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Pink-footed Goose, Warinanco Park |
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Ross's Geese among the Canada Geese, lower bog, Whitesbog |
The Tufted Duck was fun because Shari & I happened to be in the neighborhood, doing something else, when the alert went off and we able to drive 15 minutes to see it. Then I saw it again at Wreck Pond. Then, I picked it up as a county bird when it appeared at Lake of the Lilies in Point Pleasant Beach.
Tufted Duck (right) with Ring-necked Duck, Sandy Hook |
Reviewing my list, it really was a trickle of warblers, with only Pine and Prairie getting ticked. March was also the month of my first big, aggravating miss: I didn't get American Woodcock for the first time since we've lived here. I could have gone other spots to pick it up, but I was stubborn, returning to the same place I had "historically" seen them 5 or 6 times and striking out each time. It was a combination of stubbornness and laziness.
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Magnificent Frigatebird, Puerto Morelos, Mexico |
The only life bird I was able to put on my list in the United States this year was the Kentucky Warbler Mike and I heard (heard, but heard very clearly) at Baldpate Mountain in May. Hearing counts, but I'd still love to see one, and maybe one of my New Year's resolutions should be to trek around Baldpate more often until I finally eyeball one.
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Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Monroe Twp. |
Black-bellied Whistling- Ducks turn up sporadically in New Jersey, and this year they appeared in an ephemeral pond on some farmland next to a busy road in Middlesex County. I drove up there early one morning, found them almost immediately, then left before there were too many cars on the narrow shoulder for the cops to tolerate.
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Black Tern, Union Pond, Whitesbog |
A personal summer highlight for me was once again at Whitesbog (I just love that place) where I found a Black Tern hunting over Union Pond. It almost made up for the disappointment of the bogs staying filled this year because the farmer was afraid he'd need the water for the cranberries. Thus, no shorebird season at Whitesbog this year.
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Lark Sparrow, Sandy Hook |
I have one word for October:
It took a bit of readjustment to birding locally after being away for nearly a month. The last two months have been spent pretty much filling in and filling up the year list, playing out the string because, like the Mets, I had no shot for the playoffs. I'm already looking ahead to next year when the concentration will be on New Jersey. This month is the one year anniversary of my cataract surgery and it made a tremendous difference in my birding abilities. I'm able to see birds "naked eye" and I'm a lot less reliant on optics, which means I see birds faster and if you see birds fast, you'll see more birds--if they're there. (A side note: All year long we read about the devastating crashes in bird populations due to climate change, habitat loss, dearth of insects, and so on endlessly. We get mailings begging us for contributions to help stem this crisis. Then, the Christmas Counts start, or surveys for specific birds are done and everyone is startled at how few birds they've found and how the numbers are down to historic lows. To which I say: "Duh.") So I want, next year to go to where the birds are instead of being stubborn and insisting that the birds come to where I feel like being.
640 species. I doubt I'll ever get to that number again because I feel like I'm done with traveling long distances. When I travel I hate everything about it--the airports, the airplanes, the driving, the hotels, the food--except the birds. So I'm going to see how long I can go without going anywhere.
Below is my year list. I don't expect anyone to read the whole thing. But if you randomly glance at either some of the names of the birds, e.g. Yellow-throated Euphonia, Freckled Duck, or some of the locations--Tinchi Tamba Wetlands Reserve, Cape Tribulation--perhaps you'll find them as amusing and evocative as I do. This blog is titled Birds and Words and sometimes the names of the birds are as interesting to me as the birds themselves.
Key: LIFE BIRD, Rarity
First Sighting
Southern Cassowary Cape
Goose Centenary Lakes
Plumed Whistling-Duck
Hasties Swamp National Park
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Monroe Twp.
