Saturday, November 30, 2019

November in Review--3 Year Birds, 1 Lifer

Bell's Vireo, Sandy Hook
Again, for the 2nd month in a row, only 3 year birds added to the list, but what birds! All rarities, all vagrants, and seeing them ran the gamut of how to find birds.

The first rarity, the Bell's Vireo at Sandy Hook, was the most fun because it was both unexpected and easy--we happened to be with a group a few hundred feet away from the where the bird had just been reported; we walked over, looked around for a few a minutes and there it was and everyone was surprised and happy. No chasing involved.

The 2nd year bird of the month was more of an expedition--a chase for multiple birds with only one success but it was our life bird LECONTE'S SPARROW. Shari, Mike, and I traveled down to Cape May to the "magic field" where all sorts of interesting birds were (and still are) being reported, but it took us almost all the day to finally stumble upon the LeConte's. It was bad enough that we couldn't also find the Golden-crowned Sparrow that was down there which would also have been a year bird, but when we decided to search for the Wood Stork a birder nearby turned around and said, "It's dead." That put a damper on the quest.

Finally, today was the kind of birding I dislike the most--traveling, for a 2nd time, to search a small area for a small bird. At least in the "magic field" we got to walk around a large area. Searching for the Pacific-slope Flycatcher today I walked almost 2 miles back and forth on what might have been an eighth of a mile stretch of trails.

As for the rest of the month, I spent most of it walking in my favorite spots--Assunpink, Manasquan Reservoir, Whitesbog, Manahawkin, Island Beach--plus I added a new favorite place in the extension of the Union Transportation Trail into Ocean County. While I haven't found anything new there, yet, it is only because it late in the year. I feel confident that this barely mowed power line cut will produce many warblers, sparrows, and other passerines in the new year. Plus, the hardwoods along the trail look very inviting for a Pileated Woodpecker.

Prairie Warbler,
Barnegat Light SP
Other interesting birds for the month, rare but not new, were the returning Trumpeter Swans to Stone Tavern Lake, a Cackling Goose for the county on Deerhead Lake, and a very late Prairie Warbler in the dunes of Barnegat Light.

I'm up to 293 NJ birds for the year, more than I've seen in the state any other year. If I'd been willing to chase more, or go on a pelagic, or was just a better birder, I could conceivable have 300 species which is the bogie for the state. With good weather and little less shilly-shallying, I could probably still make 300. But the weather looks lousy for the first couple days of the month and Cape May is an awful long way away.

