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Green Heron, Eno's Pond |
Summer is the time to concentrate on shorebirds, so I headed toward salt and brackish water as much as I could this month, with multiple trips to Brig, Great Bay Blvd, and Cattus Island. The biggest surprise of the month was the out-of-season ducks I kept stumbling across--a Common Eider at Sandy Hook, a Hooded Merganser at Eno's Pond, and a Red-breasted Merganser while canoeing with Greg out to Great Sedge Island.
Great Sedge Island also provided the highlights of the month: Within a few minutes of each other, I had my FOY Brown Pelican and my FOY (and quite possibly Year Only) American Bittern.
We made a brief weekend trip up the Berkshires to visit our friends and while there came up with a few birds that we don't normally see down here in the summer, like Broad-winged Hawk, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
I'm looking forward to August. We have a trip to Bombay Hook planned and the bogs at Whitesbog are draining--more on that tomorrow, weather permitting.
For the month I had 135 species, just about what I did in June, under more propitious circumstances.
Species Location
Brant Sandy Hook
Canada Goose Whitesbog
Mute Swan Cattus
Island County Park
Wood Duck Whitesbog
American Black Duck Brigantine
Mallard Cattus Island
County Park
Common Eider
Sandy Hook
Hooded Merganser Eno’s Pond
Red-breasted Merganser Great Sedge Island
Wild Turkey Whitesbog
Double-crested Cormorant
Brown Pelican Great Sedge Island
American Bittern Great Sedge Island
Great Blue Heron Whitesbog
Great Egret Cattus
Island County Park
Snowy Egret Cattus Island County Park
Little Blue Heron
Cattus Island County Park
Tricolored Heron
Cattus Island County Park
Green Heron Whitesbog
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Glossy Ibis Cattus
Island County Park
Turkey Vulture Whitesbog
Osprey Cattus Island
County Park
Broad-winged Hawk Bog
Red-tailed Hawk Cattus
Island County Park
Clapper Rail Cattus
Island County Park
American Oystercatcher
Black-bellied Plover Brigantine
Semipalmated Plover Forsythe--Barnegat
Piping Plover Barnegat
Lighthouse SP
Killdeer Sandy Hook
Spotted Sandpiper
Whitesbog Ocean County portion
Solitary Sandpiper Whitesbog
Greater Yellowlegs Brigantine
Willet Cattus Island
County Park
Lesser Yellowlegs Brigantine
Whimbrel Sandy Hook
Ruddy Turnstone Great
Bay Bvld. WMA
Stilt Sandpiper Brigantine
Sanderling Great Sedge
Dunlin Sandy Hook
Least Sandpiper
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Sandy Hook
Western Sandpiper Brigantine
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher Brigantine
Laughing Gull Cattus
Island County Park
Ring-billed Gull Brigantine
Herring Gull Cattus
Island County Park
Great Black-backed Gull
Cattus Island County Park
Least Tern Sandy Hook
Gull-billed Tern Brigantine
Caspian Tern Brigantine
Black Tern Brigantine
Common Tern Barnegat
Lighthouse SP
Forster's Tern Cattus
Island County Park
Royal Tern Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Black Skimmer Brigantine
Mourning Dove Cattus
Island County Park
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Cattus Island County Park
Black-billed Cuckoo
Union Transportation Trail
Great Horned Owl Brigantine
Common Nighthawk 35
Sunset Rd
Eastern Whip-poor-will
35 Sunset Rd
Chimney Swift Sandy
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
35 Sunset Rd
Belted Kingfisher
Cross Place Road
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Cross Place Road
Downy Woodpecker Brigantine
Hairy Woodpecker
Cattus Island County Park
Northern Flicker Ernest
L. Oros Wildlife Preserve
American Kestrel Savoy
Peregrine Falcon Brigantine
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Cattus Island County Park
Willow Flycatcher Brigantine
Eastern Phoebe Whitesbog
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Cattus Island County Park
White-eyed Vireo Whitesbog
Red-eyed Vireo Eno’s
Blue Jay Cattus Island
County Park
American Crow Brigantine
Fish Crow Whitesbog
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Purple Martin Brigantine
Tree Swallow Whitesbog
Bank Swallow Sandy Hook
Barn Swallow Cattus
Island County Park
Carolina Chickadee
Cattus Island County Park
Black-capped Chickadee
Cross Place Road
Tufted Titmouse 35
Sunset Rd
White-breasted Nuthatch
35 Sunset Rd
House Wren Cattus
Island County Park
Marsh Wren Cattus
Island County Park
Carolina Wren Brigantine
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Whitesbog
Eastern Bluebird Whitesbog
Wood Thrush Union
Transportation Trail
American Robin Cattus
Island County Park
Gray Catbird Whitesbog
Brown Thrasher
Whitesbog Ocean County portion
Northern Mockingbird
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
European Starling
Ernest L. Oros Wildlife Preserve
Cedar Waxwing Sandy
Ovenbird Whitesbog
Black-and-white Warbler
Common Yellowthroat Whitesbog
American Redstart
Sandy Hook
Yellow Warbler Brigantine
Pine Warbler Whitesbog
Prairie Warbler Whitesbog
Eastern Towhee Whitesbog
Chipping Sparrow Whitesbog
Field Sparrow Sandy
Grasshopper Sparrow Negri-Nepote
Saltmarsh Sparrow
Cattus Island County Park
Seaside Sparrow Cattus
Island County Park
Song Sparrow Whitesbog
Scarlet Tanager
Colliers Mills WMA
Northern Cardinal Whitesbog
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Ashuwillticook Rail Trail
Blue Grosbeak Whitesbog
Indigo Bunting Brigantine
Negri-Nepote Grasslands
Red-winged Blackbird Whitesbog
Common Grackle Whitesbog
Boat-tailed Grackle Great
Bay Bvld. WMA
Brown-headed Cowbird
Whitesbog Ocean County portion
Orchard Oriole Whitesbog
Baltimore Oriole
Ashuwillticook Rail Trail
House Finch 35 Sunset
American Goldfinch Whitesbog
House Sparrow Barnegat
Lighthouse SP