Snow Goose Conines Millpond
Ross's Goose Whitesbog
Greater White-fronted Goose
Conines Millpond
Pink-footed Goose Warinanco
Brant Island Beach SP
Barnacle Goose Mercer Corp
Cackling Goose Assunpink
Canada Goose Riverfront Landing
Freckled Duck Goulds Lagoon
Wildlife Sanctuary
Mute Swan Tunney Bridge
Black Swan Tamar Island
Trumpeter Swan Assunpink
Tundra Swan Whitesbog
Radjah Shelduck Centenary
Australian Shelduck Tamar
Island Wetlands
Green Pygmy-Goose Lake Mitchel
Wood Duck Central Park
Maned Duck Royal Botanic
Blue-winged Teal Mannington Marsh
Australian Shoveler Hollowtree
Northern Shoveler Central Park
Gadwall Brig
Eurasian Wigeon Cape May Point SP
American Wigeon Brig
Pacific Black Duck Royal
National Park
Mallard Riverfront Landing
American Black Duck Island Beach SP
Northern Pintail Brig
Green-winged Teal Brig
Teal Tamar Island Wetlands
Chestnut Teal Tamar Island Wetlands
Pink-eared Duck Hasties Swamp National Park
Canvasback Riverfront Landing
Redhead Mathis Veteran's Memorial Park
Ring-necked Duck Riverfront Landing
Hardhead Oppenheims Road
Tufted Duck Shark River
Greater Scaup Shark River Inlet
Lesser Scaup Sands Point--Dock Ave
King Eider Barnegat
Lighthouse SP
Common Eider Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Harlequin Duck Shark River Inlet
Surf Scoter Spring Lake
White-winged Scoter Sandy Hook
Black Scoter Shark River Inlet
Long-tailed Duck Island Beach SP
Bufflehead Island Beach SP
Common Goldeneye Island Beach SP
Hooded Merganser Mathis Veteran's Memorial Park
Common Merganser Mathis Veteran's Memorial Park
Red-breasted Merganser Sands Point Preserve
Ruddy Duck Riverfront Landing
Musk Duck Hollowtree Road
Australian Brushturkey Cairns
Botanical Gardens
Orange-footed Scrubfowl Cairns
Botanical Gardens
Plain Chachalaca Muyil
Helmeted Guineafowl Granite Gorge Nature Park
Northern Bobwhite Bombay Hook
Brown Quail Yore Rd Wetlands
Ring-necked Pheasant New Egypt
Wild Turkey 35 Sunset Rd
Australasian Grebe Royal
National Park
Pied-billed Grebe Bamber Lake
Hoary-headed Grebe
Atkinsons Park
Horned Grebe Allenhurst--Corlies Ave
Red-necked Grebe Manasquan Inlet
Great Crested Grebe Shoobridge Park
Rock Pigeon New Egypt
White-headed Pigeon O'Reilly's
Rainforest Retreat
Eurasian Collared-Dove Puerto Morelos
Spotted Dove Cairns
Brown Cuckoo-Dove Cape Tribulation
Pacific Emerald Dove Cape Tribulation
Common Bronzewing Dru Point
Brush Bronzewing Bruny
Crested Pigeon Bald Hills
Squatter Pigeon Mount
Wonga Pigeon Royal National
Peaceful Dove Cairns
Bar-shouldered Dove Daintree
Common Ground-Dove Puerto Morelos
Plain-breasted Ground-Dove Puerto
Ruddy Ground-Dove Puerto Morelos
White-winged Dove Puerto Morelos
Mourning Dove Malverne
Wompoo Fruit-Dove Mossman
Torresian Imperial-Pigeon
Topknot Pigeon Royal
National Park
Bustard Maryfarms
Pheasant Coucal Daintree
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Cranberry Bogs
Black-billed Cuckoo Manasquan River WMA
Pacific Koel Daintree River
Channel-billed Cuckoo Royal
National Park
Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo
Cradle Mountain
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo Royal
National Park
Little Bronze-Cuckoo Big
Mitchell Creek Reserve
Pallid Cuckoo Bruny Island
Main Road
Fan-tailed Cuckoo Bruny
Island Main Road
Brush Cuckoo Tinchi Tamba
Wetlands Reserve
Tawny Frogmouth Jannali
Marbled Frogmouth Lamington
National Park
Papuan Frogmouth Daintree River
Common Nighthawk 35 Sunset Rd
Chuck-will's-widow Collinstown Rd
Eastern Whip-poor-will 35 Sunset Rd
Large-tailed Nightjar Daintree
Chimney Swift 35 Sunset Rd
Vaux's Swift Muyil
