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Pine Warbler, Whitesbog |
The warblers aren't back yet unless you count the many Pine Warblers making their presence known, but in truth, a lot of them overwinter, they're just hard to find when they don't sing. But Eastern Phoebes were suddenly everywhere (Shari & I had 6 yesterday on a short walk at the northernmost section of Forsythe in Brick), and Ospreys are sitting on their platforms. We heard our first Clapper Rail last week. Pectoral Sandpipers are showing up--early migrants--and it's good to get them on list instead of searching for them in August.
In March I was able to add 2 winter gulls (Glaucous and Iceland), one in-coming gull (Laughing) and one rarity (Black-headed). I also finally got American Pipit and Snow Buntings on the list, so I don't have to "worry" about them anymore--except I'd like to have them both for Ocean County.
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Swamp Sparrow in our backyard |
Well-known winter hater that I am, I have to concede one benefit of winter birding now that we'll soon be shifting into warbler/vireo mode--you don't have to get up early in the winter to get the birds. Ducks and gulls don't keep early hours. The sparrows are smart--they wait for the day to warm up before they become active. But those days are over for the next few months.
For March I had 126 species, a few more than I was getting the first two months of the year. All my birding was in NJ except for one stroll through Central Park.
Counties birded:
New Jersey: Atlantic, Burlington, Cape May, Middlesex, Ocean
New York: New York
First Sighting
Snow Goose
Brant Spizzle
Canada Goose
Manahawkin WMA
Mute Swan
Manahawkin WMA
Tundra Swan
Wood Duck
Bunker Hill Bogs
American Wigeon Forsythe-Barnegat
American Black Duck Forsythe-Barnegat
Manahawkin WMA
Blue-winged Teal
Davies Sports Complex
Northern Shoveler Forsythe-Barnegat
Northern Pintail Brig
Green-winged Teal Forsythe-Barnegat
Ring-necked Duck Brig
Greater Scaup
Graveling Point
Lesser Scaup
Davies Sports Complex
Common Eider
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Harlequin Duck Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Black Scoter
Island Beach
Long-tailed Duck Island Beach
Barnegat Municipal Dock
Common Goldeneye Colliers Mills WMA
Hooded Merganser Manahawkin WMA
Common Merganser Brig
Red-breasted Merganser Barnegat Municipal Dock
Ruddy Duck
Wild Turkey
Crestwood Village
Red-throated Loon Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Common Loon
Island Beach
Pied-billed Grebe Colliers Mills WMA
Horned Grebe
Graveling Point
Northern Gannet Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Great Cormorant Island Beach
Double-crested Cormorant Brig
Great Blue Heron Manahawkin WMA
Great Egret
Snowy Egret Holly
Black Vulture
Colliers Mills WMA
Turkey Vulture 35 Sunset Rd
Osprey Brig
Northern Harrier Brig
Sharp-shinned Hawk Spizzle Creek
Cooper's Hawk
Mud City
Bald Eagle
GSP MM 49.8
Red-shouldered Hawk Whitesbog
Red-tailed Hawk Manahawkin WMA
Clapper Rail Brig
American Coot
American Oystercatcher Spizzle Creek
Black-bellied Plover Great Bay Blvd
Barnegat Municipal Dock
Purple Sandpiper Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Pectoral Sandpiper
Patriots County Park
Wilson's Snipe
Meadowedge Park
American Woodcock Crestwood Village
Yellowlegs Eno’s Pond
Yellowlegs Shelter Cove Park
Bonaparte's Gull Cape May - Lewes Ferry Terminal
Black-headed Gull Brig
Laughing Gull Brig
Ring-billed Gull Barnegat Municipal Dock
Herring Gull
Manahawkin WMA
Iceland Gull
Raritan Bay Waterfront Park
Glaucous Gull
Manasquan Inlet
Great Black-backed Gull Barnegat Municipal Dock
Rock Pigeon
Bayview Marina
Mourning Dove
35 Sunset Rd
Belted Kingfisher Manahawkin WMA
Red-headed Woodpecker Colliers Mills WMA
Red-bellied Woodpecker Manahawkin WMA
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Cattus Island County Park
Downy Woodpecker Manahawkin WMA
Hairy Woodpecker Forest Resource Education Center
Northern Flicker Whitesbog
American Kestrel New Egypt
Colliers Mills WMA
Peregrine Falcon Brig
Eastern Phoebe
Manahawkin WMA
Blue Jay
Manahawkin WMA
American Crow
Cloverdale Farm
Fish Crow
35 Sunset Rd
Common Raven
New Egypt
Tree Swallow
Wetlands Institute
Carolina Chickadee Manahawkin WMA
Black-capped Chickadee
Central Park
Tufted Titmouse 35 Sunset Rd
Red-breasted Nuthatch Cloverdale Farm
White-breasted Nuthatch Manahawkin WMA
Brown Creeper
Forest Resource Education Center
Winter Wren
Forest Resource Education Center
Carolina Wren
Manahawkin WMA
Golden-crowned Kinglet Forest Resource Education Center
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Spizzle Creek
Eastern Bluebird Cloverdale Farm
Hermit Thrush
White's Bogs
American Robin Manahawkin WMA
Northern Mockingbird Barnegat Lighthouse SP
European Starling Barnegat Municipal Dock
American Pipit
Raritan Bay Waterfront Park
Cedar Waxwing
Barnegat Lighthouse SP
Snow Bunting Brig
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler Spizzle Creek
American Tree Sparrow Jumping Brook Preserve
Chipping Sparrow
Forest Resource Education Center
Field Sparrow
Colliers Mills WMA
Fox Sparrow
35 Sunset Rd
Dark-eyed Junco Cloverdale Farm
White-crowned Sparrow New Egypt
White-throated Sparrow 35 Sunset Rd
Savannah Sparrow Brig
Song Sparrow
35 Sunset Rd
Swamp Sparrow
35 Sunset Rd
Eastern Towhee Brig
Northern Cardinal Cloverdale Farm
Red-winged Blackbird Manahawkin WMA
Common Grackle Barnegat Municipal Dock
Boat-tailed Grackle Meadowedge Park
Brown-headed Cowbird 35 Sunset Rd
House Finch
35 Sunset Rd
American Goldfinch 35 Sunset Rd
House Sparrow
Song Sparrow, Cattus Island CP |