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American Bittern, Brig |
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Black-headed Gull, Brig |
The Ring-necked Pheasants I saw on the off ramp of the Parkway and the Muscovy Ducks in Ocean Grove are slightly sketchy but
a) eBird accepts them and
b) it's my list.
The Greater White-fronted Goose at Etra Lake, while not a year bird, was the one find I'd consider an accomplishment, since I went in search of rare geese and found one. Finding a Eurasian Wigeon instead of chasing one was also a positive for the month.
On the negative side are two chases that didn't work out. A couple of weeks ago I was walking around Manahawkin WMA on an extremely windy day when I got an alert that Becky had found a Harris's Sparrow at Double Trouble. In February that was a life bird. Now, it would have been a spectacular county bird to add to the list, but, it took me an hour to walk back to my car and drive up the Parkway and by that time the bird had disappeared into the brush and despite many good birders bushwhacking around the bogs it never turned up again. I went back two days later (the day after the winds were even more ferocious) but only one other birder was lucky enough to get a brief look at it.
Then on Saturday, while I was down at Brig on Mike's trip, an alert came through of a Northern Shrike at the Barnegat impoundments. I added shrike to the list this month at Sandy Hook, but this, again, would have been a county bird (though not a life county bird, since there was one a couple of years back at Whitesbog.) It was all I could do not to abandon the trip and run up there as my phone kept pinging every other Ocean County birder's sighting of the shrike, but I didn't chase until the mid-afternoon post-trip and by then it was nowhere in sight. Nor was it the next day.
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Red-tailed Hawk about to jump at Jumping Brook Preserve |
I also added a new spot to bird, Jumping Brook Preserve, an old cranberry farm in New Egypt, smaller than Colliers Mills but similar habitat and with the advantage of no hunting.
One brief trip into NYC yielded me my FOS Fox Sparrow. Other than that, all the other birding was done in NJ. A count for the month of 136 species.
Counties birded:
New Jersey: Atlantic, Burlington, Cape May Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean.
New York: New York
Species First
Greater White-fronted Goose Etra
Snow Goose
Sunset Lake
Canada Goose
Marshall's Pond
Mute Swan Marshall's Pond
Tundra Swan
Bridge to Nowhere
Muscovy Duck
Fletcher Lake
Wood Duck
Lily Lake
Cape May Point SP
Eurasian Wigeon Bridge
to Nowhere
American Wigeon Bridge to Nowhere
American Black Duck Bridge to Nowhere
Marshall's Pond
Northern Shoveler Cape May Point SP
Northern Pintail Cape May Point SP
Green-winged Teal Bridge to Nowhere
Ring-necked Duck Brig
Lesser Scaup
Harlequin Duck Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Surf Scoter
Avalon Seawatch
Black Scoter
Avalon Seawatch
Long-tailed Duck Sandy Hook
Assunpink WMA
Hooded Merganser Brig
Red-breasted Merganser Sandy Hook
Ruddy Duck
Assunpink WMA
Ring-necked Pheasant GSP
MM 48
Wild Turkey
35 Sunset Rd
Red-throated Loon Avalon Dunes
Common Loon
Sunset Lake
Pied-billed Grebe Whiting WMA
Horned Grebe
Sands Point Preserve
Northern Gannet Avalon Seawatch
Great Cormorant Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Double-crested Cormorant Marshall's Pond
American Bittern Brig
Great Blue Heron Bridge to Nowhere
Great Egret
Bridge to Nowhere
Snowy Egret
Bridge to Nowhere
Little Blue Heron Brig
Black-crowned Night-Heron Bayview Ave Park
Black Vulture
Crestwood Village
Turkey Vulture Crestwood Village
Golden Eagle Brig
Northern Harrier Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Sharp-shinned Hawk Bridge to Nowhere
Cooper's Hawk
Sandy Hook
Bald Eagle
Red-tailed Hawk Marshall's Pond
American Coot
American Oystercatcher Brigantine Island
Black-bellied Plover Bridge to Nowhere
Semipalmated Plover Avalon Seawatch
Field next to Lakewood Wawa
Marbled Godwit Brigantine Island
Ruddy Turnstone Avalon Seawatch
Red Knot
Avalon Dunes
Avalon Seawatch
Avalon Seawatch
Purple Sandpiper Avalon Seawatch
Long-billed Dowitcher Brigantine Island
Wilson's Snipe Brig
American Woodcock Sandy Hook
Greater Yellowlegs Bridge to Nowhere
Brigantine Island
Lesser Yellowlegs Brig
Parasitic Jaeger Avalon Seawatch
Bonaparte's Gull Forsythe--Barnegat
Black-headed Gull Brig
Laughing Gull
Toms River
Ring-billed Gull Riverfront Landing
Herring Gull
Riverfront Landing
Great Black-backed Gull Riverfront Landing
Forster's Tern Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Royal Tern
Avalon Seawatch
Rock Pigeon
Toms River
Mourning Dove
Assunpink WMA
Great Horned Owl Sandy Hook
Belted Kingfisher Bridge to Nowhere
Red-bellied Woodpecker Bridge to Nowhere
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Bunker Hill Bogs
Downy Woodpecker Bridge to Nowhere
Hairy Woodpecker Central Park
Northern Flicker Sandy Hook
Sandy Hook
Peregrine Falcon Brig
Eastern Phoebe Jumping Brook Preserve
Northern Shrike Sandy
Blue-headed Vireo Sandy Hook
Blue Jay
Whiting WMA
American Crow
Whiting WMA
Fish Crow
Bridge to Nowhere
Common Raven
Cranberry Bogs--Dover Rd
Tree Swallow
Cape May Point SP
Carolina Chickadee Whiting WMA
Black-capped Chickadee Sandy Hook
Tufted Titmouse Assunpink WMA
Red-breasted Nuthatch Whiting WMA
White-breasted Nuthatch Whiting WMA
Brown Creeper
Sandy Hook
Winter Wren
Etra Lake
Marsh Wren
Carolina Wren
Golden-crowned Kinglet Whiting WMA
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Brig
Eastern Bluebird Whiting WMA
Hermit Thrush
Avalon Dunes
American Robin Lakewood
Gray Catbird
Lily Lake
Northern Mockingbird Lakewood
European Starling Lakewood
Cedar Waxwing
Assunpink WMA
Lapland Longspur Barnegat
Lighthouse SP
Snow Bunting
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Common Yellowthroat Forsythe--Barnegat
Palm Warbler
Avalon Seawatch
Pine Warbler
Whiting WMA
Yellow-rumped Warbler Bridge to Nowhere
American Tree Sparrow Sandy Hook
Chipping Sparrow 35 Sunset Rd
Field Sparrow
Cranberry Bogs--Dover Rd
Fox Sparrow
Central Park
Dark-eyed Junco Whiting WMA
White-throated Sparrow Whiting WMA
Savannah Sparrow Avalon Dunes
Song Sparrow
Bridge to Nowhere
Swamp Sparrow
Cranberry Bogs--Dover Rd
Eastern Towhee Great Bay Bvld. WMA
Northern Cardinal 35 Sunset Rd
Red-winged Blackbird Assunpink WMA
Common Grackle Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Boat-tailed Grackle Bridge to Nowhere
House Finch
Great Bay Bvld. WMA
American Goldfinch Bridge to Nowhere
House Sparrow
Avalon Seawatch