Australian Swiftlet Cairns
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 35 Sunset Rd
Cinnamon Hummingbird Villa
Clapper Rail Great Bay Blvd
Virginia Rail Cattus Island County Park
Buff-banded Rail Lady
Elliot Island
Russet-naped Wood-Rail Muyil
Tasmanian Nativehen Tamar
Island Wetlands
Sora Burlington County
Common Gallinule Bombay Hook
Dusky Moorhen Royal Botanic
Eurasian Coot Royal
National Park
American Coot Lake Takanassee
Australasian Swamphen Royal
National Park
White-browed Crake Daintree
Sandhill Crane New Egypt
Sarus Crane East Barron
Brolga East Barron
Bush Thick-knee Cairns
Pied Stilt Hasties Swamp
National Park
Black-necked Stilt Bombay Hook
American Avocet Bombay Hook
Pied Oystercatcher
Atkinsons Park
Sooty Oystercatcher Bruny
American Oystercatcher Brigantine Island
Black-bellied Plover Island Beach SP
American Golden-Plover Reed
Sod Farm
Pacific Golden-Plover
Cairns Esplanade
Banded Lapwing Lyell
Masked Lapwing Royal
Botanic Gardens
Greater Sand-Plover Cairns
Semipalmated Plover Great Bay Blvd
Piping Plover Sandy Hook
Killdeer Shelter Cove Park
Oriental Plover Maryfarms
Red-kneed Dotterel Hasties Swamp National Park
Hooded Plover Adventure Bay
Black-fronted Dotterel
Cairns Esplanade
Comb-crested Jacana
Upland Sandpiper Lakehurst NAES
Whimbrel Great Bay Blvd
Far Eastern Curlew Cairns
Bar-tailed Godwit Cairns Esplanade
Black-tailed Godwit Cairns
Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook
Marbled Godwit Island Beach
Ruddy Turnstone Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Great Knot Cairns Esplanade
Red Knot Great Bay Blvd
Broad-billed Sandpiper
Cairns Esplanade
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Cairns Esplanade
Stilt Sandpiper Brig
Curlew Sandpiper Cairns Esplanade
Red-necked Stint Cairns Esplanade
Sanderling Island Beach SP
Dunlin Island Beach SP
Purple Sandpiper Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Baird's Sandpiper Brig
Least Sandpiper Manahawkin WMA
White-rumped Sandpiper Brig
Pectoral Sandpiper Brig
Semipalmated Sandpiper Island Beach SP
Western Sandpiper Brigantine Island
Short-billed Dowitcher Great Bay Blvd
Long-billed Dowitcher Brig
Latham's Snipe Hasties
Swamp National Park
Wilson's Snipe Shelter Cove Park
Terek Sandpiper Cairns Esplanade
Wilson's Phalarope Brig
Red-necked Phalarope
Whitehall Neck Rd.
Common Sandpiper Hasties Swamp National Park
Spotted Sandpiper Ernest L. Oros Wildlife Preserve
Solitary Sandpiper Cloverdale Farm
Tattler Cairns Esplanade
Wandering Tattler Lady
Elliot Island
Greater Yellowlegs Brigantine Island--South Cove
Common Greenshank Cairns Esplanade
Willet Brigantine Island
Lesser Yellowlegs Manahawkin WMA
Pratincole Maryfarms
Bonaparte's Gull Seven Presidents Park
Silver Gull Sydney Cove and
Circular Quay
Laughing Gull Wawa South Toms River
Pacific Gull Atkinsons Park
Ring-billed Gull Island Beach SP
Herring Gull Island Beach SP
Iceland Gull Clark T. Carey Memorial Park
Lesser Black-backed Gull Clark T. Carey Memorial Park
Glaucous Gull Long Branch
Great Black-backed Gull Island Beach SP
Kelp Gull Royal National
Brown Noddy Lady Elliot Island
Black Noddy Lady Elliot
Sooty Tern Lady Elliot
Bridled Tern Lady Elliot
Little Tern Newell Beach
Least Tern Great Bay Blvd
Gull-billed Tern Brig
Caspian Tern Puerto Morelos
Black Tern Whitesbog
Whiskered Tern Bromfield Swamp
Black-naped Tern Lady
Elliot Island
Common Tern Sandy Hook
Forster's Tern Island Beach SP
Royal Tern Island Beach SP
Great Crested Tern Royal National Park
Black Skimmer Brig
Red-tailed Tropicbird Lady Elliot Island
Red-throated Loon Barnegat Municipal Dock
Common Loon Island Beach SP
