Long-tailed Duck, hen, a rarity at Whitesbog |
I went to Island Beach SP this morning to walk to the jetty, hoping that I might find a Razorbill for the year (hundreds reported all along the coast, I haven't seen one) even though I knew there would be hordes of birders and photographers looking for Snowy Owls (which, schadenfreude alert here, weren't to be found today), but I didn't find a Razorbill either. I made do with the usual birds, lots of scoters, including the harder to find White-winged Scoter, plus a big flock of Common Eiders in the inlet. I had walked as far back along the inlet as you can reasonably go, and thus was at the maximum distance from my car (about 2 miles) when I got a text from a friend and Burlco birder that there was a Long-tailed Duck at Whitesbog. Now, I had just seen about 50 Long-tailed Ducks all along the beach, but a Long-tailed Duck at Whitesbog is a rarity, as it is anywhere in Burlington County, though you can find them flying up the Delaware, I'm told. Since I have resolved to be somewhat more aggressive in my birding this year, and since it would be a county life bird for me, I walked back to the car and drove the 35 miles inland to Whitesbog. It is always a great feeling when you're chasing a bird to come to the location, look around for a minute and bang! there it is. The duck was very cooperative and allowed me to walk over toward it pretty close before it got skittish and flew a few yards farther in the middle of the Middle Bog. Since this species is pretty much a saltwater diving duck, what there is at Whitesbog for it to eat I don't know, unless it likes pickerel. It was constantly diving, so either it was finding something to it or it is an extremely stubborn duck.
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Sandhill Cranes in Burlington County |
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Trumpeter Swans, Stone Tavern Lake |
For the month I had 110 species. The year list and year summary will follow tomorrow.
Counties birded:
New Jersey: Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean
New York: New York
Species First Sighting
Snow Goose
Spring Lake Boardwalk
Brant Island
Beach SP
Canada Goose
Island Beach SP
Mute Swan
Island Beach SP
Trumpeter Swan Stone
Tavern Lake
Tundra Swan
Wood Duck
Lake of the Lilies
Northern Shoveler Manasquan Reservoir IBA
Lake of the Lilies
American Wigeon Manasquan Reservoir IBA
Riverfront Landing
American Black Duck Cedar Bonnet Island
Stone Tavern Lake
Lake of the Lilies
Ring-necked Duck Bamber Lake
Lesser Scaup
Bayview Ave Park
King Eider Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Common Eider
Island Beach SP
Harlequin Duck Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Surf Scoter
Island Beach SP
White-winged Scoter Island Beach SP
Black Scoter
Island Beach SP
Long-tailed Duck Island Beach SP
Island Beach SP
Common Goldeneye Sunset Park
Hooded Merganser Lake of the Lilies
Common Merganser Manasquan Reservoir IBA
Red-breasted Merganser Island Beach SP
Ruddy Duck
Riverfront Landing
Wild Turkey
Crestwood Village
Pied-billed Grebe Manasquan Reservoir IBA
Rock Pigeon
Wawa South Toms River
Mourning Dove
35 Sunset Rd
American Coot
Lake of the Lilies
Sandhill Crane
Pemberton Twp MUA Fields
Lakewood Wawa
Ruddy Turnstone Island Beach SP
Red Knot
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Island Beach SP
Purple Sandpiper Manasquan Inlet
Ring-billed Gull Riverfront Landing
Herring Gull
Island Beach SP
Great Black-backed Gull Island Beach SP
Red-throated Loon Wreck Pond
Common Loon
Island Beach SP
Northern Gannet Manasquan Inlet
Great Cormorant Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Double-crested Cormorant Island Beach SP
Great Blue Heron Cedar Bonnet Island
Black Vulture
New Egypt
Turkey Vulture Toms River
Northern Harrier Cedar Bonnet Island
Sharp-shinned Hawk Bamber Lake
Cooper's Hawk
Etra Lake Park
Bald Eagle
Bamber Lake
Red-tailed Hawk Cedar Bonnet Island
Rough-legged Hawk BC
Barred Owl
Central Park
Belted Kingfisher Cedar Bonnet Island
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Whitesbog
Red-bellied Woodpecker Bamber Lake
Downy Woodpecker 35 Sunset Rd
Hairy Woodpecker Whitesbog
Northern Flicker Island Beach SP
American Kestrel Reeves Bogs
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Peregrine Falcon Shark River Inlet
Eastern Phoebe Island Beach SP
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Mercer County Park
Blue Jay
35 Sunset Rd
American Crow
35 Sunset Rd
Fish Crow
Assunpink WMA
Common Raven
Carolina Chickadee 35 Sunset Rd
Black-capped Chickadee Central Park
Tufted Titmouse Whitesbog
Red-breasted Nuthatch 35 Sunset Rd
White-breasted Nuthatch 35 Sunset Rd
Brown Creeper
Assunpink WMA
Carolina Wren
35 Sunset Rd
Golden-crowned Kinglet Nessie Bog
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Manasquan Reservoir IBA
Eastern Bluebird Assunpink WMA
Hermit Thrush
American Robin Island Beach SP
Northern Mockingbird Island Beach SP
European Starling 35 Sunset Rd
House Finch
35 Sunset Rd
Purple Finch
Union Transportation Trail
Pine Siskin
Cloverdale Farm
American Goldfinch Cedar Bonnet Island
Snow Bunting
Cedar Bonnet Island
Chipping Sparrow Bamber Lake
Field Sparrow
Union Transportation Trail
Dark-eyed Junco 35 Sunset Rd
White-throated Sparrow Bamber Lake
Savannah Sparrow Cedar Bonnet Island
Song Sparrow
Island Beach SP
Swamp Sparrow
Cranberry Bogs
Eastern Towhee Central Park
Eastern Meadowlark BC Fairgrounds
Red-winged Blackbird Assunpink WMA
Brown-headed Cowbird Olde Noah Hunt Rd
Common Grackle Olde Noah Hunt Rd
Boat-tailed Grackle Point Pleasant Beach
Pine Warbler
35 Sunset Rd
Yellow-rumped Warbler Assunpink WMA
Northern Cardinal Wawa South Toms River
House Sparrow Barnegat Lighthouse SP
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