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American Golden Plover |
Shari impressed me mightily today picking out these 2 American Golden Plovers, birds that can difficult to identify, but she made her case pretty persuasively, her main points focusing on the facial pattern, the white supercilium, and the darkish cap. These plovers are in the middle of their molt, but others saw them, so we're confident in the i.d. They are not an especially rare bird at Bombay Hook and this is the time of the year they start migrating along the east coast.
We found one Hudsonian Godwit in the Shearness Pool and were pretty happy with seeing that one, but later, on our 2nd trip to the Raymond Pool, someone pointed out not only another Hudsonian but a Marbled Godwit as well, standing practically next to each other, the Marbled a giant compared to the Hudsonian and the Hudsonian itself looming over the dowitchers.
The one rarity we found this weekend is a "time" rarity--a Tundra Swan in the Raymond Pool. Speculation is that this bird is (or was) injured and thus unable to migrate. It did spend the time we watched it waddling around in shallow water instead of swimming, but that could just because the water in the pools is pretty low to accommodate the shorebirds--it isn't wise to anthropomorphize.
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Is this a Marsh Wren? Photo: Shari Zirlin |
Before we went into the NWR proper, we stopped along Smyrna-Leipsic Road to scan the potato fields for plovers, larks, sandpipers. Another birder at the side of the road said he just had 2 Baird's Sandpipers, one of those birds I always say that I have to stand on top of before I'll i.d., but the farmer was actually working his field, and while one of the birds that flew away from the tractor was supposedly the Baird's, there was no way I could say for sure that I'd seen one. Another case of "Ooh, you just missed it!" We stayed and looked for about 20 minutes, but only came up with Killdeer, Tree Swallows, and a lone Horned Lark.
Besides those birds, we had 53 species at Bombay Hook today:
Canada Goose 40
Tundra Swan 1 Raymond Pool
Mallard 45
Blue-winged Teal 4
Double-crested Cormorant 15
Great Blue Heron 30
Great Egret 70
Snowy Egret 50
Little Blue Heron 4 one in Finis Pool, 3 in pool on road to Allee House
Glossy Ibis 40
Turkey Vulture 1
Osprey 2
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Clapper Rail 2 Heard
Black-bellied Plover 2
American Golden-Plover 2 Raymond Pool
Semipalmated Plover 10
American Avocet 250
Greater Yellowlegs 35
Lesser Yellowlegs 35
Hudsonian Godwit 2 One in Raymond, one Shearness
Marbled Godwit 1
Semipalmated Sandpiper 200
Pectoral Sandpiper 1
Short-billed Dowitcher 100
Long-billed Dowitcher 4
Laughing Gull 4
Herring Gull 5
Caspian Tern 5
Forster's Tern 10
Mourning Dove 15
Black-billed Cuckoo 1 Heard, pool on road to Allee House
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 4
Downy Woodpecker 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee 4
Eastern Phoebe 1 Visitor's Ctr
Great Crested Flycatcher 2
Eastern Kingbird 6
Red-eyed Vireo 1 Heard Finis Pool
Blue Jay 1 Heard, road to Finis Pool
Barn Swallow 5 Wires on Whitehall Neck Road
Tufted Titmouse 1 Heard, Finis Pool
Marsh Wren 2 One @ Raymond, one @ Shearness
Carolina Wren 3 Heard
American Robin 1 Entrance
Gray Catbird 2
Northern Mockingbird 4
European Starling 2 Entrance
Field Sparrow 1 Heard, Visitor's Ctr
Blue Grosbeak 2 One near Visitor's Ctr, one @ Raymond Pool
Bobolink 3 Raymond Pool
Red-winged Blackbird 10
American Goldfinch 15
The other great bird we missed was on Saturday. A King Eider had been reported for a week or so at the DuPont Nature Center on Delaware Bay, but by the time we got down there it hadn't been seen since Friday morning. A King Eider is a rarity anytime; in summer really rare. We did pick up some favorite birds on Saturday, including Shari's requisite American Oystercatchers at both DuPond and at Fowler Beach. The most perplexing miss of the weekend was that we saw no night-herons--black-crowned, yellow-crowned, any-crowned. No night-herons. For some reason they have been scarce this summer, especially the yellow-crowned variety.