Penguin Bruny Island
Shearwater Royal National Park
Stork Yore Rd Wetlands
Magnificent Frigatebird Puerto Morelos
Northern Gannet Allenhurst
Australasian Gannet Royal
National Park
Australasian Darter Daintree
Little Pied Cormorant Royal
National Park
Great Cormorant Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Little Black Cormorant
Sydney Cove and Circular Quay
Pied Cormorant Sydney Cove
and Circular Quay
Black-faced Cormorant Bruny
Island Ferry Crossing
Double-crested Cormorant Berkeley
Brown Pelican Puerto Morelos
Australian Pelican Granton
American Bittern Brig
Least Bittern Mercer Corp
Great Blue Heron Cattus Island County Park
Pacific Heron Cape
Great Egret Cattus Island County Park
Intermediate Egret Centenary Lakes
White-faced Heron Tamar
Island Wetlands
Little Egret Wonga Beach Rd
Pacific Reef-Heron Cape
Snowy Egret Brig
Little Blue Heron Manahawkin WMA
Tricolored Heron Cattus Island County Park
Cattle Egret Brig
Green Heron Oros Wildlife Preserve
Striated Heron Daintree River
Black-crowned Night-Heron Shark River
Rufous Night-Heron
Atkinsons Park
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Ocean City Welcome Center
White Ibis Manahawkin WMA
Glossy Ibis Manahawkin WMA
White-faced Ibis Brig
Australian Ibis Sydney Cove
and Circular Quay
Straw-necked Ibis Cairns
Royal Spoonbill Wonga Beach
Roseate Spoonbill Brig
Black Vulture Brig
Turkey Vulture Toms River
Osprey Sandy Hook
Black-shouldered Kite Daintree
Black-breasted Kite
Square-tailed Kite
Wedge-tailed Eagle State
Snail Kite Muyil
Mississippi Kite Waretown
Swamp Harrier Tamar Island
Spotted Harrier Maryfarms
Northern Harrier Great Bay Blvd
Goshawk Mountain Valley
Collared Sparrowhawk Cairns
Botanical Gardens
Sharp-shinned Hawk Motts Creek
Cooper's Hawk 35 Sunset Rd
Goshawk Lake Mitchel
Black Kite Captain Cook Highway
Whistling Kite Daintree
Brahminy Kite Daintree
Bald Eagle Brig
White-bellied Sea-Eagle
Royal National Park
Red-shouldered Hawk Whitesbog
Broad-winged Hawk High Point SP
Red-tailed Hawk Brig
Rough-legged Hawk Burlington
County Fairgrounds
Sooty Owl Crater Lakes
National Park
Barn Owl Lamington National Park
Great Horned Owl Brick
Snowy Owl Island Beach SP
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Muyil
Barred Owl Ocean County
Long-eared Owl Pole Farm
Powerful Owl Burraneer Park
Southern Boobook Lamington
National Park
Trogon Muyil
Motmot Muyil
Azure Kingfisher Royal National Park
Laughing Kookaburra Royal
National Park
Blue-winged Kookaburra Julatten
Forest Kingfisher Daintree
Torresian Kingfisher Tinchi
Tamba Wetlands Reserve
Sacred Kingfisher Royal
National Park
Belted Kingfisher Ocean County Parks Offices
Bee-eater Cairns Cemetery
Beaudesert Racing Club Lagoon
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 35 Sunset Rd
Red-headed Woodpecker Sooy
Pl Rd
Yucatan Woodpecker Muyil
Golden-fronted Woodpecker Puerto Morelos
Red-bellied Woodpecker 35 Sunset Rd
Downy Woodpecker 35 Sunset Rd
Hairy Woodpecker 35 Sunset Rd
Pileated Woodpecker William Warren County Park
Northern Flicker Sandy Hook
Australian Kestrel Captain
Cook Highway
American Kestrel Plumsted
Merlin Marsha Dr & Rt 72
Australian Hobby Adventure
Brown Falcon Oppenheims Road
Peregrine Falcon Brig
Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Maryfarms
Black-Cockatoo Kindred
Galah Burraneer Park
Long-billed Corella
Kingston Beach
Little Corella Royal
National Park
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Sydney Cove and Circular Quay
Australian King-Parrot
Royal National Park
Blue-winged Parrot Bruny Island
Swift Parrot Bruny Island
