Tree Swallows huddling together against the cold, Prospertown Lake |
After the first week of March, Pine Warbler finally fell out of the "rare" category on eBird, so I didn't feel compelled to list it every time I saw them scarfing up the peanut butter smeared on the pine cone outside my window. But then two Tundra Swans turned up on the pond on Schoolhouse Road and those are rare for the time and location, so I've been documenting them every day and then the Redhead that arrived the same day the swans did became "rare" a few days ago. I'm curious to see how long both species will stay on our little unprepossessing pond.
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Redhead with Ring-necked Ducks |
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Tundra Swan action shot |
Counties birded:
New Jersey: Atlantic, Burlington, Cape May, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Union
New York: Kings
Species Location
Snow Goose Mercer Sod
Farm IBA
ROSS'S GOOSE Cape May--Sea Grove Ave.
Brant Great Bay Blvd
Canada Goose Mercer
Sod Farm IBA
Mute Swan Bridge to
Trumpeter Swan Assunpink WMA
Tundra Swan Whitesbog
Wood Duck New Egypt
Gadwall Lighthouse
Eurasian Wigeon Lighthouse
American Wigeon CMPSP
Hawkwatch Platform
American Black Duck
Rahway River Park
Mallard Crestwood
Blue-winged Teal Brigantine
Northern Shoveler Forsythe--Barnegat
Northern Pintail Whitesbog
Green-winged Teal Forsythe--Barnegat
Canvasback Brigantine
Redhead Assunpink WMA
Ring-necked Duck Whitesbog
Greater Scaup Barnegat
Municipal Dock
Lesser Scaup CMPSP
Hawkwatch Platform
Surf Scoter Manasquan
White-winged Scoter Sunset
Beach/Concrete Ship
Black Scoter Sunset
Beach/Concrete Ship
Long-tailed Duck
Manasquan Inlet
Bufflehead Cattus Island County Park
Hooded Merganser
Crestwood Village
Common Merganser
Rahway River Park
Red-breasted Merganser
Cattus Island County Park
Ruddy Duck Brigantine
Wild Turkey 35 Sunset
Red-throated Loon Barnegat
Municipal Dock
Common Loon Barnegat
Municipal Dock
Pied-billed Grebe GSP
MM .5
Horned Grebe Barnegat
Municipal Dock
Red-necked Grebe
Manahawkin Lake
Northern Gannet Manasquan Inlet
Double-crested Cormorant
Cape May--Lily Lake
Great Blue Heron
Crestwood Village
Great Egret Brigantine
Black Vulture Mercer
Sod Farm IBA
Turkey Vulture Cattus
Island County Park
Osprey Brigantine
Northern Harrier
Mercer Sod Farm IBA
Cooper's Hawk Cape May
Bald Eagle Great Bay
Red-shouldered Hawk Bridge
to Nowhere
Red-tailed Hawk Mercer
Sod Farm IBA
American Coot Brigantine
American Oystercatcher
Great Bay Blvd
Black-bellied Plover
Villas--Miami Ave. beach
Killdeer Mercer Sod
Farm IBA
Greater Yellowlegs Brigantine
Willet Villas--Miami Ave.
Villas--Miami Ave. beach
Dunlin Villas--Miami
Ave. beach
Purple Sandpiper
Manasquan Inlet
American Woodcock Whitesbog
Bonaparte's Gull Sunset
Beach/Concrete Ship
Ring-billed Gull
Crestwood Village
Herring Gull Cattus
Island County Park
Great Black-backed Gull
Manahawkin Lake
Rock Pigeon New Egypt
Mourning Dove Cattus
Island County Park
Snowy Owl Bridge to
Belted Kingfisher Parker
Run Dock St.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Mercer Sod Farm IBA
Downy Woodpecker
Cattus Island County Park
Hairy Woodpecker Assunpink WMA
Northern Flicker Whitesbog
Peregrine Falcon Brigantine
Monk Parakeet Carteret--Washington
Eastern Phoebe Great Bay Blvd
Blue Jay Cattus Island
County Park
American Crow Cattus
Island County Park
Fish Crow Pandora
Diner parking lot
Common Raven Whitesbog
Tree Swallow Whitesbog
Carolina Chickadee 35
Sunset Rd
Black-capped Chickadee Cape May Pt College
Tufted Titmouse Cattus
Island County Park
White-breasted Nuthatch
Cattus Island County Park
Brown Creeper
Crestwood Village
Carolina Wren
Crestwood Village
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
35 Sunset Rd
Eastern Bluebird Mercer
Sod Farm IBA
Hermit Thrush Cape May
American Robin Cattus
Island County Park
Gray Catbird Cape May
Northern Mockingbird
Mercer Sod Farm IBA
European Starling New
Egypt fields
Pine Warbler 35 Sunset
Yellow-rumped Warbler
35 Sunset Rd
American Tree Sparrow
Colliers Mills WMA
Chipping Sparrow Crestwood Village
Fox Sparrow 35 Sunset
Song Sparrow 35 Sunset
Swamp Sparrow Cattus
Island County Park
White-throated Sparrow
35 Sunset Rd
White-crowned Sparrow
Assunpink WMA
Dark-eyed Junco 35
Sunset Rd
Northern Cardinal
Cattus Island County Park
Red-winged Blackbird
Cattus Island County Park
Rusty Blackbird Prospect Park
Common Grackle Mercer
Sod Farm IBA
Boat-tailed Grackle Great
Bay Blvd
Brown-headed Cowbird Whitesbog
House Finch 35 Sunset
American Goldfinch 35
Sunset Rd
House Sparrow
Crestwood Village
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Cape May Pt College