Our complete Delaware weekend list--81 species:
Species First Sighting
Canada Goose Bombay
Hook NWR
Tundra Swan
Bombay Hook NWR
Wood Duck Bombay Hook
Gadwall Bombay Hook NWR
American Black Duck
Bombay Hook NWR
Mallard Bombay Hook NWR
Blue-winged Teal Bombay Hook NWR
Double-crested Cormorant
Bombay Hook NWR
Great Blue Heron Bombay Hook NWR
Great Egret Bombay Hook
Snowy Egret Bombay Hook
Little Blue Heron Bombay Hook NWR
Glossy Ibis Bombay Hook
Turkey Vulture Bombay
Hook NWR
Osprey Prime Hook NWR
Bald Eagle Prime Hook
Red-tailed Hawk
Bombay Hook NWR
Clapper Rail Bombay
Hook NWR
Black-bellied Plover
Bombay Hook NWR
American Golden-Plover Bombay Hook NWR
Semipalmated Plover
Bombay Hook NWR
Killdeer Whitehall
Crossroads - Leipsic
American Oystercatcher Fowler
Beach Rd
American Avocet Bombay
Hook NWR
Spotted Sandpiper DuPont
Nature Center
Solitary Sandpiper
Prime Hook NWR--Broadkill Marsh
Greater Yellowlegs Bombay Hook NWR
Lesser Yellowlegs Bombay Hook NWR
Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook NWR
Marbled Godwit Bombay
Hook NWR
Ruddy Turnstone Fowler
Beach Rd
Sanderling Fowler Beach
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Bombay Hook NWR
Pectoral Sandpiper
Bombay Hook NWR
Short-billed Dowitcher
Bombay Hook NWR
Long-billed Dowitcher Bombay
Hook NWR
Laughing Gull Bombay
Hook NWR
Ring-billed Gull Bombay
Hook NWR
Herring Gull Fowler
Beach Rd
Great Black-backed Gull
Fowler Beach Rd
Caspian Tern Bombay
Hook NWR
Common Tern DuPont
Nature Center
Forster's Tern Bombay
Hook NWR
Royal Tern Fowler Beach
Mourning Dove Bombay
Hook NWR
Black-billed Cuckoo
Bombay Hook NWR
Chimney Swift Dover
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Bombay Hook NWR
Belted Kingfisher Prime
Hook NWR
Downy Woodpecker Bombay
Hook NWR
Peregrine Falcon Bombay
Hook NWR
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Bombay Hook NWR
Eastern Phoebe Bombay
Hook NWR
Great Crested Flycatcher
Bombay Hook NWR
Eastern Kingbird Bombay
Hook NWR
Red-eyed Vireo
Bombay Hook NWR
Blue Jay Little Creek Wildlife
American Crow Prime
Hook NWR
Horned Lark Whitehall
Crossroads - Leipsic
Purple Martin
Prime Hook NWR
Tree Swallow Bombay
Hook NWR
Barn Swallow Bombay
Hook NWR
Carolina Chickadee
Prime Hook NWR
Tufted Titmouse Bombay
Hook NWR
House Wren Prime Hook
Marsh Wren Bombay Hook
Carolina Wren Bombay
Hook NWR
American Robin Bombay
Hook NWR
Gray Catbird
Bombay Hook NWR
Northern Mockingbird
Bombay Hook NWR
European Starling
Bombay Hook NWR
Eastern Towhee Bombay
Hook NWR
Field Sparrow Bombay
Hook NWR
Northern Cardinal Bombay
Hook NWR
Blue Grosbeak
Bombay Hook NWR
Indigo Bunting
Bombay Hook NWR
Bobolink Bombay Hook
Red-winged Blackbird Bombay Hook
Brown-headed Cowbird Prime Hook NWR
American Goldfinch
Bombay Hook NWR
House Sparrow Bombay
Hook NWR