Green Rosella Mountain Valley Wilderness
Crimson Rosella O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat
Eastern Rosella Queens
Pale-headed Rosella Tinana
Musk Lorikeet Goulds Lagoon
Wildlife Sanctuary
Little Lorikeet Yore Rd
Rainbow Lorikeet Sydney
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet Cairns
Botanical Gardens
Monk Parakeet Carteret
White-fronted Parrot Puerto
Pitta O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat
Antthrush Muyil
Tawny-winged Woodcreeper Muyil
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper Muyil
Eye-ringed Flatbill Muyil
Yellow-olive Flycatcher Muyil
Royal Flycatcher Muyil
Eastern Wood-Pewee Michael Huber Prairie Warbler Preserve
Acadian Flycatcher Evert Memorial Nature Trail
Alder Flycatcher Assunpink WMA
Willow Flycatcher Brig
Eastern Phoebe Whitesbog
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Mercer County Park
Great Crested Flycatcher Island Beach SP
Brown-crested Flycatcher Puerto Morelos
Great Kiskadee Puerto Morelos
Boat-billed Flycatcher Puerto
Social Flycatcher Puerto
Tropical Kingbird Puerto Morelos
Couch's Kingbird Muyil
Eastern Kingbird Reeves Bogs
Albert's Lyrebird
O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat
Superb Lyrebird Royal
National Park
Spotted Catbird Mossman
Catbird Royal National Park
Tooth-billed Bowerbird Mt
Lewis Rd
Golden Bowerbird Mount
Hypipamee National Park
Regent Bowerbird O'Reilly's
Rainforest Retreat
Satin Bowerbird Royal
National Park
Great Bowerbird Julatten
Treecreeper Royal National Park
Southern Emuwren Towra
Point Nature Reserve
Variegated Fairywren Royal
National Park
Superb Fairywren Royal
National Park
Red-backed Fairywren Tinchi Tamba Wetlands Reserve
Eastern Spinebill Royal
National Park
Honeyeater Cape Tribulation
Lewin's Honeyeater Royal
National Park
Graceful Honeyeater
Kingfisher Park Birdwatchers Lodge
Yellow Honeyeater Cairns Esplanade
Honeyeater Kingfisher Park
Birdwatchers Lodge
Honeyeater Heathcote National Park
Bell Miner The Gravel Pit
and Track
Noisy Miner Sydney Cove and
Circular Quay
Bridled Honeyeater Mossman
Little Wattlebird Royal
National Park
Red Wattlebird Jannali
Yellow Wattlebird Mount
Field National Park
Mangrove Honeyeater Tinchi
Tamba Wetlands Reserve
Brown-backed Honeyeater Daintree River
White-fronted Chat
Narawntapu National Park
Dusky Myzomela Julatten
Scarlet Myzomela Curtain Fig Tree
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater
Brown Honeyeater Cairns Esplanade
Crescent Honeyeater Cradle
New Holland Honeyeater
Granton Power Boat Racing Centre
White-cheeked Honeyeater
White-eared Honeyeater
Heathcote National Park
Honeyeater Cradle Mountain
Blue-faced Honeyeater Daintree Village
White-throated Honeyeater
Lamington National Park
White-naped Honeyeater
Lamington National Park
Black-headed Honeyeater Mountain
Valley Wilderness
Black-chinned Honeyeater
Big Mitchell Creek Reserve
Strong-billed Honeyeater Mountain Valley Wilderness
Macleay's Honeyeater Cape
Striped Honeyeater
Nindooinbah Dam
Little Friarbird Maryfarms
Helmeted Friarbird Cairns
Silver-crowned Friarbird
Big Mitchell Creek Reserve
Noisy Friarbird Mount Molloy
Spotted Pardalote Atkinsons
Forty-spotted Pardalote
Bruny Island
Striated Pardalote
Atkinsons Park
Fernwren Mt Lewis Rd
Scrubwren Mt Lewis Rd
White-browed Scrubwren
O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat
Tasmanian Scrubwren Narawntapu
National Park
Atherton Scrubwren Mt Lewis
Large-billed Scrubwren
O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat
Speckled Warbler Yore Rd
Mountain Thornbill Mt Lewis
Brown Thornbill Royal National Park
Tasmanian Thornbill
