany |
Yellow Warbler Wawa County Line Rd |
Northern Cardinal Wawa 179 Route 37 E House Sparrow Wawa Rt 70 & CR 530 |
Red-tailed Hawk, Wawa Galloway Photo: Mike Mandracchia |
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