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Long-Tailed Duck (hen) Barnegat Light SP |
Common Eider (hen), Barnegat Light SP |
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Cackling Goose with Canada Goose, Conine's Millpond Photo: Mike Mandracchia |
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Red-tailed Hawk, Whitesbog |
I'm way ahead of my pace from last year and that's because I deliberately went after the "hard " birds like owls and rare geese, not to mention the Townsend's Warbler at the Trenton Sewage Ponds.
However, I didn't chase a Black Phoebe that was way up in Northern New Jersey, nor a Northern Shrike in the same vicinity. Or a hen Barrow's Goldeneye in the Delaware. I wasn't even tempted. Some birds are just too far.
I really concentrate on Ocean County and the surrounding counties with Mercer an honorable mention. I don't have a big Mercer list, but with the Townsend's Warbler this month, it has some really interesting birds on it, like last year's Ash-throated Flycatcher, and previous year's crossbills, Barnacle Geese, Virginia Rail, Least Bittern...even a Crested Caracara a few years ago. But generally I feel, the closer the rarity, the more valuable the rarity.
Birds I want for Ocean County, soon: American Woodcock, the aforementioned Winter Wren, a Purple Finch, and an American Bittern. That's quite a shopping list but not out of the question.
As to geese: We're still waiting for Pink-footed Goose and Ross's Goose to show up somewhere in the state.
Tomorrow is a new month. February tends to be really dead, so unless some new rarities show up I don't think I'm going to hit as high a number as I did this month. I'm not a "month" birder (yet) so I'm not going to go out of my way to get a Trumpeter Swan, for example, just to get a Trumpeter Swan for the month. However, if I happen to be in the vicinity....
Birds in bold italics are rarities for the month--either really rare, or just rare for the time of the year. All were exciting to see.
Species First Sighting
Snow Goose
Sandy Hook
Barnacle Goose Conine’s
Cackling Goose Lake
Canada Goose
Seven Presidents Park
Mute Swan
Lake Takanassee
Trumpeter Swan Stone
Tavern Lake
Tundra Swan
Wood Duck
Little Silver Lake
Northern Shoveler Monmouth Beach
Lake Takanassee
Eurasian Wigeon Shark
American Wigeon Lake Takanassee
Lake Takanassee
American Black Duck Lake of the Lilies
Northern Pintail Brig
Green-winged Teal Allenhurst
Mathis Veteran's Memorial Park
Lake of the Lilies
Ring-necked Duck Mathis Veteran's Memorial Park
Greater Scaup
Bayview Ave Park
Lesser Scaup
Assunpink WMA
Common Eider
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Harlequin Duck Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Surf Scoter
Sandy Hook
White-winged Scoter Sandy Hook
Black Scoter
Sandy Hook
Long-tailed Duck Sandy Hook
Sandy Hook
Common Goldeneye LBI Bayside
Hooded Merganser Lake Takanassee
Common Merganser Conine’s Millpond
Red-breasted Merganser Sandy Hook
Ruddy Duck
Lake Takanassee
Ring-necked Pheasant New
Wild Turkey
New Egypt
Pied-billed Grebe Lake Takanassee
Horned Grebe
Sandy Hook
Red-necked Grebe Sandy Hook
Rock Pigeon
Little Silver Lake
Mourning Dove
Seven Presidents Park
American Coot
Lake Takanassee
Sandhill Crane
Pemberton Twp MUA Fields
Lakewood Wawa
Ruddy Turnstone Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Manasquan Inlet
Manasquan Inlet
Purple Sandpiper Manasquan Inlet
Spotted Sandpiper
Barnegat Municipal Dock
Greater Yellowlegs Poplar St Boat Launch
Sandy Hook
Ring-billed Gull Lake Takanassee
Herring Gull
Sandy Hook
Lesser Black-backed Gull Lake Takanassee
Glaucous Gull
Manasquan Inlet
Great Black-backed Gull Sandy Hook
Red-throated Loon Monmouth Beach
Pacific Loon
Manasquan Inlet
Common Loon
Sandy Hook
Northern Gannet Sandy Hook
Great Cormorant Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Double-crested Cormorant Point Pleasant Beach
Great Blue Heron Lake Takanassee
Great Egret
Great Bay Bvld.
Black-crowned Night-Heron Brig
Black Vulture
Fischer Blvd-Toms River
Turkey Vulture
35 Sunset Rd
Northern Harrier BC Fairgrounds
Sharp-shinned Hawk 18 Aberdeen Avenue
Cooper's Hawk
Lake Takanassee
Bald Eagle
Sandy Hook
Red-shouldered Hawk Brig
Red-tailed Hawk Point Pleasant Beach
Rough-legged Hawk Stafford Township
Eastern Screech-Owl Beach Ave
Great Horned Owl Beach Ave
Snowy Owl
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Long-eared Owl
Assunpink WMA
Northern Saw-whet Owl Pole Farm
Belted Kingfisher Bayview Ave Park
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Cattus Island County Park
Red-bellied Woodpecker Marshall's Pond
Downy Woodpecker 35 Sunset Rd
Hairy Woodpecker Assunpink WMA
Pileated Woodpecker Assunpink WMA
Northern Flicker Cedar Bonnet Island
American Kestrel Pemberton Twp MUA Fields
Toms River
Peregrine Falcon Sandy Hook
Eastern Phoebe Trenton Sewage Ponds
Blue Jay
Lake of the Lilies
American Crow
35 Sunset Rd
Fish Crow
New Egypt
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Trenton Sewage Ponds
Tree Swallow
Trenton Sewage Ponds
Carolina Chickadee 35 Sunset Rd
Tufted Titmouse Cattus Island County Park
Red-breasted Nuthatch Cattus Island County Park
White-breasted Nuthatch Cattus Island County Park
Brown Creeper
Colliers Mills WMA
Winter Wren
Union Transportation Trail
Carolina Wren
Sandy Hook
Golden-crowned Kinglet Cattus Island County Park
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Assunpink WMA
Eastern Bluebird Cloverdale Farm
Hermit Thrush
Taylor Ln
American Robin Marshall's Pond
Gray Catbird
Assunpink WMA
Brown Thrasher Manahawkin WMA
Northern Mockingbird Lake of the Lilies
European Starling South Toms River
Cedar Waxwing
Taylor Ln
House Finch
Cattus Island County Park
Pine Siskin
Cloverdale Farm
American Goldfinch 35 Sunset Rd
Snow Bunting
Sandy Hook
American Tree Sparrow Shelter Cove Park
Fox Sparrow
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Dark-eyed Junco Whitesbog
White-crowned Sparrow Assunpink WMA
White-throated Sparrow 59 White Rd, Jackson
Savannah Sparrow Cedar Bonnet Island
Song Sparrow
Cattus Island County Park
Swamp Sparrow
Manahawkin WMA
Eastern Meadowlark Pole Farm
Red-winged Blackbird Cattus Island County Park
Brown-headed Cowbird New Egypt
Common Grackle New Egypt
Boat-tailed Grackle Lake of the Lilies
Orange-crowned Warbler Great
Bay Bvld.
Palm Warbler
Trenton Sewage Ponds
Pine Warbler
Cloverdale Farm
Yellow-rumped Warbler Cedar Bonnet Island
Townsend's Warbler
Trenton Sewage Ponds
Northern Cardinal Assunpink WMA
House Sparrow
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
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Redheads, Lake of the Lilies |