For the month I had 136 species, all in the state, from Cape May to Sandy Hook.
Counties Birded: Atlantic, Burlington, Cape May, Monmouth, Ocean.
Species              First Sighting
Snow Goose   Manasquan Reservoir
Brant   Sandy Hook
Cackling Goose   Deer Head Lake
Canada Goose   Manasquan Reservoir
Mute Swan   Manasquan Reservoir
Trumpeter Swan   Stone Tavern Lake
Tundra Swan   Bamber Lake
Wood Duck   Sandy Hook
Northern Shoveler   Manasquan Reservoir
Gadwall   Assunpink WMA
American Wigeon   Assunpink WMA
Mallard   Manasquan Reservoir
American Black Duck   Manasquan Reservoir
Northern Pintail   Brig
Green-winged Teal   Brig
Ring-necked Duck   Manasquan Reservoir
Greater Scaup   Brig
Lesser Scaup   Assunpink WMA
Common Eider   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Harlequin Duck   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Surf Scoter   Sandy Hook
White-winged Scoter   Sandy Hook
Black Scoter   Cape May-Lewes Ferry Terminal
Long-tailed Duck   Island Beach SP
Bufflehead   Manasquan Reservoir
Common Goldeneye   Assunpink WMA
Hooded Merganser   Holly Lake
Red-breasted Merganser   Sandy Hook
Ruddy Duck   Manasquan Reservoir
Wild Turkey   Brig
Pied-billed Grebe   Manasquan Reservoir
Horned Grebe   Brig
Red-necked Grebe   Brig
Rock Pigeon   Manasquan Reservoir
Mourning Dove   35 Sunset Rd
American Coot   Manasquan Reservoir
American Avocet   Brig
American Oystercatcher   Island Beach SP
Black-bellied Plover   Sandy Hook
Killdeer   Brig
Ruddy Turnstone   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Sanderling   Sandy Hook
Dunlin   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Purple Sandpiper   Island Beach SP
Western Sandpiper   Brig
Long-billed Dowitcher   Brig
Greater Yellowlegs   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Lesser Yellowlegs   Brig
Laughing Gull   Manasquan Reservoir
Ring-billed Gull   Manasquan Reservoir
Herring Gull   Sandy Hook
Iceland Gull   Island Beach SP
Lesser Black-backed Gull   Sandy Hook
Great Black-backed Gull   Sandy Hook
Royal Tern   Sandy Hook
Red-throated Loon   Manasquan Reservoir
Common Loon   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Northern Gannet   Sandy Hook
Great Cormorant   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Double-crested Cormorant   Manasquan Reservoir
Great Blue Heron   Manasquan Reservoir
Great Egret   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Snowy Egret   Brig
Little Blue Heron   Brig
Black-crowned Night-Heron   Brig
Black Vulture   Sandy Hook
Turkey Vulture   35 Sunset Rd
Osprey   Sandy Hook
Golden Eagle   The Beanery
Northern Harrier   Sandy Hook
Sharp-shinned Hawk   Sandy Hook
Cooper's Hawk   Sandy Hook
Bald Eagle   Sandy Hook
Red-shouldered Hawk   Sandy Hook
Red-tailed Hawk   Sandy Hook
Great Horned Owl   Brig
Barred Owl   The Beanery
Belted Kingfisher   Manasquan Reservoir
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker   35 Sunset Rd
Red-bellied Woodpecker   35 Sunset Rd
Downy Woodpecker   35 Sunset Rd
Hairy Woodpecker   Assunpink WMA
Pileated Woodpecker   Assunpink WMA
Northern Flicker   Manasquan Reservoir
Merlin   Sandy Hook
Peregrine Falcon   Sandy Hook
Pacific-slope Flycatcher   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Eastern Phoebe   Sandy Hook
Bell's Vireo   Sandy Hook
Blue Jay   35 Sunset Rd
American Crow   Manasquan Reservoir
Fish Crow   Assunpink WMA
Common Raven   Berkeley
Carolina Chickadee   35 Sunset Rd
Tufted Titmouse   35 Sunset Rd
Golden-crowned Kinglet   35 Sunset Rd
Ruby-crowned Kinglet   Sandy Hook
White-breasted Nuthatch   35 Sunset Rd
Brown Creeper   Sandy Hook
House Wren   The Beanery
Winter Wren   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
Marsh Wren   Brig
Carolina Wren   35 Sunset Rd
European Starling   Manasquan Reservoir
Gray Catbird   Manasquan Reservoir
Brown Thrasher   Assunpink WMA
Northern Mockingbird   Manasquan Reservoir
Eastern Bluebird   Union Transportation Trail
Hermit Thrush   Sandy Hook
American Robin   Manasquan Reservoir
Cedar Waxwing   Palmyra Cove Nature Park
House Sparrow   Holly Lake
House Finch   35 Sunset Rd
American Goldfinch   35 Sunset Rd
Snow Bunting   Island Beach SP
Chipping Sparrow   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Field Sparrow   Union Transportation Trail
Fox Sparrow   Manasquan Reservoir
Dark-eyed Junco   Sandy Hook
White-crowned Sparrow   Sandy Hook
White-throated Sparrow   Manasquan Reservoir
Nelson's Sparrow   Brig
Savannah Sparrow   Sandy Hook
Song Sparrow   Manasquan Reservoir
Lincoln's Sparrow   Brig
Swamp Sparrow   Assunpink WMA
Eastern Towhee   Brig
Eastern Meadowlark   The Beanery
Red-winged Blackbird   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Common Grackle   Assunpink WMA
Boat-tailed Grackle   Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Palm Warbler   Sandy Hook
Pine Warbler   Whiting
Yellow-rumped Warbler   Manasquan Reservoir
Prairie Warbler   Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Northern Cardinal   35 Sunset Rd
Boat-tailed Grackle, Barnegat Light SP
Great Black-backed Gull, Barnegat Light SP

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