Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Crestwood Community Gardens 3/1--Eastern Towhee

It is disturbing how quickly the familiar can become unfamiliar. Tonight, even though I have woodcock on the list, I decided to continue my tradition of driving to the Crestwood Community Gardens, a few minutes away, to listen and possibly see the woodcocks in action. I arrived just a few minutes before sundown, knowing that they don't really get going until it is dark. A few birds were still calling, mostly White-throated Sparrows chipping in the brush. But there was one song I was hearing almost subliminally from over the other side of the garden. I wasn't paying that much attention for a few minutes and then suddenly I was very much paying attention because I realized it was a song I hadn't heard lately. 

I then I realized it was my first Eastern Towhee of the year, singing a slightly addlepated version of "Drink your tea." As soon as I pulled out my phone to make a recording, the carillon from the nearby church started and banged on for a good five minutes. This has always been one of the hazards of listening for the woodcocks over there. By the time they stopped, so had the towhee. 

I had given myself a time limit to stay there--it would be almost totally dark by 6:15 and if I hadn't had one by then, the hell with it. 

At exactly 6:15 I heard one peenting from someone's garden patch. Like the one the other day it only called a few times and there was no flight display. Perhaps March 1 is a little early and they're just getting geared up. Anyway, as I wrote yesterday, the surprise birds are the most fun, and the towhee was definitely unexpected. 

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