Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Least Credible Sign of the Year

This sign
On this building
In this setting
On these bogs
"These bogs" are technically part of Double Trouble State Park, but they are hidden away so well off Dover Road that no one except a few hard core birders ever goes there--birders and judging from the tire tracks, illegal off-roaders. I'm certain that somewhere in a command central a park ranger has his/her eyes glued to a monitor. Watching. Surveilling, diligently.

I started going to the bogs last month after seeing them listed on eBird. I wasn't never sure how to access them until I realized, after looking at Google maps, that driveway that led to a private road forked and that the right hand of the fork led into the bogs. There's no parking lot--you just pull off to the side of what Google laughingly calls "Holmes Road," which probably, at one time was a decent road into the work area, but now is a blocked off dirt trail.

The first time I went I found a nice flock of Tundra Swans along with a Sharp-shinned Hawk. This is one of those places that you always say to yourself has habitat with "potential." Just not this season. Maybe in the winter there will be ducks. Or spring migration might be good. Maybe in summer it attracts shorebirds or waders. Since it is "under birded," maybe I'll find a rarity. But right now it is just a long hike around abandoned bogs and their derelict buildings. Although, toward the end of my walk, I did find, among a small flock of chickadees, my FOS Red-breasted Nuthatch. My spirits perked up after that.

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