Narawntapu National Park
Thornbill Dru Point
White-throated Gerygone Yore
Rd Wetlands
Large-billed Gerygone Cairns
Botanical Gardens
Brown Gerygone Royal National Park
Mangrove Gerygone Tinchi
Tamba Wetlands Reserve
Babbler Big Mitchell Creek
Australian Logrunner
O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat
Chowchilla Cathedral Fig
Whipbird Royal National Park
Yellow-breasted Boatbill Mossman
White-breasted Woodswallow
Cairns Esplanade
Dusky Woodswallow Dru Point
Butcherbird Jannali
Pied Butcherbird Maryfarms
Black Butcherbird Daintree
Australian Magpie Sydney
Cove and Circular Quay
Pied Currawong Sydney
Black Currawong Mountain
Valley Wilderness
Currawong Narawntapu National
Barred Cuckooshrike Mt Lewis
Black-faced Cuckooshrike
Launceston Airport
White-bellied Cuckooshrike
Cairns Esplanade
White-winged Triller Big
Mitchell Creek Reserve
Varied Triller Daintree
Bower's Shrikethrush
Cathedral Fig Tree
Shrikethrush Narawntapu
National Park
Little Shrikethrush Mossman
Olive Whistler Mountain Valley Wilderness
Golden Whistler Royal
National Park
Gray Whistler Julatten
Rufous Whistler Tinchi
Tamba Wetlands Reserve
Rufous-browed Peppershrike Muyil
Lesser Greenlet Muyil
White-eyed Vireo Island Beach SP
Yellow-throated Vireo Muyil
Blue-headed Vireo Double Trouble State Park
Warbling Vireo Sandy Hook
Red-eyed Vireo Forest Resource Education Center
Yellow-green Vireo
Yucatan Vireo Muyil
Olive-backed Oriole Royal National Park
Green Oriole Daintree River
Figbird Cairns
Drongo Daintree River
Northern Fantail Mossman
Willie-wagtail Royal
National Park
Rufous Fantail Tinchi Tamba
Wetlands Reserve
Fantail Royal National Park
Black-faced Monarch Royal
National Park
Spectacled Monarch
Kingfisher Park Birdwatchers Lodge
Pied Monarch Curtain Fig
Magpie-lark Cairns Esplanade
Leaden Flycatcher Royal
National Park
Shining Flycatcher Daintree
Brown Jay Muyil
Green Jay Muyil
Blue Jay Whiting
American Crow 35 Sunset Rd
Fish Crow Bayview Marina
Torresian Crow Maryfarms
Australian Raven Royal
National Park
Forest Raven Tamar Island
Common Raven Whitesbog
Paradise Riflebird
Lamington National Park
Victoria's Riflebird Crater
Lakes National Park
Flycatcher Big Mitchell
Creek Reserve
Scarlet Robin Mountain Valley Wilderness
Flame Robin Mountain Valley Wilderness
Rose Robin Royal National Park--Lady Carrington Drive
Robin Mountain Valley Wilderness
Dusky Robin Mountain Valley
Pale-yellow Robin Kingfisher Park Birdwatchers Lodge
Eastern Yellow
Robin Royal National Park
Robin Mossman - Mt Molloy Rd
Horned Lark Mannington Marsh
Eurasian Skylark Oppenheims
Northern Rough-winged
Swallow Brig
Purple Martin Woodmansee Blvd
Gray-breasted Martin Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancun
Tree Swallow Whitesbog
Bank Swallow Reeves Bogs
Barn Swallow Cloverdale Farm
Welcome Swallow Royal
Botanic Gardens
Fairy Martin Cairns
Botanical Gardens
Tree Martin Adventure Bay
Cliff Swallow Wesley Lake
Cave Swallow Sandy Hook
Carolina Chickadee 35 Sunset Rd
Black-capped Chickadee High Point SP
Tufted Titmouse 35 Sunset Rd
Red-breasted Nuthatch Whitesbog
White-breasted Nuthatch 35 Sunset Rd
Brown-headed Nuthatch Big Stone Beach
Brown Creeper
35 Sunset Rd
House Wren Sandy Hook
Winter Wren Whitesbog
Sedge Wren Woodland Beach
Marsh Wren Manahawkin WMA
Carolina Wren 35 Sunset Rd
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Island Beach SP
Red-whiskered Bulbul Towra Point Nature Reserve
Golden-crowned Kinglet Horicon Lake
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Trenton Sewage Ponds
Australian Reed Warbler Daintree
Little Grassbird Tamar
