So this morning, Mike and I decided to run over there and give it a try. We arrived about 7:30 and there were already a few birders peering into the reeds of the second pond. The bittern and the rail had both been sighted, we were told, though past is not prologue with these two birds since if they decide not to be seen, they will not be seen.
After about a half hour of standing around, where Willow Flycatcher and Orchard Oriole were the highlights, we heard a squawk and the bittern flew out of the phragmites, glided to a branch, perched for a moment, then dropped back down into the reeds, where, however, we were able to locate it and with a scope, see it very clearly. That there was a horizontal log in the vicinity helped with location directions. Photography, unfortunately, was not an option once I missed the perching opportunity.
Always good to get a year bird and I felt compelled to say, yet again, that while my Mercer County list isn't very large, what's on it is tasty. We were just about to leave when the King Rail started to call--KEK-KEK-KEK-KEK--which was just gravy.
Having only spent 37 minutes there and feeling pretty frisky, Mike suggested we go over to the Pole Farm (once an AT&T transmission array, though most of the poles are down) and look for Bobolink. We walked through the grasslands on both sides of the park for a distance of about 2 miles but it appears the Bobolinks are on nest and not inclined to show themselves. We had to settle for sightings and hearings of Grasshopper Sparrow, Scarlet Tanager, a couple of kestrels, Least Flycatcher, Indigo Bunting (which, by the way, isn't indigo, which is fine, since indigo as a color doesn't actually exist--Newton just threw it in there because he thought the number of colors in the spectrum should match the number of musical notes) and spectacular looks at a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak--again, photography was not an option as these auto-focusing cameras insist on focusing on the branches and leaves and not the bird.
So Bobolink remains unsighted and unheard, though hearing their little "plink" flight calls overhead will not be very satisfying. Someone said that early in the morning at the Pole Farm the Bobolinks are out, but the place is a good hour away from here and maybe more with weekday traffic on I-195, so I may have to seek other options.
My list for the day came out to 48 species
Species Location
Canada Goose
Mercer Corporate Park
Least Bittern Mercer
Corporate Park
Great Blue Heron Mercer
Corporate Park
Green Heron Mercer Corporate Park
Turkey Vulture Pole Farm
King Rail Mercer Corporate Park
Mourning Dove
Pole Farm
Chimney Swift
Mercer Corporate Park
Red-bellied Woodpecker Pole
Downy Woodpecker Pole Farm
Hairy Woodpecker Pole Farm
American Kestrel Pole Farm
Eastern Wood-Pewee Pole Farm
Willow Flycatcher Mercer Corporate Park
Least Flycatcher Pole Farm
Great Crested Flycatcher Pole Farm
Red-eyed Vireo Pole Farm
Blue Jay Pole Farm
American Crow
Pole Farm
Tree Swallow
Pole Farm
Barn Swallow
Mercer Corporate Park
Carolina Chickadee Pole Farm
Tufted Titmouse Pole Farm
House Wren
Pole Farm
Wood Thrush
Pole Farm
American Robin Pole Farm
Gray Catbird
Pole Farm
Northern Mockingbird Mercer Corporate Park
European Starling Pole Farm
Cedar Waxwing
Pole Farm
Pole Farm
Yellowthroat Pole Farm
Warbler Mercer Corporate Park
Grasshopper Sparrow Pole Farm
Chipping Sparrow Mercer Corporate Park
Field Sparrow
Mercer Corporate Park
Song Sparrow
Mercer Corporate Park
Eastern Towhee Pole Farm
Scarlet Tanager Pole
Northern Cardinal Pole Farm
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pole
Indigo Bunting Pole Farm
Red-winged Blackbird Mercer
Corporate Park
Eastern Meadowlark Pole Farm
Common Grackle
Mercer Corporate Park
Brown-headed Cowbird Mercer
Corporate Park
Orchard Oriole
Mercer Corporate Park
American Goldfinch Mercer Corporate Park
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