Eastern Bluebird, Cloverdale Farm |
My birding M.O. this years seems to have developed into Ocean County birding during the week and on the weekends going outside the county to locales like Brig, Sandy Hook, or even farther afield like the rarely visited Salem County. I've also been investigating less birded areas in my home county in the hopes of finding the off-beat. So far that hasn't been a particularly successful strategy, but it has been interesting going to places I seldom, if ever, visit.
I'd say the highlights of the months were:
- Flushing snipes at Shelter Cove Park
- Seeing the stunning drake Tufted Duck at Sandy Hook
- And the 4th nor'easter of the year which brought us both our first Pine Warbler of the year (after searching every available, likely habitat with no luck) as well as an army of Wild Turkeys
April should be an interesting month with migration activity getting into full swing. It means getting up earlier, since the warblers and other migrants don't keep banker's hours like the waterfowl. As to this month's list, it is presented below with the year birds thusly marked. The rarities (real and just flagged by eBird) are underlined.
Counties birded:
New Jersey: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Monmouth, Salem
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia
Species First Sighting
Snow Goose
Brant Brig
Canada Goose
Colliers Mills WMA
Mute Swan
Tundra Swan
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal Mannington
Northern Shoveler Brig
Colliers Mills WMA
American Black Duck Colliers Mills WMA
Northern Pintail Brig
Green-winged Teal Brig
Lake of the Lilies
Ring-necked Duck Colliers Mills WMA
Tufted Duck Sandy Hook
Greater Scaup
Great Bay Blvd
Lesser Scaup
Lake of the Lilies
Common Eider
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Harlequin Duck Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Surf Scoter
Shark River Inlet
White-winged Scoter Sandy Hook
Black Scoter
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Long-tailed Duck Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Hooded Merganser Brig
Common Merganser Sylvan Lake
Red-breasted Merganser Brig
Ruddy Duck
Lake of the Lilies
Wild Turkey
Crestwood Village
Red-throated Loon Great Bay Blvd
Common Loon
Great Bay Blvd
Pied-billed Grebe Stanley H. 'Tip' Seaman County Park
Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe Manasquan Inlet
Northern Gannet
Great Cormorant Spring Lake
Double-crested Cormorant Lake of the Lilies
Great Blue Heron Brig
Great Egret
Cattus Island County Park
Snowy Egret Brig
Black-crowned Night-Heron Shark
Black Vulture
New Egypt
Turkey Vulture Colliers Mills WMA
Osprey Sandy Hook
Northern Harrier Amasa Landing Rd.
Cooper's Hawk
Bald Eagle
Red-shouldered Hawk Whitesbog
Red-tailed Hawk Colliers Mills WMA
American Coot
Lake of the Lilies
Sandhill Crane Salem River WMA
American Oystercatcher Great Bay Blvd
Black-bellied Plover Sandy Hook
Piping Plover Sandy
New Egypt
Ruddy Turnstone Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Spring Lake
Great Bay Blvd
Purple Sandpiper Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Wilson's Snipe
Shelter Cove Park
Greater Yellowlegs Bridge to Nowhere
Ring-billed Gull Brig
Herring Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull Manasquan Inlet
Glaucous Gull Long
Great Black-backed Gull Brig
Rock Pigeon
New Egypt
Mourning Dove
Colliers Mills WMA
Snowy Owl
Red-bellied Woodpecker Colliers Mills WMA
Downy Woodpecker Bridge to Nowhere
Northern Flicker Manahawkin WMA
American Kestrel Sunset Dr, Salem
Peregrine Falcon Brig
Eastern Phoebe Whitesbog
Blue Jay
Colliers Mills WMA
American Crow
New Egypt
Fish Crow
Colliers Mills WMA
Horned Lark Mannington
Tree Swallow Whitesbog
Carolina Chickadee Colliers Mills WMA
Tufted Titmouse Colliers Mills WMA
White-breasted Nuthatch Colliers Mills WMA
Brown Creeper
Cloverdale Farm
Carolina Wren
Colliers Mills WMA
Golden-crowned Kinglet Horicon Lake
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 35 Sunset Rd
Eastern Bluebird Colliers Mills WMA
American Robin Colliers Mills WMA
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird New Egypt
European Starling Colliers Mills WMA
Cedar Waxwing
Sandy Hook
Pine Warbler 35
Sunset Rd
Yellow-rumped Warbler 35 Sunset Rd
Prairie Warbler
Colliers Mills WMA
American Tree Sparrow Brig
Chipping Sparrow Cattus Island County Park
Field Sparrow
Colliers Mills WMA
Fox Sparrow
35 Sunset Rd
Dark-eyed Junco Colliers Mills WMA
White-crowned Sparrow New Egypt
White-throated Sparrow Colliers Mills WMA
Savannah Sparrow Brig
Song Sparrow
Colliers Mills WMA
Swamp Sparrow
Meadowedge Park
Eastern Towhee Supawna NWR
Northern Cardinal New Egypt
Eastern Meadowlark Bridge to Nowhere
Red-winged Blackbird Colliers Mills WMA
Brown-headed Cowbird Stafford Forge WMA
Common Grackle New Egypt
Boat-tailed Grackle Great Bay Blvd
House Finch
35 Sunset Rd
American Goldfinch 35 Sunset Rd
House Sparrow
New Egypt
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White-crowned Sparrow, New Egypt |