Island Wetlands
Tawny Grassbird Kerry Rd
Golden-headed Cisticola Lake
Silver-eye Royal National Park
Eastern Bluebird Brig
Bassian Thrush O'Reilly's
Rainforest Retreat
Veery Island Beach SP
Swainson's Thrush Sandy Hook
Hermit Thrush Manasquan River WMA
Wood Thrush Manahawkin WMA
Eurasian Blackbird
Launceston Airport
Clay-colored Thrush Muyil
American Robin Forked River
Gray Catbird Seven Presidents Park
Brown Thrasher Shelter Cove Park
Tropical Mockingbird Puerto Morelos
Northern Mockingbird Sandy Hook
Metallic Starling Daintree
European Starling GSP MM 107
Common Myna Bondi Beach
Kingfisher Park Birdwatchers Lodge
Olive-backed Sunbird Cairns Botanical Gardens
Australasian Pipit
Narawntapu National Park
American Pipit Sandy Hook
Cedar Waxwing
Sandy Hook
Yellow-throated Euphonia Muyil
House Finch 35 Sunset Rd
Purple Finch Sandy Hook
European Greenfinch Bothwell
European Goldfinch Atkinsons Park
Pine Siskin Cape May Point SP
American Goldfinch 35 Sunset Rd
Lapland Longspur Brig
Snow Bunting Sandy Hook
Grasshopper Sparrow Bombay Hook
Chipping Sparrow Bamber Lake
Clay-colored Sparrow Sandy
Field Sparrow Assunpink WMA
Lark Sparrow Sandy Hook
American Tree Sparrow Sandy Hook
Fox Sparrow Bamber Lake
Dark-eyed Junco 35 Sunset Rd
White-crowned Sparrow Sandy Hook
White-throated Sparrow Malverne
Seaside Sparrow Great Bay Blvd
Saltmarsh Sparrow Great Bay Blvd
Savannah Sparrow Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Song Sparrow Malverne
Swamp Sparrow Island Beach SP
Eastern Towhee Brig
Yellow-breasted Chat Brig
Bobolink Burlington County Fairgrounds
Eastern Meadowlark Burlington County Fairgrounds
Cacique Muyil
Orchard Oriole Island Beach SP
Hooded Oriole Puerto Morelos
Oriole Puerto Morelos
Oriole Puerto Morelos
Baltimore Oriole Island Beach SP
Red-winged Blackbird Cattus Island County Park
Bronzed Cowbird Muyil
Brown-headed Cowbird New Egypt
Melodious Blackbird Muyil
Rusty Blackbird Whitesbog
Common Grackle Central Park
Boat-tailed Grackle Great Bay Blvd
Great-tailed Grackle Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancun
Ovenbird Manahawkin WMA
Worm-eating Warbler Michael Huber Prairie Warbler Preserve
Louisiana Waterthrush Double Trouble State Park
Northern Waterthrush Sandy Hook
Blue-winged Warbler Manasquan River WMA
Black-and-white Warbler Double Trouble State Park
Prothonotary Warbler Michael Huber Prairie Warbler Preserve
Orange-crowned Warbler Manahawkin WMA
Nashville Warbler Manasquan River WMA
Yellowthroat Puerto Morelos
Kentucky Warbler Baldpate
Common Yellowthroat Double Trouble State Park
Hooded Warbler Michael Huber Prairie Warbler Preserve
American Redstart Muyil
Northern Parula Double Trouble State Park
Magnolia Warbler Muyil
Bay-breasted Warbler Double Trouble State Park
Yellow Warbler Muyil
Chestnut-sided Warbler Sandy Hook
Blackpoll Warbler Brig
Black-throated Blue Warbler Sandy Hook
Palm Warbler Forest Resource Education Center
Pine Warbler 35 Sunset Rd
Yellow-rumped Warbler Island Beach SP
Yellow-throated Warbler
Double Trouble State Park
Prairie Warbler Colliers Mills WMA
Black-throated Green Warbler Forest Resource Education Center
Canada Warbler High Point SP
Wilson's Warbler William Warren County Park
Summer Tanager Double Trouble State Park
Scarlet Tanager Sandy Hook
Red-throated Ant-Tanager Muyil
Northern Cardinal Malverne
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Island Beach SP
Blue Grosbeak Double Trouble State Park
Indigo Bunting Sandy Hook
House Sparrow Malverne
Beautiful Firetail Bruny
Red-browed Firetail Kingfisher Park Birdwatchers Lodge
Finch Yore Rd Wetlands
Australian Brushturkey |